
作者&投稿:韦烁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


  SAT语法真题中的句子改错非常类似于托福语法中的改错部分,即识别一个句子当中四个下划线里语法有错误的选项。不过SAT的语法与托福语法最大的区别在于,它还有第五个选项放在句后:NO ERROR,选择这个选项即认为这个句子没有语法错误。下面就为大家介绍一下常见SAT语法句子改错题错误。

  常见SAT语法句子改错题错误1、代词指代错误:代词的性、数、格;比较特别考点是one 和you 不能相互指代。

  例:Even with(A) a calculator, you must have a basic understanding(B)of mathematics if one expects(C) to solve complex problems correctly. No error(E)

  分析:本题第一个代词是you,所以C错,应改为you expect。因为one和you 不能互相指代


  例:The bright (A)fiberglass sculptures of Luis Jimenez has received (B)critical acclaim not only (C) in his home state, New Mexico, but also in (D)New York.

  分析:本题显然主语sculptures是个复数而谓语动词has是个单数,所以主谓不一致,应该把B 改为have received


  例:Each time Caroline turns on her computers, she has(A) to enter a company code, then her initials, and then enters a password (B)before she can begin working(C). No error(D)

  分析:B enters a password 前面出现了可爱的'and,这个词决定了前后必须是平行并列,要求形式对称、概念对等、功能相同。所以前面也应该有第三人称单数动词+名词的结构和 enters a password并列,而前面出现的是her initials所以正确改法:去掉enters,这种考题在国内高考也经常考,这个考点因为出题频率特别的高。


  例:Although(A) the new device was the most clever (B) designed bird feeder that Ms.Rodriguez had ever owned (C), it could not keep squirrels from(D)stealing the birdseed. No error(E)

  分析:正确答案是B 修饰动词designed 的用adv.cleverly


  例: Air pollution caused by industrial fumes has been studied(A) for years, but(B) only recently has(C) the harmful effects of noise pollution become (D)known. No error(E)

  分析:正确答案是C,本题考查的是倒装因为only +状语/状从要求引起倒装,而倒装后真的主语是 effects所以C应改为have


  Just how(A) critical an improved balance of trade is to(B) a healthy economy has never been (C)more clearer(D) than it is now. No error(E)

  分析:本题考点很简单C more clearer应改为clearer




  preoccupation with take advantage of=make use of contrast with be involved in think about use sth to do threaten to do take pride in result in/from prefer to protest against inconsistent with manage to do listen to neither nor either or be more likely to do 等短语,这些短语都是在考试过程中高频出现的短语。

  以上就是常见SAT语法句子改错题错误的总结。总之,IE题型是writing部分中最为简单的一种题型,考生只需认真看清楚我上边列出的题型分类,就可以轻松面对IE题型。 广州环球雅思英语培训电话400-001-9911转分机17019;51Talk无忧英语培训电话400-001-9911转分机16819。


答:原句为 that has been recognized as a world champion,再由此句转化成不定式to be recognized as a world champion

答:B.“that he was ”是不需要的成分,同事如果是这样的话,Wirting也是不对的,应该用Wrote;C. Although后面没有主语,最严重的错误是逗号后面直接开始“he wrote...”这个是最不应该用的句法,因为这是另外一个句子,而中间没有连接词了,需要加"and".切忌---正规语法中,逗号后面如果没有连词,...

答:这是改错题吧?A. The businessman (is) the head ——主谓一致,没错。B. the head (of a company) ——介词短语作表示所属关系的定语,没错。C. a company (that has been) investigated 与D. (in the latest) crackdown 相关,后者(最近的制裁中)是从句中表示过去的时间状语,因此C项...

答:答案是D,应该是WHILE wandering。“wandering” 这个动作是人做的,而因为它的位置在 "antique store" 的后面,所以一定要特意表现出它是修饰“came”动词的状语从句(以免理解为“antique store" 的修饰的从句)。可以改一下句子的顺序,以更容易看到结构:While wandering in the old quarter of the ...

答:您好,我是专注留学考试规划和留学咨询的小钟老师。留学申请的每一步都充满挑战,我在这里为您提供从留学目的地选择到申请材料准备的全方位支持。您的留学梦想,我们一同实现,敬请访问!https://liuxue.87dh.com/ 句子成分残缺是SAT语法改错题中的常见错误类型。以下是句子成分残缺的三种常见形式:1. ...

sat 语法题,急!!!
答:Were they here now, they could help us.=If they were here now, they could help us.所以原文前半句是没错的,后半句是该句的主句,所以of 就很多余了,应该改成had 此句的译文为:如果我知道要从电影院走第十五街道到达餐馆,我可能会穿更加舒服的鞋子。(暗示路途太远,或者路不好走)3...

答:本句缺谓语动词,应该把telling改为谓语动词 told 3.2.No one objects to his company, even though he has made insulting remarks about almost every member of the (group, when) he is a remarkable witty man.答案是group, when错,为什么?group改为 company 因为不明确 后面说的是原因 ...

答:对第一种情况而言,句子中就出现了两处错误,整个句子需要改为——The chief announced that his police force [would] continue their battle against the criminal until they [had] brought it under control.但是,改错题只有一处错误,因此只能属于上面说的第二种情况,整个句子需要改为——The ...

答:since 一般用做引导原因状语从句,后面直接加主句。比如:since you are ill,you don't have to take my class.而这句话后面用But转折,变成了前后不同的两个分句的并列,与前面矛盾。显然不合语法逻辑。所以可以把since 去掉。

语法。SAT PRINCETON 11套题的一道改错题