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用英语介绍自己的朋友:She has long,straight,black hair,big,black eyes and a small nose. She is very thin and kind,she is cute,too. Her English and Chinese is very good. She is hard-working.Who’s she?She is my best friend ――Wang Qi.【免费领取,外教一对一精品课程】点击蓝字注册,专业外教一对一传授英语写作技巧!阿卡索一对一外教授课为孩子营造的是“留学”般的英语环境,课均不到20元,每天都能跟着外教一对一学习写作知识!为了让大家能够更加直观的了解清楚,各位可以点击上述蓝字试课,真正喜欢才报名。不知道如何选择英语机构,可以百度咨询“阿卡索vivi老师”;如果想下载免费英语资源,可以百度搜索“阿卡索官网论坛”。

Located in the northern part of North America. East Atlantic, the Pacific Ocean, northwest neighborhood Alaska, south United States, and the Columbia Arctic Ocean to the Arctic. Coastline about more than 240,000 km. Lower temperatures in eastern and southern moderate climate, the climate was mild and humid west, north to the frigid tundra climate. The maximum temperature in the central and western regions reaching 40 ℃ and northern minimum temperature as low as -60 ℃. Canada is the world's longest coastline of the country. The southern border with the United States, the 8,892 km-long border. Across the northern part of the sea with Russia. Due to the cold northern climate, only 12% of the land suitable for farming. Therefore, Canada's 30 million population mostly live in a mild climate, distance from the southern border of several hundred km strip of territory, especially with the United States bordering the lakes and St. Lawrence region, flat, fertile land, abundant natural resources, Canada is the most densely populated, most concentrated industrial and agricultural areas. Many lakes in Canada. If Jiatianfei over Northern Ontario or Manitoba, you will see more than the land surface, countless large and small lakes. According to estimates, Canada has the world's seventh volume of fresh water. Apart from the United States linked to the lakes, there are a large number of Canadian rivers. Canada is the amount of rain and snow in a very rich country, trees and crops can be fully contained. thus grow lush busy. And develop and Xuefeng dazzling scenery, but also world-renowned. Canada's forests cover an area of the country's total area of 44%, second only to Russia and Brazil, ranking third in the world. Canada is rich in minerals, is the world except the United States and the Russian produced the biggest one of the mine. Canada has five geographic regions. Namely, the eastern Atlantic, Central District, Prairie, the west coast region and the northern areas. Eastern areas to fisheries, agriculture, forestry, mining industry, mainly; Central of Ontario and Quebec Province is the most densely populated areas, Canada accounted for three quarters in the manufacturing sector here; Savanna including Manitoba, Saskatchewan moderate Alberta Province, where flat land is fertile and rich in energy resources. District west coast province of British Columbia, is a well-known mountain and forest areas, timber, fruits, and marine assets, such as rich in resources; Area from the northern Yukon and the Northwest Territories composition, rich in oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc.

Area : 9984670 square kilometers, ranking second in the world, of which the land area of 9093507 square kilometers, Freshwater cover 891,163 square kilometers. Population : 31752800 (January 2004). Among them, Anglo residents accounted for 42%, the French accounted for 26.7%, other European descent accounted for 13%, indigenous people (Indians Métis and Inuit people) account for about 3% and the rest of Asia, Latin America, Africa, ethnic. Existing Chinese about 1.09 million people. With the English and French as its official language. Catholic residents believe the total 43.2%, Protestant Christians accounted for 31.8%. Capital : Ottawa (Ottawa), located in Ontario. Capital Region (including Ontario, the Ottawa City Québec's Hull City and its surrounding towns) population 1.132 million (2003), area of 4,662 square kilometers. Average maximum temperatures of 15 ~ 26 ° C (in July), the minimum temperature of -16 ° C ~ 6 (1). Head of state : Britain's Queen Elizabeth II. Appointed by the Queen on behalf of the Governor terms. Governor nominated by the Prime Minister, the Queen appointed for a term of five years. The current Governor Adrian Nake Laxenburg (Adrienne Clarkson), October 7, 1999 inauguration. Important festivals : the National Day (Canada) on July 1; Exponents : maple

Canada is a country occupying most of northern North America. Extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and northward into the Arctic Ocean, Canada shares land borders with the United States to the northwest and south. By total area, it is the second largest country in the world.(一般介绍)
Canadian culture has historically been influenced by British, French, and Aboriginal cultures and traditions. It has also been influenced by American culture because of its proximity and migration between the two countries. American media and entertainment are popular if not dominant in Canada; conversely, many Canadian cultural products and entertainers are successful in the US and worldwide.[60] Many cultural products are marketed toward a unified "North American" or global market.(文化)
Canada's two official languages are English and French. The public has the right, where there is sufficient demand, to receive federal government services in either English or French, and official language minorities are guaranteed their own schools in all provinces and territories.(语言)


答:供参考 (1)whether 的重点不是’否定‘而是提出’疑问‘ 或者 ‘选择’可以因应语境来译成‘能否’﹐‘应否’﹐‘会否’...(2)先看看这个结构 whether + sbj(主语) + verb (动词)...一般的翻译处理将会是﹕ 主语+ ( )否 + 动词...至於( )内用什麼字眼 将会取决於原句有用了什麼‘...

答:In the bridge building construction is to make the two sides of thing more closely, because s city commercial center because it is a whole, if only to build bridges, people will think this is west side, there is the east side, on a bridge built house can make things together...

答:也就是书上翻译出的“玄妙”;后一个括号里born of意为由...引起,造成,这样你就可以看出,evil humour是由消化造成的,而不是evil humour引起的消化不良,born在这里不是主动,而是be born of的形式,你明白这个词的用法,便可以知道是后面的作用于前面的。希望对你有帮助!

答:本句的正确表达应该为:lf you never abandon, I will stick together with you in life and death.你若不离不弃,我便生死相随。

答:用完成时介绍一位朋友:I have made a very good friend that i will never forget this life.we have met each other on the Spring Festival at my home. she can speak very good english. she told me she has studied english for two years. and she has promised me she would help...

答:第三个句子as if he were holding it completely enclosed in the hollow of his hand。这里enclosed相当于形容词,complely副词修饰形容词,completely enclosed 做后置定语,去掉也可以as if he were holding it in the hollow of his hand就好像掌握在自己手里一样,加上completely enclosed 翻译为,...

答:I happy and it say Goodbye,go to read book.I can see you,lake!you is my oppo!看见你的笑 星期一的早晨,我来到湖这,看见你仅仅是有时怎么坏啊,现在我难过了,你变乖孩子了,谢谢你。我的脸上有了一些高兴,我快乐地和它说了声再见,就走去读书了。我会记住你,湖!你是我的朋友!

答:the United States, Canada, Japan and Western Europe, Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America and other countries and regions, customers, greatly facilitated China with other countries and regional trade and cooperation relations.我大学是英语专业毕业的 个人认为楼上的有语法等错误 ...

答:hand in hand ladies and gentlemen:Glad to see you here.I am xxx。today,please let me have my speech here.AND it‘ll be going on in the words of my deep deep heart.some years ago i remember,the river in front of my house was so clear。like a piece of green jade。i...