
作者&投稿:栾董 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 【 #小学英语# 导语】小学生写英语作文,可以先从简单的小动物或者简单的人物着手,在平时的练习中,一定要注意多多积累词汇,这样才能写出优秀的作文。以下是 考 网整理的《小学六年级描写妈妈的英语作文》,希望帮助到您。


  I have a clever and gentle and thoughtful mom. She has a black short hair, buds like eyebrows embedded in a pair of water Lingling big eyes, straight nose, a talking cherry mouth, sweet smile showing two rows of clean and tidy teeth. Mom also has a pair of smart hands, is this pair of smart hands every day for me Xian clothes, stack quilt, cooking always concerned about me, care about this home. I love my good mom!
  Mom like the infinite "weather", always because of my performance and change their own. When my test scores are excellent, my mother's face will be like a sunny smile: when I do homemade, my mother will be furious, start a storm; when I waste time to do some boring Things, my mother will be like a drizzle like nagging, said endless but I know my mother is good for me, my mother is love me.
  I remember once, my mother and I are playing badminton. At this time, I do not know what step on the foot, at the foot of a slip, fell a big somersault. I immediately got up from the ground, but found my beloved Mickey Mouse pants broken a big hole. I was so sad that I could not let this pants be thrown away.
  Mother, how a loud name ah How many day and night my mother has been with me, guarding me; how many day and night my mother for my tomorrow and worried; how many day and night mother with that loving eyes care for me, care about me look at your head and a few more silver, I would like to say: "Mom, you hard, I love you!


  My mother forty years ago, the years of the wind and frost in her face carved a deep road wrinkles. Mother is a national cadre. Brother and sister six, grandfather is not wealthy, she did not go to high school, seventeen years old in the county a factory in the workers. Mother work very well, many times was rated as a model worker.
  While working, while learning, she also passed the adult self-examination. Later, my mother was honored to be recruited as an official cadre. Mother from small body weakness, has been sick, life is very hard. At that time, my father in the township when the leadership, work very busy, poor traffic conditions, away from home and far. My mother to take care of her sister to primary school, but also to help grandparents and grandfather care for some housework, their work and can not escape the body.
  Mom said to me: "work and life, although a little tired, but the days of the very full." In recent years, my mother finally got rid of the disease plagued, but she lived is not easy. Dad's work transferred to the outside county, my sister and I went to school in Taiyuan, the old age of the elderly are big. She returned home to visit the elderly, running Taiyuan to take care of me and my sister, usually in the stone but also cooking father's life.
  I had to leave for the whole family. When I saw my mother running around, hey! My mother is so hard ah! Last year, winter vacation, my mother did not come to me, I really do not know what happened? Later, my father told me, my mother made a Small surgery. My father and I hurried back to the stone, all the way my heart is about to jump out.
  When I took the certificate to the mother's bed before the eyes full of tears suddenly burst out, I do not know what to say with my mother! Mom looked at me, tears, put me tightly in my arms , With her hard-working hands stroking me. My mother is kind and kind. I love my mom!


  My mother is thirty-four years old and does not look old. Melon seeds face a pair of watery eyes, tall tall, the body is not fat nor thin.
  Mom loves me more attention to my study. Some time ago Galen English teacher told us there is a national English game, hope we can actively participate in, show yourself. I signed up for an English song contest. Big after that, my mother began to go online to find songs, lock the song after her mother to learn to sing their own, every day humming ah, after the concert began to teach me.
  Mother's song for me is the English version of the Girl with Wings Wings. At that time and in the final review stage, immediately to test, my mother did not delay my review of the case every day out of an hour to help me practice singing, correct my pronunciation. I have successfully passed the preliminary round of the stadium, Jinzhou City, the semi-finals, entered the finals of the Liao Dynasty Division, if the Liao in the Division can take on the National Finals, and that I hope for a long time.
  Mother is very honorable parents. Once, my grandmother was sick, slightly cerebral thrombosis was admitted to the hospital. This can be anxious mother, and she every day in the hospital care grandmother, wash her face to help her practice walking, busy outside. Grandmother came home after discharge, my mother and take the housework, laundry, cooking, mopping the land every year when the mother will not forget to give grandparents to buy some gifts. I want my mother as an example, but also a good boy to honor their parents.
  Every summer, my mother always said he was fat, eat two meals a day, you know why she did so because she wanted to lose weight, wear fashion clothes, so that they become more beautiful.
  This is my mother, sometimes gentle, sometimes severe, sometimes cute, I love my beautiful mom.

答:英语介绍自己的妈妈作文如下。可以描写妈妈的外貌,工作,性格等等。例文如下:My mother is a person who loves me very much. She is a tall and thin woman. Her character is very humorous. What she says every day makes me laugh very happy. Her job is a teacher. She goes to school...

答:英语介绍自己的妈妈作文如下。可以描写妈妈的外貌,工作,性格等等。例文如下:My mother is a person who loves me very much. She is a tall and thin woman. Her character is very humorous. What she says every day makes me laugh very happy. Her job is a teacher. She goes to school...

答:This is my mother. I love her forever.

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答:我妈妈的一天 每天早晨,我妈妈会在大约6点半起床,接着她为我准备早餐。8点的时候,她该上班了,于是,妈妈就坐着公交车去上班。在晚上大概6;00的时候,她回到家中,虽然那时她已经很累了,但仍会为我们准备晚饭。在一切事情都料理完毕后,她就会上床去睡觉。因此我想说,妈妈,你是最伟大的 ...