
作者&投稿:充邢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

















参考地址: http://www.zuowenku.net/384476.shtml
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MY Favpurite Sport

Sport is very important to us .It can help us keep healthy .I like sports and I do sports in my free time .My favourite sport is playing basketball .I often play basketball with my friends after school .I don't play well , But I fell relaxed and Interesting I also like watching basketball games on TV , I am very excited at exciting games .

Sports not only make stronger but also make me study easier and better now , I love sports vert

Bait fishing is one of the easiest ways to catch fish. The approaches to catching fish are many--fly fishing, spinner fishing, jig fishing, trolling, and snagging to name a few—bait fishing is a good method for the beginning fisherman or fisherwoman. Bait fishing offers both simplicity and effectiveness for anglers. It is simple in that one only has to bait up a hook and throw the line in the water, and it is effective because the presence of live bait is a temptation that hardly any fish can resist!
  It is said that if you give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day. If you teach him how to fish, however, he’ll eat for a lifetime. This article can help keep your belly full of fish for years to come!
  Choose a location. Make sure to fish in water that actually has fish in it. If there aren’t any fish, you aren’t going to catch anything. Many newspapers have local fishing reports that will list locations and tell you what fish, if any, are biting and what they’re biting on. You can also ask around at angling shops, marinas and camping supply stores in the area. You can also check by throwing in food scraps and waiting a few minutes.

英语小作文 我最喜欢的运动是钓鱼
答:My Favourite Sports Everyone has his favourite sports,so do I.My favourite sports is fishing.It is very interesting.When I am free,I go fishing.Sometimes I go with my father,sometimes alone.Sometimes I get many fish,sometimes I get nothing.I can not only develop my patience but...


英语作文: 昨天,唐骏和父亲去钓鱼(go fishing)。请你发挥想象,给你的朋...

答:One day, the weather is sunny, cat Mimi and mother go fishing by the river, Mimi is very happy, he decided to and mother game who catch the fish. Came to a small river, see the river are covered with green grass, the river fish swimming happily, Mimi happy, he can't ...


英语作文,帮我翻译一下, 这个周末我和爸爸去钓鱼,我们到了河边以后...
答:This weekend,my father and I went fishing. When we came to the riverside, we found there were much dead fish and garbage. The river was polluted. It made me fell sad. So I hope more people will care for our environment and protect it....

答:Mother Cat and Baby Cat (go) fishing. Suddenly a bird (comes).She (feels) very happy.The Baby Cat is going to catch the bird. But she can't catch the bird. (So) she feel very sad. She (feels) happy again because there is another butterfly (comeing).And she is ...

一篇英语作文 要点:星期天,TOM早上6点来到东湖钓鱼,他钓了一整天,钓...
答:星期天~TOM 早上六点去东湖钓鱼。他从早上钓到下午。钓了一整天、可是。只钓到一条鱼、晚上回到家里,他妈妈把他钓的那条鱼。煮了。吃了一道非常美味的清蒸鱼。吃过饭后、在9点钟的时候。他们全家在一起看足球赛。非常开心。Tom度过了一个愉快的星期天 自己写的。你先看看。如果不行。就算啦.....

答:Mother Cat and Baby Cat are go fishing. Suddenly a bird coming.The Baby Cat is going to catch the bird. But she can't catch the bird. So she feel very sad. She feel happy again,because there is a butterfly coming.And she is going to catch the butterfly.She can't ...

答:首先自拟题目,然后英文作文的三段论。提供参考语句如下:我的爱好是钓鱼:my hobby is fishing 可是钓不到:but can not fish anyone 朋友劝我放弃:my friends persuade me to give up