
作者&投稿:甫复 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
我想当一名军人的英语作文初一的水平 80字左右~

My Dream
I have a dream, a dream of being a soldier.
When I was little boy, I thought that the soldiers was so much handsome, so I admired them and wanted to be a member of them.
while I was grown, I understood what the soldier.was doing, the soldiers would protect our country and help the people who was in trouble, such as the flood in 1998, the earthquake in 2008. so I thought the soldiers was great, and I would like to be a soldier.
If I want to be a soldier, I have to study so hard and make me strong, Because enough kownledge and strong body is needed. and from now ,I will study hard for this.
it is my dream, becoming a soldier, a modern soldier.


My dream is to be a soldier

My Dream, a dream of being a soldier.

When I was little boy, I thought that the soldiers was so much handsome, so I admired them and wanted to be a member of them.

while I was grown, I understood what the soldier.was doing, the soldiers would protect our country and help the people who was in trouble, such as the flood in 1998, the earthquake in 2008. so I thought the soldiers was great, and I would like to be a soldier.

If I want to be a soldier, I have to study so hard and make me strong, Because enough kownledge and strong body is needed. and from now ,I will study hard for this.

it is my dream, becoming a soldier, a modern soldier.



My Dream

, a dream of being a soldier.
When I was little boy, I thought that the soldiers was so much handsome, so I admired them and wanted to be a member of them.
while I was grown, I understood what the soldier.was doing, the soldiers would protect our country and help the people who was in trouble, such as the flood in 1998, the earthquake in 2008. so I thought the soldiers was great, and I would like to be a soldier.
If I want to be a soldier, I have to study so hard and make me strong, Because enough kownledge and strong body is needed. and from now ,I will study hard for this.
it is my dream, becoming a soldier, a modern soldier.

答:我愿是一名什么诗歌如下:诗歌一:我愿是一名军人 当兵是我梦想,一身戎装,手握战抢英姿飒爽,保家卫国护边疆,赴死丛军浑不怕信念入刚性格钢强,肩有承担为国至上,马革裹尸又怎样?我愿是一名军人,昂头挺胸,体魂健壮气宇轩昂,仗义执言不惧豺狼,戎马天涯火海敢闯,一如那喷血的朝阳,奉献青春的...

答:我的梦想是当一名军人,守卫在祖国边疆,抵抗外国侵略者,让国人安居乐业。当然,当军人不光要有志向,还要付出实际行动。 做一名军人,除了要有良好的身体素质外,还要有一颗积极向上的心,拿破仑曾经说过 “不想当将军的士兵不是好士兵。 ”而这些正是我现在努力的方向。 不过,成为一名军人光做到这些还不行,还要有一定...

答:我的理想作文军人(四) 刘翔是一名短跑运动员,他为了自己的梦想努力奋斗着,终于,他成为了一名“亚洲飞人”;古力是一名围棋运动员,他每天做练习题,天长日久,棋艺上升,他最终成为了一名世界冠军;而我的梦想是当一名军人,维护祖国和人民的生命安全,保卫边疆,让祖国和人民有美好的生活。如果我...


答:1. 我的未来要当一名军人作文 我的理想做一个军人 每个人都有自己的理想,每个人的理想也都不一样。没有目标而生活,恰如没有罗盘而航行。就是这样,我的理想则是成为一名军人。 军人,顾名思义,就是行军打仗的人;并且军人是神圣的,他们为国家而战;为人民的利益而战;为人民的光明前途而战。 军人的宗旨是保家...


答:虽然我这个理想微不足道,但我只要把它完成,那我就是最棒的!我的理想作文军人400字(四) xx是一名短跑运动员,他为了自己的梦想努力奋斗着,终于,他成为了一名“亚洲飞人”;xx是一名围棋运动员,他每天做练习题,天长日久,棋艺上升,他最终成为了一名世界冠军;而我的梦想是当一名军人,维护...

我的梦想当一名军人 作文怎么写


答:梦想是我们每个人不可缺少的,有梦想就有动力,这样才能激励我好好学习,天天向上,我不怕辛苦。长大以后我要成为一名合格的军人,为祖国效力,为人民奉献,做祖国的守护者。这是一个放飞梦想的时代,让我们放飞梦想吧!篇二:我的梦想是当一名军人 人人都有自己的梦想,有人希望当一个富翁,有人希望...