
作者&投稿:杜贱 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Old English and modern English spelling, pronunciation, whether in vocabulary and grammar are very different. Old English grammar and German more similar, change shape is very complex.
The Romans, Visigoth ended for the British occupation, then, the northern plains from Germany three Germanic tribes: the case lu (Angles), Saxon, and ZhuErTe people began to settle in Britain. English is anglian _ Saxon. The language of the English language historians generally divided into three periods: the history of Old English, English, modern English. Old English noun several and lattice respectively. Several into singular and plural; Case points nominative, all case, and case, Penn grid. So a noun combined total of eight kinds of changes form. In addition, ranking still divide masculine, neutral and negative. But more strangely, these sexual distinction between sex is not to judge, and no gender things could not be neutral. For example women is positive. Adjectives change shape is divided into two strong and weak, its number and case also consists of eight kinds of changes. Verbs only now type and the past type two kinds of tense change.

Germanic tribes settled in Britain after their capture some areas. Anglian conquest north of the river Thames in most areas of England and the Scottish lowlands, the jutes occupied Kent area, Saxon occupied most of the area south of the river Thames. Every tribe has established a small kingdoms, appeared in the history of English seven countries the Anglo Saxon times (Heptarchy). - Until the 8.3 years, al Fred the king (Alfred only unified whole related) England region. As the nation's long-term no unified, so Old English period there are various dialect, the main dialect has four kinds: aziza grams West Saxon language (Hudson), Kent language (Kentish), mo josiah Mercian) and language (north boon cloth Ryan language (Northumbrian). These four dialect once dominant. Aziza grams of Michelson language preserved in most other dialects manuscript formed in the process of English also play an important role.

The Norman Conquest to Normandy (duke William (about 1028 ~ 1087) led France to Britain's feudal Conquest. Early 1066, king Edward (1042 ~ 1066 footnote after the death in) without heirs, wei sykes earl Harold ii was elected as king. William XuJi bits with Edward had surface for reason for the throne.
1066 late September, William called Normandy and Brittany, pickup dean planned to pawn, rate of feudal invade England. King Harold fight. October 14, both sides battle in Hastings. The British were defeated, Harold killed, the city of London without a fight. December 25, William crowned Westminster Abbey in London for Britain's king, namely WeiLianYiShi (conqueror). Norman dynasty (1066 ~ 1154) began to British rule. The remaining stubborn resistance from British aristocracy, all was brutally crushed. 1071 years, WeiLianYiShi cemented his rule, get the title of the conqueror.
The Norman conquest of accelerating the process of the feudal. WeiLianYiShi build a powerful kingship rule, confiscate the rebel anglos Saxon noble packet to land, with him French feudal aristocracy. Who by sealing the size of land area according to provide a certain number of cavalry, personally, and leading them as king operations. Big feudal aristocracy and part of his land again, also requires packet gave junior they provide cavalry. Through this land establish feudal land packet level of ownership. WeiLianYiShi also tried to get rid of the Pope to the church of England, the British church control interference in their hands. The French aristocracy WeiLianYiShi relies mainly on the rule. In the rule institutions, legal system is still used today king. 1086 years, he summoned sealing minister, make these people are surrendered ritual and done to him, a British allegiance to the king must feudals for first obligation principle allegiance in the same year, also carried out nationwide land survey. After the Norman conquest in Britain appear feudal manor, feudal lords is supreme ruler, most farmers manor loss of personal freedom and degenerate into serfs.

England a majority of the British population of ethnic groups. Also called Anglia people. Mainly distributed in England and wales, a few distribution in Scotland and Northern Ireland and South Africa, Australia, Canada, the United States. Belong to Europa, mostly for the Atlantic racial Baltic type. Use English, belong to the indo-european language Germanic puxi. Many letters of England protestant sects, there are a few catholics. England is in the long historical development of the tribal group by Kerr, British and Germanic tribes group of saxons, Saxon, such as the combination and into.


As a great part of international competitiveness,agricultural products have widely brought into focus through out the world. To improve the competitiveness of agriculture products is of great significance to the development and stability of the society. The article firstly analysed the agricultural products export scale and the change of flow direction according to the commodity structure, area structure and market structure as well as well as trade method structure. The analysis concluded that the exportation of agricultural products in our country mainly centers on the labor intensive products, which have competitive advantage. Eastern area is the major part of agricultural products exportation. which account for 80 percent of the total exportation .Agricultural products market is more centralized, most of them are exported to Asia , Europe and North America. Modes of trade is diversity,but the main form of the agricultural products exportation is ??? trade. Then the article made a detailed analysis to the competitiveness of the agricultural products in the recent years through the international market share and RCA.The case analysis demonstrates that domestic agricultural products are lack of international competitiveness,while relatively speaking, labor intensive agricultural products have comparative advantages. These reflect the feature of agricultural resource endowment and comparative advantages in our country

International trade depends on the development of transport, efficient mass transport of goods, but the entire international community for survival and development are indispensable. Transport in international trade, maritime transport of goods has always dominated, and the bill of lading is the transport of goods by sea the most important documents, has become the cornerstone of international trade and shipping. However, with increasing international trade and prosperity of the shipping bill of lading has been threatening risk to the entire mechanism of the normal operation of the bill of lading and hinder the smooth progress of international trade.
Bill of lading in international trade has a very important position and role, which is by its nature of the decision. Bill of lading is evidence of title, who controls the bill of lading, will have the ownership of the goods. However, in international trade, also brought the use of bills of lading all the risk. In this paper, an analysis of the risk of the bill of lading, and proposed preventive measures.

international trade depends on the development of transportation,efficient and massive transportation of goods is essential to the whole world strives for survival and development.In the international trade transportation,carriage of goods by sea takes up a dominant position, and it's most important document is B/L,which becomes the cornerstone of International trade and shipping industry.but with their growing prosperity ,the risks of B/L has begun hurting the proper function of B/L operating mechanisms,and block the Internet trade.
B/L property determines the very important status and role of ocean B/L in Internet trade.B/L shows the proprietor of cargo,if you get the B/L,you are the owner.but use of B/L bing all kinds of risks,this text will analyse these risks and to propose preventive measures .

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