
作者&投稿:微彼 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~   写 八年级 英语 作文 ,首先要做到内容具体,语句通畅。下面我给大家分享一些八年级下册 英语作文 范文 ,大家快来跟我一起欣赏吧。

  One day of mine_我的一天

  Today I was very happily today! In the morning,it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family,the air on the mountain was very fresh,the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seemed extremely beautiful.

  Today I was very happily today! In the morning,it was very fine! Then I climbed the mountain with family,the air on the mountain was very fresh,the flowers plants and trees on the mountain all seemed extremely beautiful. In the afternoon,I went to friend‘s home to play,the friend entertained me warmly,showed me a lot of books of his ,listened to his CD for me ,then also asked me to eat a sumptuous dinner. Coming back home in the evening,family and I sat and watched TV together,we were returning and eating the fruit while chatting,the whole family was happy and harmonious!
  My father_我的爸爸

  My father don't like the other fathers,he is like a kid.For instance,he always likes to play computer games,but there is only one computer on my home,so we often agure with each other for this.

  My faher's job is very hard and tired.Although he gets home is very late,he always remembers to buy me some cookies to eat.

  I love my father deeply in my heart forever!
  A vacation_一个假期

  On summer vacation, I often go to my grandparents'home which is a beautiful town in the contriside.I often go fishing with my friends in the clear river.Although the fish is very small,we are also happy that catch a small fish.What's more,I often go to the hill to find wild vegatables with my grandma,it is very amazing to eat the vegatables which picked by myself.In the hill,there's a nice breeze between trees,I can get close to natual,it is excited.I love here very much!
  My mom_我的妈妈

  My mom is like every usual mothers,who has to work hard to earn money for live.She always gets up much earlier than me and cooks for me.Although her work is hard and tired,she always cooks delicious dinner before I get home from school.In the evening,she likes communicate with me,we often talk about someting amuzing around me,which make me happy and make us like friends.I love my mom depply in my heart!

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