
作者&投稿:召阅 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

In general, if you ignore the amount of iron you take in and do not attention to warning signs before iron reserves are gone, you will be in trouble.
He felt that he would stand disgraced if it could be said afterward that he had not provided sufficient drink at his entertainment.
The Statue of Liberty had just arrived from Paris and being assembled, so it was not in New York Harbor when they arrived.
Just as many people feel it is better not to do business with friends, they think it is better not to turn professional relationships into friendships.
For the sister the thing to be reckoned with was that at the very beginning JImmy couldn't get through a day without ther father.

Dear teacher:
I'm very sorry for what happened today. We didn't do well. Though I know it's nothing to say, but I also want to say a few words about John.I wanted to have exercise of our dialogue exam, but I can not contact him, he wouldn't pick up the phone, ever didn't connect a mail;.And Jane, always says she had no time, so I also didnt not have method. Until yesterday when we three just met .And saw the three conversation practice sort by me, so no sufficient time to prepare, but we guarantee that this situation will not happen again.


THe Swedish inventor, industrialist, Alfred Nobel is a man with a variety of paradoxical phenomenon: he was a son of a bankrupt but turned into a millionaire in days to come; he was a scientist but had a fancy for literature; he was a businessman with idealism in his whole life. While he made a big fortune,he lived a plain life. He could talk with people beaming with delight, however, he often felt depressed when he was alone. He loved the humanbeings yet he had never enjoyed the happiness of a family reunion. He ardently loved his motherland but turned out to die in a foreign country.

Alfred Nobel, Swedish inventor and businessman, is a person of varied opposed phenomena.
He is a millionaire as a son of a bankrupt.
He is a literary enthusiast as a scientist.
He is an idealist as a businessman.
He lived a simple life while possessing a great fortune.
He shared joy with others but got down in the dumps when alone.
He loved mankind but never basked in the family love of wife and children.
He had a passion for his motherland but died in a foreign country.

Swedish inventor Alfred Nobel, industrialist. Is a collection of various opposite phenomena in one person. He was bankrupt's son, and later became a millionaire; He is a scientist, but love literature, He is always maintain idealism ecru industrialist. He made a fortune, life is very simple, Get along with person he smile, solitude, but often upbeat. He loves the human, but have never received with wives and children's happiness. His love for the motherland, but KeSi exotic

Sweden inventer and entrepreneur Alfred Nobel is a man of multiple contradictions. he is a son of an insolvent, but he becomes a millionaire; he is a scientist but he loves literature; he is an entrepreneur who never gives up idealism. He has real money in his pocket but lives a simple life; he laughs a lot when being with others but stays depressed when being alone. He loves human being but he never marries or has any children. He loves his motherland but he dies in another country.

答:in operating WildfirePro/e5.0, AutoCAD drawing system and common computer software.6. 能独立应对模具制作和生产过程中的修模及设变,提出应对的解决方案。Able to independently conduct mold repairs and changes during mold making and production, and offer relevant solutions.【英语牛人团】...

答:Darling ,My dear.Is there something wrong with you?Are you OK?You should take care yourself because you have a baby already,Be care of our baby.We had be busy for many days ,so we had better find a place to have a rest.(我自己翻译的,比较符合英语的口语习惯和语法结构,你...

答:Front some performs master to go on stage, his disciple told him the shoelace to be loose. Master nods expresses thanks, squats down carefully is good. When after the disciple turns around, also squats down the shoelace solution pine. Has an observer to see to all these, ...

答:所以按照以上所说的,我希望你可以为我保守这个秘密,不要告诉其他人,如果有人知道,我就会因此而丢掉性命和这些钱.请记得我之所以告诉你这一切是因为我信任你,我喜欢诚实,善解人意的人,真实的和一个男人的直觉,真实,一个在上帝面前辛苦工作的男人 .My favourite language is english but our language ...

答:幽默往往能显示出一个人的特性(特征)。如果你能带着幽默感看待一切事物,那你是一个令人感兴趣的人, 人们和你在一起也不会感到枯燥乏味。同时有幽默感也能展示出你是一个有涵养的人。拥有幽默感能让你健康,快乐,因为幽默总能让你斗志高昂,在心理和身理都对你的健康有好处。拥有幽默感便改变了...

答:统计的一个重要方面是概率,它用于处理在不同的因素或变数下收到影响的结果的问题。举个例子,在桥梁建造之前,一种统计研究是关于将要处理多少大桥承载的交通流量。在桥梁的设计中,像在地基上的水压、冲击压力和风力的不同影响以及其他的许多因素这样的变量必须予以考虑。Because a great deal of ...

请英语牛人帮我翻译一下吧,拜托了~ 很急~ 论文,不要机器翻译的~
答:With the integration of the world economy development, the market economy information, with the development of science and technology more and more smoothly. In contrast the logistics of international trade influence not vary greatly in a long time, the goods transportation, warehousing, ...

答:6.机会确实很重要,但前提是要有实力 6.Opportunity is surelly very important, but having power is first 7.你要实现理想,不只是说说而已 7.You want to achieve your dream, not just say 8.梦想离你不远,所以请别忘了去奋斗 8.Dream is not very far away from you, so please don'...

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答:“音乐电视”是 英文“Music Television”的直译,简称MTV。它是一种运用声画结合技术以及充满“爆炸性”的视觉信息来传播音乐的一种综合性电视艺术。随着了解的深入,人们渐渐对音乐电视有了更深的了解,发现原来称的MTV这个概念并不准确,于是又改称为MV。MV是指music video,就是音乐录影带的意思。“...