
作者&投稿:茅宙 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 问题一:与时俱进用英语怎么说? keep pace with the times
advance with the times 隐藏摘要
与时俱进 Innovation requires emancipating our minds, seeking truth from facts and keeping pace with the times.

问题二:与时俱进的英文怎么说 与时俱进 advance with the times
坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神 adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, se饥king truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time.
解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 Emancipate the mind, Seek truth from the facts, Advance with the times

问题三:与时俱进用英语怎么说 keeping pace with the times

问题四:请问“与时俱进”的确切的英文翻译是什么?谢谢! “与时俱进”国内一般译为 keep pace with the times
不过也见过有人说:Keep abreas搐 of times.但官方一般用第一个

问题五:所以公司必须与时俱进 用英文怎么说 没有前文……
...so that the pany must keep pace with the times

问题六:请问:与时俱进用英语怎么讲?在线等。谢谢! to advance with the times
以上结果由 Dr.eye处典通字典 提供

问题七:与时俱进用英语怎么说? advance with the times
1. In other words, artistic forms advance with the times.
2. Practice of the math textbook reform in higher vocational education fully shows that the goal of higher vocational education should advance with the times and adapt to the times changes and the development of scientific technology.
3. Humani *** runs throrgh the whole development history of civilization.CPC inherits the reasonable parts and innovates continuously and forms a new idea of administration of humani *** .This reflects the advance with the times of CPC to the tranditional humani *** .
民本思想贯穿了中华民族的文明发展史,中国 *** 人对传统民本思想在继承合理成分的基础上,大胆超越,不断创新,形成了中国 *** 人的民本思想和“以人为本”的执政理念,体现了党在对待传统民本思想上的与时俱进。

问题八:与时俱进的英文怎么说 与时俱进 advance with the times
坚持解放思想、实事求是的思想路线,弘扬与时俱进的精神 adhere to the ideological guideline of emancipating the mind, se饥king truth from facts, and upholds the spirit of advancing with time.
解放思想、实事求是、与时俱进 Emancipate the mind, Seek truth from the facts, Advance with the times

问题九:与时俱进用英语怎么说 keeping pace with the times

问题十:“与时消息,与时偕行,与时俱进”用英语怎么说 与时俱进
advance with the times;keep pace with the times;keep abreast of the times;change with the times更多释义>>

与时俱进 advance with times;keep pace with the times;Times
坚持与时俱进 persist in advance with times;adhering to keeping pace with the times

答:Assimilate new idea, exert and strive hard without any let up and advance with the times are the strong forward momentum of studing English

答:What's your opinion on the openess of today's society? We should keep up with the times.

英语the mere advance of time怎么翻译?
答:英语the mere advance of time的翻译:只是时间的推移。重点词汇:advance v. (使)前进,(使)向前移动;发展,进步;预付;提前,提早;促进,推动;提出(想法或理论);上涨,增加;提拔,晋升 n. 前进;进步,进展;改善;预付款;勾引,追求;(价格、价值的)上涨;贷款 adj. 预先的,事先...

答:“前行不止”在英语中的表达方式有很多,这里列举几个比较常见的:1. Keep moving forward. (不断向前。)2. Never stop moving forward. (永不停止向前。)3. Keep pushing forward. (坚持往前推进。)4. Keep marching forward. (一步步向前走。)5. Always move forward. (始终向前。)这...

答:3.To promote a policeman's leadership is not easy and he must study continuously and advance with the time.要提升个人的领导能力,不是短时间能够学到的,必须持续学习、与时俱进、随机应变来提升自己。4.Surely Richard's promotion was on his own merit, even though Keith says he's ...

答:three important theory representative for party

答:of the Yellow River.9. He cited paragraphs from the famous American poet, Whitman's work.10. Serving the people wholeheartedly is the fundamental purpose of the party, the party's all the hard work and the work is to the benefit of the people.=== 符合您的要求嘛== ...

“穷富差异” 英文怎么说
答:新时期最突出的标志是与时俱进。Keeping up with the times is the most prominent hallmark in the new period经济实力大幅提升。Economic strength increased substantially.改革开放取得重大突破。 Major breakthroughs were made in reform and opening up.人民生活显著改善。People's living standards improved ...

答:渐变;逐渐变化 例句:Global change and the boreal forest: thresholds, shifting states or gradual change?全球变化和北方森林:阈值,移动态或逐渐变化?词汇解析:1、gradual 英 [ˈgrædʒuəl] 美 [ˈɡrædʒuəl]adj.渐进的,渐(升)降...

答:这与全体职员同心同德、知难而上,表现出应有的工作热情是分不开的。It cann't be devided from all staffs, who show their working passion and grasp the nettle, one mind and one heart 朋友们:让我们同心同德,争分夺秒,与时俱进,为国寿灿烂的明天而奋斗!Friends: let us all work ...