
作者&投稿:锁咬 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.A 这个地方是个定语从句,句子整体是过去时态,所以应该是aimed(看到was就知道了)
2.B than提示这儿有个比较级,比较级一般都是much这类词修饰的,没见过quite修饰的。。
3.B 句型。。公认…… 句子把more than……那句提前了,目的就是干扰你分析。但是改正语序之后很容易看懂的~_~


1,"on earth"这个短语的用法是“used after negative nouns and pronouns to emphasize what you are saying ”即用于否定名词和代词之后表示强调。意义为:在人世间。举个例子说:Nothing on earth would persuade me to go with him.
在上题中,如果要用world的相关短语表示强调应该是in the world.
2."cut your coat according to your cloth"是一个习语"to do only what you have enough money to do and no more"意思是量入为出。
cloth:主要指布料,织物。比如说桌布啊抹布等等。the cloth在文学中(统称)牧师。
clothes:“things you wear,such as shirts/jackets/trousers”,指服装。
4.casual clothes 是指便装、休闲装。informal修饰服装时是随便的,日常的。适合在家里穿的。其实二者在一定条件下可以互换用。我个人认为出题不太严密。

①Dr. Zhong was chosen to _____our hospital at the international meeting
A. represent B. stand for C. instead of D. take the place of
选A 正确。represent “代表一群人并为他们的利益说话”。stand for 指“缩写或符号代表某个意思”。instead of “代替”,是介词短语。take the place of “取代”。

②There is nothing unusual. All _____ going well.
A. has B. is C. have D. are
选 B 正确。这里 all 指“一切事情”,作为单数对待。如果 all 表示“所有的人”,则是复数含义。

③He _____ the story to be false. Which of the following is WRONG?
A. declared B. regarded C. considered D. believed
选 B 正确。这一题是找出错误的选项。declare sb./sth. to be + adj./n. “宣称某人或某物是……”,consider sb./sth. to be + adj./n.“认为某人或某物是……”,believe sb./sth. to be + adj./n. “认为某人或某物是……”,regard sb./sth. as …“认为某人或某物是……”。这几个词只有 regard 后面不能接 to be 作宾补。

④Many people agree that ______ knowledge of English is a must in _____ international trade
A. a; / B. the; an C. the; the D. /; the
选A 正确。a knowledge of “精通”,trade“商业,贸易”,是不可数名词。

⑤At the beginning of class, the noise of desks ____ could be heard outside the classroom.
A. opened and closed B. to be opened and closed
C. being opened and closed D. to open and close
选C正确,指“课桌正在被打开和关上时所发出的声音”,这句话在十几年前的人教社统编教材高二英语课本中 The Last Lesson(最后一课)原文中出现。

⑥Having _____ no-meat day would be a good way of encouraging ______ low-carbon lifestyle.
A. a; the B. a;a C. the; the D. the; a
选 A 正确。a no-meat day 表示“具有某种特点的一天(或一个上午下午等)”用不定冠词,the low-carbon lifestyle 特指“低碳生活方式”。

⑦—Will you go to the party tomorrow, Lily?
—No, ____ I was invited to.
此题选项没给出。个人认为用 though /although 表示让步比较合适,如果用 unless,则后面要用现在时态,如说成 unless I am/have been invited to.

⑧With all the problems ______, the manager left for home,_____.
A. solved; satisfied B. to be solved; with satisfaction
C. being solved; satisfied D. Having been solved; with satisfaction
选 A 正确。with all the problems solved “所有的问题都已经被解决”。B 选项中不定式to be solved 在时间上指将来,“所有的问题将要被解决”,还没有被解决,经理怎么会满意呢?C. being solved “正在被解决”,都不恰当。D 选项放在 with sth. 结构中是错误的用法。如果把D 放入后面一句,说成 Having been solved, the manager left for home, satisfied. 则 the manager 是 having been solved 的逻辑主语,“经理被解决了,经理满意地回家去。”意思是荒谬的。所以第一空一定要用过去分词 solved 作宾补。
第二空 satisfied 用过去分词,作伴随状语,说明经理回家去时的心情,这里用过去分词,其用法可以从固定词组 be satisfied with sth. 找到原型。

①Dr.Zhong was chosen to _____our hospital at the internationgal meeting
A.represent B.stand for C.instead of D.take the place of
选A A represent 代表 一般指由一个人代表一些人
B stand for 一般指的是代表。。。的立场
C to do 不定式后面不能加 介词词组
D take the place of 代表。。。的位置,以。。。。的身份。。

