
作者&投稿:令兰 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

It is you who taught me everything important, love included / including love.

注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一。


1.他在附近的农场工作。 He is working in the nearby farm.
2.农民们都很忙。 The farmers are busy.
3.今天天气很好。 it is fine today.
4.风势很大。 the wind is strong.
5.这鞋在别的商店便宜得很。This kind of shoes is cheaper in other shop.
6.我病了,所以不能去上学。I am ill, so I can't go to school.
7.天渐渐黑了。 It is getting darker and darker.
8.我想要收到我妈妈的信。I am expecting to haer from my mother.
9.明天将有狂风。 There will be a strong wind tomorrow.
10.我的鞋子很结实。 My shoes last long.

1.他在附近的农场工作。 He works in a farm nearby
2.农民们都很忙。 The farms are all very busy !
3.今天天气很好。 It is a nice day!/It is a fine day today
4.风势很大。The wind blowing strongly !
5.这鞋在别的商店便宜得很。 This kind shoe is much cheaper in other shops .
6.我病了,所以不能去上学,Because I am ill ,I can not go to school.
7.天渐渐黑了。 It is beingdark and dark.
8.我想要收到我妈妈的信。I hope to hear from my mother
9.明天将有狂风。 There will a gustiness tomorrow!
10.我的鞋子很结实。 My shoes are are everylasting

1. he in nearby farm work.
2. farmers very are all busy.
3. today weather are very good.
4. circumstances are very big.
5. this shoes are cheap very in other store.
6. I have gotten sick, therefore cannot go to go to school.
7. days were gradually black.
8. I want to receive my mother's letter.
9. will have tomorrow the strong winds.
10. my shoes are very solid

you are lazy bone. this is not good to you.

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答:我男朋友有个星期从工作中抽了点时间,搬进了一所新房子。take time off from work 是短语,from work 这部分不能省。基本形式是:take A off from B,相当于take A out of B, 从B中抽出A. 只是是时间的时候,需要加off。take time off 本身也是短语,但是单独使用时是放在句尾的:do you ...

高手 来翻译几个英语句子,比较难的哦!来挑战一下 吧!
答:1. Each day is a holiday, and ordinary holidays when they come are grudged as enforced interruptions in an absorbing vocation.:每个工作日象假日一样,而平时节日的来临被抱怨为是对他们正全神贯注的工作的强行中断。2,The long hours in the office or the factory bring with them as ...

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答:1.你什么时候结的婚?When were you married?2.你会一直在那里工作吗?Are you going to continue to work at this place?3.你爱他吗?你爱他的什么?(他哪里吸引你?你为什么爱他?)Do you love him? What do you love in him? (What in him attracts you? Why do you love him?)4....

答:1、他是个优柔寡断且反复无常的人。indecisive:decisive的否定式,表示不决断的。。2、只有肤浅的人才会以貌取人。it is:固定结构,强调格式。it is xxxx that/who 3、好的戏剧教育和鼓舞人民 the people:人民 4、他以人格强化对他们的绝对权力(这句不太会翻译)personify:person的衍生形式,...

答:1.假如你想成为一名好医生,你必须有极强的责任感。If you want to be a good doctor,you must have a strong sense of responsibilty.2.如果你想学好外语,你就必须培养语言感。If you want to learn foreign languages well, you must foster a strong language sense.--- 1.开始我是一名教师...

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