
作者&投稿:机哗 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

(1) since句型:主句用完成时

例:My aunt has worked in a clinic since 1949.

(2) since when +完成时

例:Since when have you planted so many young trees?


(3) This/it is the first (third...) time sb have/has done sth

This/it was the first (third...) time sb had done sth

例:This is the first time I have been here.这是我第一次到这儿。

(4) by…(到……为止)到过去某个时候为止用过去完成时,到现在为止


例:She will have finished the book by my next birthday.


(5) in the past time( two days/years...) +完成时

例:In the past 10 years, there have been great changes in our family life.


(6) hardly ... when.... (no sooner ... than)句型用过去完成时

例:Hardly had I reached the school when the bell rang. 我一到学校,铃子就响了。

No sooner had we sat down at the table than the phone rang.


(7) 未实现的愿望打算等等用过去完成时

例:I had thought I could pass the final examination but I failed.

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