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Jerry Yan (Chinese: 言承旭; pinyin: Yán Chéngxù); born January 1, 1977) is a Taiwanese actor and a member of Taiwanese boy band F4. His birth name is Liao Yangzhen (Chinese: 廖洋震; pinyin: Liào Yángzhèn).
With his role of "Dao Ming Si" (Chinese: 道明寺; pinyin: Dào Míngsì; DMS) in Meteor Garden (流星花园), Jerry Yan became a sensation across Asia almost overnight. His devotion to "Shan Cai" has redefined our generation's definition of "Ideal Boyfriend" as he won the affections of girls all over Asia ever since the year Meteor Garden was aired as it continues to capture the hearts of many and even sparked reproductions in Korea and Philippines. Following the overwhelming success of Meteor Garden, Jerry and the other members of F4 were immediately introduced to the entertainment industry as Singers, Actors and Hosts of their own shows. With several albums and endless endorsements under their belt, F4 was dubbed as the most popular and successful boyband in Asia.

When Jerry is not in F4, he, like the others, has his own successful solo career as both a singer and an actor. Jerry's first album was in 2004 and the second was in 2009. Both albums has convinced many of his singing skills and that he is not just an idol. After his portrayal of the legendary "Dao Ming Si", Jerry continues to wow audiences with his excellent characterization of "Dr Su Yi Hwa" in the 2006 non-idol drama The Hospital which co-stars Leon Dai. The Hospital was the breakthrough drama which convinced many that Jerry Yan can achieve more than just a one-time success in Meteor Garden. Similarly, Jerry also continues to act in many successful dramas like HotShot (2008), Starlit (2009) and the upcoming "Down with Love"(also named "Just Want to Depend on You") which stars Ella Chen of S.H.E.

His newly released Album "Extra Freedom" achieved outstanding results. The Album was released on 18 June 2009 in Taiwan and now still sits firmly within Top 10 in G-music Chart(G Music is the index for the number of sold Albums). The Japanese version of "Extra Freedom" broke the record (the highest ranking)among the Chinese Song Albums in Oricon Chart Japan.

[edit] Influence
Jerry Yan is the icon of the huge wave of male beauty (美型男) and TV genre “idol drama” (偶像剧) in greater China regions started 10 years ago. His fan base also spreads among many Asian countries/regions like Taiwan, China, Hong Kong, Macau, Japan, Korea, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei, Vietnam, Thailand, Australia etc, as well as other countries like England, France, US and Canada. Every time Jerry premiered a new drama, new album, hosted an event, or performed in a concert, his fans would attend the event from all over the world.

Besides chasing the star, Jerry’s fans have also done a lot of charity works due to Yan’s encouragement. There is a main theme for each year as his birthday gift and there will be some charity action for major disasters. For example, there is a Yan Cheng Xu Hope Forest near Yellow River of China (言承旭希望林),Yan Cheng Xu Spring Bud Elementary School (言承旭春蕾小学)in China, many Jerry’s fans also adopted needed children in Inner Mongolia. These are very good examples that a fandom can become a platform for charity works under the influence of an idol celebrity.[1]

[edit] Personal life
Being the leading man of the most popular TV drama series in Asia, Jerry Yan's personal life has always been in the spotlight. Besides being low-profile and shy, Jerry was also restricted by his agent not to interact with the media. This misconception often sparked negative reports of Jerry which had often caused him to wonder why his hard work was not recognized. However, things took a change for the better as he became his own boss in deciding how he should deal with others. He also adopted cheery mindset after working with several stars like Andy Lau, Terri Kwan and Ella Chen. These people have taught him to bring positive attitude to work and also make people surrounding him to feel good. Jerry also came to realize that in the entertainment circle, he could still find friends who really care. Gradually, media finds the true gentle hearted Jerry, and reports on him are more embracing of his true achievements.


〖言之有旭〗10/01 〓☆〓☆〓百度言承旭吧导航贴〓☆〓☆〓

英文名字 Jerry Yan
别名昵称 廖洋震
出生日期或生日 1977-01-01
国家或地区 中国(台湾)
血型 B型
身高 183 公分
体重 72KG
家人 妈妈、姐姐
宗教信仰 无
兴趣爱好 跳舞
星座 摩羯座





答:主人名:言承旭 职业:演员 简介:又酷又帅言承旭:给言承旭冠上“万人迷”的称号,一点也不过分。言承旭俊帅的外型常挂着亲切的笑容,好学不倦有责任是他对自我的要求,吸收流行资讯是他在工作态度上的基本要件。英文名:JERRY 生日:1月1日 身高:180厘米 体重:72千克 三围:38、30、36 星座:...


答:个人档案 中文名:言承旭 外号:暴龙、小白兔 英文名:Jerry 生日:1月1日 星座:魔羯座 身高:180公分 体重:72公斤 血型:B型 语言:国语、台语 专长:打球 个性:活泼、反应快、敬业乐群 特质:俊帅的外型常挂着亲切的笑容,好学不倦有责任是他自我的要求。中文名:周渝民 小名:仔仔 ...

F4成员又哪些 详细介绍言承旭
答:言承旭 原名:廖洋震 外号:暴龙、小白兔 英文名:Jerry Yan 生日:1977年1月1日 星座:摩羯座 身高:180公分 体重:70kg 专长:运动、烹饪 特质:勇往如风,好学不倦、刚柔并济、对朋友家人慷慨、对自己克勤克俭、工作态度精益求精、集中力强,力求专业完美。简介:在拍摄偶像剧《流星花园》之前,以...

答:廖洋震 全名:言承旭 英文名:Jerry 原名:廖洋震 别称:暴龙、小白免 地区:中国台湾 职业:演员 生日:1977-1-1 身高:180 cm 体重:72 kg 血型:B 型 星座:摩羯座 个人简介:毕业于协和工商(普通科),曾在海军服役。2000年之前从事拍摄平面广告和模特的工作,2001年3月加入F4组合,并主演了...

答:明星言承旭简介 英文名:jerry 生日:1月1日 身高:180公分 体重:72公斤 三围:38、30、36 星座:魔羯座 血型:b型 运动:舞蹈、篮球 专长:打球 收集品:各式各样的眼镜 食物:任何可以吃的都吃 颜色:酷爱黑色 个性:活泼、反应快、敬业乐群 特质:俊帅的外型常挂著亲切的笑容,好学不倦有责任是...

答:讲述的是一个十八岁花季少女何冉(徐若晗饰演),在一次洗头中喜欢上一个拥有磁性声音的落魄大叔萧寒(言承旭饰演),为了寻找他,女生一次次去小洲村与他不期而遇,产生了爱情。但经历种种考验之后,女主最终还是抱病离世,男主陷入往昔回忆的故事。言承旭简介 1998年,获得TVBS天生名模选拔赛冠军及MensUno...



答:言承旭 饰 男 霹雳大学三年级转学生 绰号:战神、东方虫 位置:SF(小前锋) 东方集团总裁的独子,亦是第一位顺位继承人。外型俊美出众,孤傲寡言,不擅与人主动交往,习惯冷眼旁观一切,不讲话则已,一开口总是字字犀利见血,「毒」性十足。 大学一年级即以当家前锋的身份,代表有「不败魔鬼」之称的玄武工学院参...