
作者&投稿:杨所 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 愚公移山的启示80词数~

  There are many old stories in our life and moving Mount moveds me most
Once upon a time there was a foolish old man, there are two big mountains near his home, so out of the way. He said to his family: all of you to help me move mountains. The foolish old man a day to move mountains and the earth and stone into the sea. One day, the foolish old man moved mountains when an old man said to him: you are weak and not move mountains. He said, the old man said: Although I died, and my family continue to dig the mountain, my family has grown, and the mountain is not high, can be dug ping! God was moved by the old man, the other two god sent out these two mountains。

Yugong moving mountains is a fable essay created by Liezi, a thinker in the Warring States period.
The article tells the story of Yu Gong, who persevered despite difficulties, dug the mountain and finally moved the Emperor of Heaven to move the mountain away.

Through the contrast between the perseverance of Yu Gong and the timidity and cowardice of Zhi Sou,it shows the confidence and perseverance of the ancient Chinese working people,and explains that perseverance is necessary to overcome difficulties

There is a 90 year old man named Yugong, who lives in the front of the mountain. In order to facilitate travel, he leads his children and grandchildren to dig the mountain.


Some people laughed at Yu Gong and said, "what can you do with Dashan depending on your age?"


Yugong said: "I have a son when I die, and my son has a grandson. There is no end to the number of children, but the mountain will not rise.".


Moved by Yu Gong, the emperor ordered God to carry the mountain.








Taihang and Wangwu mountains stand in the Jishui River Basin, which are very dangerous and inconvenient for people to travel.


Yugong, who lives in Beishan, is determined to move the mountain for the benefit of the people. He led his family and villagers to carry rocks and soil to the shore of the East China Sea.


The wise old man living in the bend of the river laughed at Yu Gong for his stupidity and thought that with the limited energy of Yu Gong and the villagers, it was impossible to level the two mountains.


Yugong thought that as long as he didn't fear difficulties and persevered, he would succeed, and the mountain would not rise. However, the children and grandchildren who devoted themselves to digging the mountain passed on from generation to generation. Why worry about not digging the mountain.


When the Mountain God knew about it, he reported to the emperor of heaven, who was moved by Yugong's spirit and sent two Hercules to carry the two mountains away.


From then on, the people were no longer trapped by dangers, and the spirit of Yugong spread throughout the ages.




Taihang and Wangwu mountains stand in the Jishui River Basin, which are very dangerous and inconvenient for people to travel.


Yugong, who lives in Beishan, is determined to move the mountain for the benefit of the people. He led his family and villagers to carry rocks and soil to the shore of the East China Sea.


The wise old man living in the bend of the river laughed at Yu Gong for his stupidity and thought that with the limited energy of Yu Gong and the villagers, it was impossible to level the two mountains.


Yugong thought that as long as he didn't fear difficulties and persevered, he would succeed, and the mountain would not rise. However, the children and grandchildren who devoted themselves to digging the mountain passed on from generation to generation. Why worry about not digging the mountain.


When the Mountain God knew about it, he reported to the emperor of heaven, who was moved by Yugong's spirit and sent two Hercules to carry the two mountains away.


From then on, the people were no longer trapped by dangers, and the spirit of Yugong spread throughout the ages.


Once upon a time there was a foolish old man, there are two big mountains near his home, so out of the way. He said to his family: all of you to help me move mountains. The foolish old man a day to move mountains and the earth and stone into the sea. One day, the foolish old man moved mountains when an old man said to him: you are weak and not move mountains. He said, the old man said: Although I died, and my family continue to dig the mountain, my family has grown, and the mountain is not high, can be dug ping! God was moved by the old man, the other two god sent out these two mountains。



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