
作者&投稿:郦章 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

您好,本人英语专业研究生~~希望可以帮到您。。。。nine five two eight five one one three one(你懂得)

Fire is the city of greatest risk to persons and property, the consequences of one of the most serious disasters, only in respect of a City T City from 1997 to 2007 years of statistical data analysis, the average annual number of fire as high as 420 times the average annual economic losses caused millions of dollars. Great harm has been caused by the fire departments and research institutes extensive attention. City fire fire, the development of very complex factors, including environmental factors; such as overcrowded housing, housing structure, too many flammable materials, the aging transmission lines, overload, circuit, device short-circuit, illegal construction, and field wind speed, air humidity, etc. weather conditions and so on. By natural factors on the impact of urban fire departments related to cognitive gradually began to meteorological factors on the city to study the impact of the fire. In this paper, T city in 1997 and 2007 meteorological data analysis, including monthly average temperature, monthly mean relative humidity, monthly mean wind speed, rainfall, on fire frequency.


with the rapid development of internet , the society has entered into a net work age. Website has become main carrier for net resource sharing on internet, and has unprecedent impact on our study, the most impact is study on line which is innovated by the net work technology development, it is also called e-learning.


Flash study website is the typical system on line, forum is absolutely necessary part to comprise, the development covers application program at front and database establishment and maintenance in the back side.As for the former one, it should be featured as full functional and easy to use, etc, for the later one, the database should be constructed with its intergrity and security.


  With the rapid development of Internet society has entered the Internet Age. Internet web site has become the main vehicle for the sharing of resources, and our learning model has also been an unprecedented impact on the most impact is the development of network technology with the emerging network-based learning, also known as online learning.

  Flash learning site is a typical e-learning site systems, and thematic forums system is an essential component of its development including front-end application development, as well as the background of the establishment and maintenance of the database two ways. Application requirements for the former full-featured and easy to use and so on. As for the integrity of the latter will have to establish a strong, secure database.

Along with the rapid development of the Internet, the network era has entered into the society. Website has become the major Internet resources sharing, and our learning vector model was also an impact, the most striking is with the technical development of the network and the network learning, also called online learning. Flash web site is typical of online learning system and special BBS system is an indispensable part of the front, which mainly includes the development and application of backstage supporter's database in establishing and maintaining two aspects. For the former request application function complete, easy to use, etc. For the latter to establish integrality, high security of database. Above is my Chinese. The best preface can also give me some examples. Please help! I am a novice, integral whole!

With the rapid development of Internet society has entered the Internet Age. Internet web site has become the main vehicle for the sharing of resources, and our learning model has also been an unprecedented impact on the most impact is the development of network technology with the emerging network-based learning, also known as online learning.
Flash learning site is a typical e-learning site systems, and thematic forums system is an essential component of its development including front-end application development, as well as the background of the establishment and maintenance of the database two ways. Application requirements for the former full-featured and easy to use and so on. As for the integrity of the latter will have to establish a strong, secure database.
Above is my summary of the Chinese. Preface also give me the best example of such a bit. Please help! I am a novice, all the points sent!

答:随着Internet的迅速发展,社会已经进入网络时代。网站已经成为Internet网上资源共享的主要载体,而我们的学习模式也受到了前所未有的冲击,最具有冲击力的便是随着网络技术发展而出现的网络化学习,又称在线学习。with the rapid development of internet , the society has entered into a net work age. We...


答:摘要最重要的就是把文章的主旨写清楚。根据中国国家标准规定:摘要是报告、论文的内容不加注释和评论的简短陈述。其中最重要的就是不加注释,而且还要简短。这个难度就有些大了,摘要的位置一般位于提名和作者之后,论文正文之前。下面我将根据自己的一些了解说说对摘要的看法。基本要素 摘要需要以提供论文内...

答:以下我的翻译,仅供参考。Management Strategy of the Domestic Chain Supermarket abstract:recent years, the chain supermarket industry vigorous development, the supermarket has become our country retail trade widely to use new industry condition. The future 10 years, China will become the inter...

答:摘要一般包括以下几部分:1、研究背景和意义;2、全文的总体思路概括;3、主要研究成果(分条叙述,是重点,清晰告诉别人你都研究出什么来了);4、创新之处(也很重要,言简意赅,你与别人研究的不同之处,证明你不是抄袭);5、关键词 引言:一般在正文第一部分,1、研究背景和意义;2、国内外...

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答:三、毕业设计说明书(论文)撰写的内容与要求 一份完整的毕业设计(论文)应包括以下几个方面: 1.标题 标题应该简短、明确、有概括性。标题字数要适当,不宜超过20个字,如果有些细节必须放进标题,可以分成主标题和副标题。 2.论文摘要或设计总说明 论文摘要以浓缩的形式概括研究课题的内容,中文摘要在300字左右,外文摘...

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亲! 你的英语很厉害吗?请帮我翻译一下毕业设计的摘要。我给出中文和goo...
答:中文:With the rapid development of network technology, J2EE technology has been widely used, the adaptation of the network development demand, can be very good to help enterprises to establish rapid website. Based on the current popular online game company website as an example the ...

答:问题一:毕业论文总结怎么写 毕业论文总结 2007年3月,我开始了我的毕业论文工作,时至今日,论文基本完成。从最初的茫然,到慢慢的进入状态,再到对思路逐渐的清晰,整个写作过程难以用语言来表达。历经了几个月的奋战,紧张而又充实的毕业设计终于落下了帷幕。回想这段日子的经历和感受,我感慨万千,在这次毕业设计的过程...