
作者&投稿:伏疫 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)



Two brothers were looking at some beautiful paintings。

“look,”said the elder brother。“how nice the sepainting sare!”

“yes,”said the younger,“but in all the sepaintings there is only the mother and the children。where is the father?”

the elder brother thought for a moment and then explained,“obviously he was painting the pictures。”







A little panda picks up a pumpkin and wants to take it home. but the pumpkin is too big. The panda can’t take it home. Suddenly she sees a bear riding a bike to ward her. she watches the bike. “ i know! I have a good idea.”She jumps and shouts happily, “i can roll a pumpkin. It like a wheel.”

So she rolls the pumpkin to her home. When her mother sees the big pumpkin, she is surprised,“oh, my god! How can you carry it home?”The little panda answers proudly,“I can ‘t lift it ,but I can roll it.”Her mother smiled and says,“ what a clever girl !Use you heard to do something,”






Platon once scolded the little boy for a trifle because the child was always playing a stupid game. The little boy was unconvinced: "you condemn me for a little trifle."."

"But it's no small thing that you do it." Platon answered, "you will form a bad habit for life."."





On a hill lived a gifted old man. He can answer any question raised by anyone. There are two children to fool the old man, they catch a bird, and asked him: "the bird is dead or alive?" the old man said: "the children without thinking, if I say the bird is alive, you will tighten your hand to kill it. If I say it's dead, you'll let go of your hand and let it fly away. The palm of your hand holds the power of life and death of the bird."


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