
作者&投稿:仉天 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  Dear White Yi students:
  Hello there!
  Time fast, blink of an eye you have to transfer more than six months, I really miss you. Miss you and cattle Scarborough lip tremble together, management class, and I was in the southeast corner of the square sellers of the day. Now you do not know well? In the new school happy? Study pressure big?
  After you left, our class has changed a lot, no gas teacher Peng Wang Yu, Xia Chao listen less wrong word, the students seem to have grown up a lot. I became a class through the efforts of cadres, the first few days of the "new era pregnant" recite the race I had a prize, I am particularly pleased that you are happy for me? Final exam here soon we tried, with mixed feelings I review every day, I have some expectations, some concern, and some fun. Exam test did not know you, really hope you can test a good score.
  School time is coming, and I wrote this, I hope you can give me a reply.
   Letter to friends

I' m glad to tell you the school that you studied in before has changed into a beautiful one. Do you wonder how I learn? I am just at the school now.
Do you remember the old classrooms? Now they are gone and two new buildings stand there. One is the classroom building, the other is the lab building. There are not only physics, chemistry and biology labs but also a language lab and a computer room.
There was a pile of coal beside the playground before, but now a beautiful garden takes the place of it. And the playground has been enlarged to the bank of the river. There are a football field and three basketball courts.


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