②There is nothing unusual.All_____going well.
A.has B.is C.have D.are
后面是going所以只有从B D 后面选 一般all 后面加are 虽然意思上可能有单数的意思 但是形式上要用are

③He_____the story to be false.Which of the following is WRONG?
A.declared B.regarded C.considered D.believed
选B 这个题是问的那个是错误的 请注意
A 宣布 B 后悔 意思上不通 C 认为 D 相信
④Many people agree that______knowledge of English is a must in_____international trade
A.a;/ B.the;an C.the;the D./;the
选 A
具体的某种知识用 a knowledge of
international trade 不用加the 因为不是专有名词
⑤At the beginning of class,the noise of desks____could be heard outside the classroom.
A.opened and closed B.to be opened and closed
C.being opened and closed D.to open and close
选 C
正在被打开的和被关闭的桌子的响声 正在被怎样用being
⑥Having_____no-meat day would be a good wayof encouraging______low-carbon lifestyle.
A.a;the B.a/a C.the;the D.the;a
选 A
have a 。。。day 不用the 低碳生活方式 the low-carbon lifestyle
⑦—Will you go to the party tomorrow,Lily?
—No,____I was invited to.
⑧With all the problems______,the manager left for home,_____.
A.solved;satisfied B.to be solved;with satisfaction
C.being solved;satisfied D.Having been solved;with satisfaction
选 A
with sth done
satisfied 放在逗号后面作主语补足语 with satisfaction 不需要加逗号

1a 代表;
2b all当做整体单数;
3c consider sb.to be + 形容词(to be可省)
4a a knowledge of English is a must in international trade

例子:he has a good knowledge of hunting
knowledge指一个范畴的知识时可以用可数形式,但是话说回来我没见过knowledges 指多个范畴的,呵呵~

international trade是一个大类,不是独一的,不用加the
5c 1.被动.2.正在发生
6a 语感
with satisfaction 很好理解 介词加名词,这里表示经理的状态.做主句状语.
如 he came to me with a big smile.
with all the problems having been solved.做状语
跟with satisfaction一样,只是后面多了个problems的后置定语 having....

represent多用来指实体代表,如代表公司参加会议;stand for多用在抽象物体代表。至于 C.instead of D.take the place of分别是“而不”和“取代”的意思,词义明显不对。

2. B.is为正确选项。

3. B.regarded
declare,consider,believe 都可以用 “declare/consider/believe sb/sth to be +形容词/名词 ”结构,而regard不能,它只能用于“regard sb/sth as +名词”结构中。

4. A.a;/ 为正确选项
a knowledge of sth 是“一项(种)。。。知识或技能”,固定搭配;international trade泛指“国际贸易”,前面不用冠词。

5.C.being opened and closed为正确选项
句子的“desk”一词打错了,应该是“door”才对。 这里用现在分词的被动形式being opened and closed做定语,修饰door。

6. A.a;the为正确选项
a ...day泛指“无肉日”;the 。。。lifestyle 特指“低碳生活方式”

7.D.even if为正确选项。
根据题意,只有D.even if(“即使”)才对。意思是“即使我被邀请,我也不去。。。”

8. A.solved;satisfied 为正确选项
第一个空是“with+名词或代词+过去分词”结构,属于独立主格结构的一种形式,做原因状语;第二个空的satisfied是过去分词做伴随状语,修饰谓语left for的。
成分分析:主语----- the manager
谓语-----left for
原因状语----- With all the problems solved

①Dr.Zhong was chosen to _____our hospital at the internationgal meeting
A.represent B.stand for C.instead of D.take the place of

选A,represent ,stand for 是容忍的意思,instead of 需加be ,take the place of 是代替,而不是代表的意思
②There is nothing unusual.All_____going well.
A.has B.is C.have D.are
③He_____the story to be false.Which of the following is WRONG?
A.declared B.regarded C.considered D.believed
选D,出了D之外,其他都可以接名词+to do的复合结构
④Many people agree that______knowledge of English is a must in_____international trade
International trade前面需要加the 表示强调范围,表示特指,排除A,B,knowledge of 表示泛指,选D
A.a;/ B.the;an C.the;the D./;the
⑤At the beginning of class,the noise of desks____could be heard outside the classroom.
A.opened and closed B.to be opened and closed
C.being opened and closed D.to open and close
⑥Having_____no-meat day would be a good way of encouraging______low-carbon lifestyle.
A.a;the B.a/a C.the;the D.the;a
用a 表示泛指,选B,后面的a 还有“一种,某种”的意思
⑦—Will you go to the party tomorrow,Lily?
—No,__i won’t_ for _I was invited to.

