
作者&投稿:从芸 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


1. Based on the Franklin's experiment of playing kite in the thunder storm was proving that lightning produced by electrons from the clouds to the ground was similar with the electricity.

2. Our body can accept the small volume electric shock, but over it we will died.

3. A great deal of this scientist's life style.
4. How do you prove that you did no do it?
5. One of the initial creation wheel is most important in our life on today.
6. Darling is very angry. She tear the letter than throw into the dustbin.
7. Based on the England's law, every medicine must going to test on at least two animals.

It was very nice to have met you in Ning Middle School, where we became friends. I so miss those days when the new term began,happy and free from care.You were around me every day! What a pity, time past cannot be called back, which has become the most beautiful memories! Now,I still love you so much so deep as usual! Because I'm really very happy being together with you! Still, I respect your own choice as well,to give you up and be the most familiar stranger! Because I love you, I can only disguise myself. I am sorry. All is my fault. I should not fall in love with you. Now I only hope in your future life you will be happy. Wish you all the happiness in your life! Do not forget, that I have been to your world, and had tears for you! I did have loved! Hundreds of thousands of words to you, has become a heart loving you, protecting you forever!


dear XX:
It was glad to meet you and to be friends in Ning zhong city.I miss the beginning of the school so much,when you would always be with me all the time,carelessly.But time flies.Everything turned to be our beautiful memory.I love you so much before and forever.Because I felt so happy when with you!But I still respect your choice.I am so sad to leave you as a similiar stranger.I mask myself because of my love.I am sorry ,It is my fault to love you.I wish you a sweet life forever and be happy forever!Best wishes!Don't forget my arrival in your life and my tears for you!That's my true love!My endless words turn to be my warm heart to you which will protect and love you forever!最后希望爱情美满!伤心人不再伤心!

I am very glad to meet you and became a friend of yours at ningzhong.i always thought about the the first term of the school.Carefree,with you by my side everyday and everytime.But time couldn't travel back.All the things had became good memories to me and you too,i think?Till today,i still chose to love you very deeply because with you,i really felt been happy.But i respect your choice,to let you go,give up on you and to let you became a stranger which i knows very well.Because of love,i needed to pretend myself and don't let anyone realise it.I am sorry it was all my fault,i knew that i shouldn't love you.i only hoped that you can be happy in the future and wish you that you can fing your love soon.Please don't forget that i had came to your world before and cried for you.I really really did love you so much that even myself don't realised it.All the sweet talks which i said to you is really my heart for you and i will look for you forever.


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