小学六年级英语作文题目《My mother》不要太难,要求简单,最好要联系到母亲节!

作者&投稿:策清 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
只想把祝福送给母亲,各位同学怎么过Mother's Day?~



I have a beautiful mother.I like she very much.Mother is that I have made many , I want to give her small gift in Mother's Day in that day. Thereupon, I have bought a bunch of carnation. Although price is not high,it has represented my intention to the mother. I want to say one sound: "Mother , I love you "! My mother
I have a very good mother.She is ** years old.She is a housewife.She is hard-working.Everyday she cooks meals for us.She does all the housework by herself.Yesterday was Mother's Day ,I gave her a present.She was very happy.I love my mother.

My mother
I have a very good mother.She is ** years old.She is a housewife.She is hard-working.Everyday she cooks meals for us.She does all the housework by herself.Yesterday was Mother's Day ,I gave her a present.She was very happy.I love my mother.

I have a beautiful mother.I like she very much.Mother is that I have made many , I want to give her small gift in Mother's Day in that day. Thereupon, I have bought a bunch of carnation. Although price is not high,it has represented my intention to the mother. I want to say one sound: "Mother , I love you "!

My mother is a good person, she loves to help neighbors. Mother's Day in the day, I bought a bouquet of flowers sent to his mother and said: "Mother, I love you!" Very touched by the mother.


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