
作者&投稿:裴杭 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Do you like playing games?
Of course!
Which kind of games do you like best?
I like playing stand-alone games.
Can you tell me anything about satnd-alone gemes?

Is that all?
Yes,it`s all I know.
Oh,let me add some.

Who likes playing online games?
Whould you like totell me anything about OL games?
Of course.

Well,the first chinese online game is XIA KE XING.

Who can tell me the categories of online games?

So, what is the most popular online game at present?

The sence of LOL is beautiful and gorgeous and the game needs strategy and team work which makes itself more attractive to players.

因此,房主在他们的房间被改造后有多开心?一般来说,参与者很兴奋。但是波兰的一对夫妇,Oregon,讨厌他们的新房间。他们尽管狭小但舒适的家庭房间被改造成一个黑暗的影院。但是你不会在电视节目中看到(房主的不满)。“你不会看到我哭泣,”Shannon Pitts说。他们将这些从节目中剪辑掉了。
“这真的是个毫无用处的房间,”Scott Pitts 说。“所有你能做的只有看电视。”因此他们发现他们再一次重塑了自己的空间。

1. The dream, I think it is just as movie The old boy says, dream is the same with classic that will never fade with time , instead ,will be more precious!
2. So here I wish you all studies, career and love, at least one of them would have harvest in the New Year !
3. The sea broadly sincerity, days of high niaofei. Everyone carries their own dreams!

1. The dream, I think it is just like the old boy this movie lines, the dream this thing and classic is same, never because time and fade, instead more show precious!

2. So here I wish you all in the New Year studies, career and love, at least three harvest also should have the same harvest!

3. The sea broadly sincerity, days of high niaofei.

4.Everyone carries a my own dream!

1. The dream, I think it is just like the old boy this movie lines, the dream this thing and classic is same, never because time and fade, instead more show precious!
2. So here I wish you all in the New Year studies, career and love, at least three harvest also should have the same harvest!
3. The sea broadly sincerity, days of high niaofei. Everyone carries a my own dream!

1. Dream, I believe it is like what they said in the movie The Old Boy: dream is like classics, it gets better with time, never fades away.
2. Therefore, I wish everyone great success in school, work, and love in the new year, at the minimum success in one of the three!
3. The world offers boundless opportunities, and the sky is the limit. Everyone has his or her own dream!

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答:我的 帮忙翻译一下句子,谢谢... 沛公默然,曰:“固不如也。且为之奈何?”今人有大功而击之,不义也。不如因善遇之。樊哙曰:“今日之事何如?”夫秦王有虎狼之心,杀人如不能举,刑人如恐不胜,天下皆叛之。劳苦而... 沛公默然,曰:“固不如也。且为之奈何?”今人有大功而击之,不义也。不如因善遇之。


非常紧急 两百分 请帮我翻译 以下我写的句子 拜托了 可以再加分 ><_百...
答:1 fate and destiny are closely linked together No one can change your fate and destiny The author USES symbolism to describe the theme of fate and destiny Fate and destiny is already arranged In the movie the beginning We can see a young indifferent eyes, looked a little shudder ...