prefer doing... to doing...这个结构的例句及中文翻译!

作者&投稿:劳芬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
prefer doing to doing的用法~

I prefer watching Tv to running. 这里的watching和ruuning都是动名词,相当于名词,做prefer的宾语。
I prefer to watch TV to run. 这里的都是不定时作宾语。
他俩的区别就相当于 like doing 和 like to do,意思都是一样的。
prefer to do= prefer doing。没有prefer to doing

look forward to doing wth (盼望做……事情)。I'm looking forward to seeing you soon.(我盼望着快些看到你) go to doing sth,去做……事情,通常省略to。We're going (to) camping soon(我们要去野炊) 1.动词+介词to+动名词 (1) admit to doing sth. 承认做了某事He admitted to breaking the window.(2) apply to doing sth. 适用于做某事The technology is applied to creating more products.(3) object to doing sth. 反对做某事He is object to doing that.(4) see to doing sth. 负责做某事I'm seeing to taking care of the olds here.(5) stick to doing sth. 坚持做某事Don't give up! Stick to hard working and you'll soon succeed.(6) take to doing sth. 喜欢上做某事,逐渐习惯做某事He takes to going to school on foot.2.动词+宾语+介词to+动名词(1) apply oneself to doing sth. 专心致力于做某事(2) devote sth. to doing sth. 把……献给做某事(3) devote oneself to doing sth. 献身于做某事(4) limit sth. to doing sth. 把……限制在做某事的范围内(5) reduce sb. to doing sth. 使某人沦为做某事3.动词+名词+介词to+动名词(1) give one’s life to doing sth. 献身于做某事(2) give one’s mind to doing sth. 专心做某事(3) have a dislike to doing sth. 厌恶做某事(4) have an eye to doing sth. 注意做某事(5) have an objection to doing sth. 反对(反感)做某事(6) pay attention to doing sth. 注意做某事(7) set one’s mind to doing sth. 决心做某事形容词+介词to+动名词(1) be equal to doing sth. 等于做某事,能胜任做某事(2) be used to doing sth. 习惯于做某事(3) be opposed to doing sth. 反对做某事(4) be reduced to doing sth. 使某人沦为做某事(5) be devoted to doing sth. 把时间(钱,精力等)献给做某事(6) be limited to doing sth. 把……限制在做某事的范围内5.其他结构+介词to+动名词(1) get down to doing sth. 开始做某事,认真处理某事(2) look forward to doing sth. 盼望做某事(3) What do you say to doing sth? 你认为做某事如何?

例句如下:I prefer listening to music to watching TV.我喜欢听音乐胜过看电视。

I prefer watching football to playing it.我喜欢看篮球,不喜欢打篮球。

prefer A to B. 比起A更喜欢Bprefer to do sth.更喜欢做某事(表示一般的习惯与倾向)prefer doing sth.更喜欢做某事(表示某次具体的行为)prefer to do sth rather than do sth.=would rather do sth than do sth.=prefer doing sth to doing sth.宁愿做某事而不愿做某事。

prefer doing sth. to doing sth. = 中文的意思是“更宁愿/优先选择去做某事” 比如: I prefer walking to my office to taking a taxi, (如果让我选择,是走着还是打的去办公室,我更喜欢走着去办公室); I prefer reading books to playing games between classes. (课余期间,跟玩游戏相比,我更喜欢读些书)。

prefer doing ... to doing 也可表达为: prefer sth. over sth. 比如: I prefer apple over orange.


这是prefer +动名词(A)+ to +动名词(B )的结构。
翻译: 与B相比,更喜欢A
I prefer staying at home to going outside。

宁愿做而不做什么事。I prefer playing chess to watching TV.我宁愿下棋而不是看电视。

prefer doing A to doing B