
作者&投稿:匡贪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

The advantages and disadvantages of the Internet
Nowadays, people use the Internet to listen to the music, watch movies or go shopping. It's very
convenient and important in our lives. But the Internet has the advantages and disadvantages,
we should be attention to them. We can study on the Internet. There are many books and helpful
video on it. Chet on it with friends also convenient. But it is dangerous in some ways, too.
Some people will cheat you by the Internet, so be careful. And don't use the Internet too long time, because it's bad for your eyes. Please use the internet reasonable.

1 There are actually several advantages on looking for answers to our homework.
2 It won't take a long time to finish our homework.
3 We can figure out these problem thoroughly by reading net friends' explanations.
4 Various answers are provided to broaden our mind palace.
5 We will easily find someone that can offer help in their study.
1 Every coin has two sides, not except searching for homework in the internet.
2 It's difficult to judge whether what we've found is right or not.
3 We will get lazier and lazier if we are used to finding existed answers.
4 Abundant information might distract our concentration.
5 Study skills won't be improved.

For some students who like playing games, computer may affect their learning.
The computer may also has bad effect on people's eye sights.


The internet has some disadvantages. If you play computer games too much, it is a waste of time. What's worse, it is bad for our health. Some students are near-sighted because they play computer games too much.

Surfing the Internet does harm to us students.
For one thing,it is a waste of time.
For another,it is not good for our eyes.
Also,surfing especially playing games has a bad effect on our study.

It's bad for our eyes.
It wastes our time.


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