
作者&投稿:频浩 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

You are the one I love most at the bottom of my heart.

There is a person in everyone's heart who doesn't belong to himself.

(藏在心底的人)用英语:the one who hides in the heart。


n. 心,心脏;内心,感情;胸前;重点,核心;中心,中央;信心,勇气;(表示爱的)心形物;红桃牌,红心牌;菜心;同情,怜悯;爱情,情爱;(土地的)肥力

v. <非正式>喜爱,深爱

【名】 (Heart)(英)哈特(人名)

n. (Heart)人名;(英)哈特


midst, center, heart, core, middle


midst 书面语用词,指在一个群体的深处或在某活动的进程中。

center 指三维空间的中心点,也可比喻抽象事物的中心。

heart 指事物最内部或最重要的部分,表地理位置时可与center换用。

core 指某事物固定的中心部分或最重要的核心部分。比喻意义指某物的精华。

middle 一般指时间、空间或过程两端间等距的部分。

The people in heart

Hidden in the bottom of the peple

the one/person hidden deep at the bottom of my heart

the person deep in my heart

...不应该将你的问题埋藏在心底。You should't ( ) your problems...
答:分别填bury,in your heart 如果你认可我的回答,请及时点击【采纳为满意回答】按钮 手机提问的朋友在客户端右上角评价点【满意】即可。祝你学习进步,不懂可追问!

汉译英 “喜欢你,不必让你知道,藏心底就好”
答:love you, but no need to tell you, just hiding in heart

答:Hoping to get a doll is a secret of her in the deep hart all the time.

答:在……的心中英文 In one's heart 在。。的心底 at the bottom of one's heart.在我的心中你是唯一。You are the only in my heart.

答:I such love a person from the bottom of my heart.

答:你永远是我的唯一,我会把你放心底,你是我生命重要的一部分You are my only one forever. I will keep you at the bottom of my heart, you are the most important part of my life.

答:想念一个人短句有内涵英语,在一个时间里面想念一个喜欢的人,而且对方也是十分的思念自己的,对你的长长思念全部印刻在心里,下面了解想念一个人短句有内涵英语。 想念一个人短句有内涵英语1 1、Sometimes, I do miss how it feels when youre around.有时候,我真的很想念你在身边的感觉,想念的英文句子。 2、The...

答:叮嘱:1. (v) repeatedly warn or urge 2. warn> Examples:1. 我曾经叮嘱他不要和任何人讲这件事。I had warned him not to tell anyone about it.2. 已经特别叮嘱过你不要吃鱼.You were specifically warned not to eat fish.3. 孩子们回家时都累坏了——他们在泥地时玩耍,没有父母在...

答:Please give me a warm hug when I can't hold on.

答:感觉的英文:feel; sensation; sense perception; perceive; become aware of 一、sensation 英 [senˈseɪʃn] 美 [sɛnˈseʃən]n.感觉;轰动;知觉;直觉 I had a sensation of falling, as if in a dream.英文:我有一种坠落的感觉,像在梦中似的...