下午就是元旦文艺晚会了 用英语怎么说

作者&投稿:孙裕 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

元旦晚会英文:New Year party.

1、new 英 [njuː] 美 [nuː]
释义:adj. 刚出现的;新的;新近推出的;新东西;新事物;新买的。

短语:break new ground 有所发现;开拓创新 。
a new broom 新就职者;刚上任的新官 。
turn over a new leaf 改恶从善;重新做人 。

例句:They've just opened a new hotel in the Stoke area .

2、year 英 [jɪə(r)] 美 [jɪr]
释义: n. 年;日历年;一年时间;与某事相关的一年;年度。

短语:year by year 一年一年地;每年;年复一年 。
year after year 年年;每年 。
the turn of the year 新年伊始;辞旧迎新之际 。

例句:I haven 'laughed so much in years .

3.party 英 [ˈpɑːti] 美 [ˈpɑːrti]
释义:n. 政党;党派;聚会;宴会;联欢会;派对 。
v. 寻欢作乐;吃喝玩乐。

短语:be party to sth 参与,参加(协议或行动)。

例句:The couple met at a party .

I took part in the new year's Gala, and selected, so I am very happy,,also hope I can have a good performance.望采纳~~

The New Year's party will be held this afternoon.

the new year's literature evening in afteroon

This afternoon will hold the new year celebration show

New year celebration is going to be held this afternoon