⑧With all the problems______,the manager left for home,_____.
A.solved;satisfied B.to be solved;with satisfaction
C.being solved;satisfied D.Having been solved;with satisfaction
这里考查了with +名词或代词+过去分词的复合结构,problem和solve之间是动宾关系,所以用被动。因为solve这个动作已经完成,不强调对现在的影响,所以排除B,C,D,直接选A,后面的satisfied是一个过去分词作为伴随状语。Satisfied可以还原为,and he was satisfied,只是后面把and he was 省略了而已

4.A.knowledge指一个范畴的知识时可以用可数形式,international trade是一个大类,不是独一的,不用加the。
7.I wish,或unless

答:1、一个词打错【you——your】success 选A。句子意思:’尽管你不会成为比尔盖茨第二,但是,通过向像他一样的人学习,因为你的成功,你也许会和他一样著名,如果不比他更出名。第一空,while,引导让步状语从句,只能放在句首;第二空,表示比较,if从句用了省略形式;完整形式是:if you will not...

答:1. C 翻译:任何被认为是对人民和社会有好处的事情,都有必要去做。解释:1)主干句型是:sth be necessary to do. “某事有必要去做”。而该句型要求采用主动结构表被动语态,即后面是to do而不是to be done,排除BD.再如:Your homework is necessary to finish. 你的左右有必要完成。2)该...

答:2. B. the place 指前面出现的Lijiang, 其做后面visit的宾语,为此关系代词只能用which或that,或者省略不用。A中关系代词where一般修饰地点状语,与句子意思不符,排除。C中visit为及物动词,后面直接接表示地点的名词即可,中间不需要加介词,所以C也排除;D中most作为副词修饰动词通常置于动词后面,...

答:解释:此题的word意思是“消息”,等同于news,是不可数名词,前无任何冠词,排除AC;当president/chairman等独一无二的专有名词单独做表语/同位语/宾语补足语时,前面一般也没有任何冠词,排除B.2. A 翻译:伽利略的理论听起来很抽象,(所以)很难为他同时代的人们所理解。解释:此题考查非谓语动词做...

答:解析:前后对比,更高的离婚率造成更少的人。所以用few的比较级。句意:全球高离婚趋势造成了更多的成员更少的家庭。2.not far from the garden there was a shoe store (its)owner seated in it playing bridge 括号里用which不可以吗 解析:store后面应该还有个逗号。whose /which一般用于句中引导...

3道高中英语选择题 求解析
答:解析:根据意思选择 unless=if not “如果不,除非”,引导条件状语从句 翻译为:我们的友谊将会结束,除非Jenny先给我道歉,并且之后我原谅了她。这个题目不能选择until,它的意思为“直到…”,它引导的是时间状语从句,一般用于“not...until...”结构。而这里需要能够引导条件状语从句的连词,再...

答:1.to前加go,或者把to去掉。hurry to do sth.赶紧做某事,还有home是副词,和动词之间不用再加介词了。2.opened改为opening,或者在opened前加主语I.after可以作为介词,后面接名词或动名词(即动词的ing形式),还可以作连词,连接时间状语从句。3.filling with改为full of,或者把filling 改为filled....

答:C. By mistake D.By accident D. By accident问题解答:答案D, 表示意外的获得事故情况,By accident 表示,偶然地,意外地 2I do every single bit of housework __ my husband Bob just dose the dishes now and then.A.since B.while C.when D.as问题...

答:doing sth.而在此是被说服,因此用being done 2 D 3 C give away :送掉(泄露,放弃,分配,出卖),give out :分发,give in:屈服,让步,give off :发出(光等)4 A take 进行时可表将来 5 D 虚拟语气,insisit that sb [should]do ,should 可省略 6 D 意思是 我好多年没有玩得这么痛快了...

答:答案:C.翻译:我不知道昨天这起道路交通事故是怎样发生的。所以我想要知道证据。解释:此题考查强调句型的特殊疑问句做宾语从句的用法。1. 强调句型结构:It is/was + 被强调部分 + that + 句子未被强调部分。其特点是:如果去掉it is/was和引导词that,则剩下部分是一个完整的句子(有时候需要...