
作者&投稿:勾江 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ it is my pleasure.
you are wele!
That is all right./(似与That's Ok基本一致 )
not at all.
(Please )do not mention it.请不用客气.
"It's my pleasure."是"这是我应该做的"的意思,一般是在你做好事之后别人道谢时回答的,和第一句的意思相近.
"That is all right."是在对方不小心干了什么不好的事道歉的时候回答的.
You are wele"是"你不要客气"的意思,一般在对方很友好的道谢的时候回答.
"Not at all"的意思是"完全不",是在对方申请干什么事征求你的同意时回答的.,7,1,you'r wele
2,my pleasure
3,not at all,0,You are wele.
Don't mention it.
Not at all.
It's ok/all right.
Don't worry about it.
Forget about it.
It was nothing.
No sweat.
No problem.
(It was) my pleasure.,0,it dosen't matter.
hat's all right .
that's ok.
you're wel.
dont mention it,0,Don't mention it.
Not at all.
You are wele.
With pleasure.,0,

答:有四种说法 希望对你有帮助 :1.you are welcome 2.Don't mention it.3.My pleasure 4.Not at all

外国人说 “没关系”和“不用客气”怎么说?口语化的!
答:1.没关系英语口语中常用的:It doesn't matter.; It's nothing.; That's all right.; no sweat [美俚];Never mind; That's O.K.例:It doesn't matter to me whether you go or not.你去或不去,对我都没关系。“My hair dryer's broken.” “No sweat, you can use mine.”“...

没关系 和不客气用英语怎么说
答:用英语表达[没关系]的十句话 1. That's OK! 没关系!2. That's alright!没关系!3. Don't worry about it!不用担心! 4. It's nothing!没什麼!5. Never mind!别放在心上!6. It doesn't matter!无所谓!7. It doesn't make any difference!没差!8. No problem!没问题!9. ...

答:完全不”。7、Forget it!Forget it可用于三种情况。一、用于回答感谢,意为“不客气”;二、用于回答道歉,表示“没关系”;三、用于表示不想提及某情况或指某情况无关紧要。8、Don’t worry about that.Don’t worry about that 是个非常不错的表达,和中文里的“不要紧”意思非常接近。

答:不客气英语有6种说法,具体如下:1、you are welcome.第一名当然就是耳熟能详的“you are welcome”,这是相当正式的表达方式,实际上老外最常用的方式更加简略,就说:“welcome”。2、Don't mention it 不用提,不用谢。Don't mention it 用在回复别人感谢的时候,表示“不值一提,不用谢”...

答:t worry about it.“别放在心上”。5、No biggie 没什么大不了的。这是英文俚语,和no worries 一样属于年轻人比较常用的说法。与it’s no big deal意思相同。以下这三种说法表达的意思都是“不用客气,这点小事不用谢”。可能年轻人会比较少用这三种回答方式,但你会常听到上年纪的人说。

答:不用谢: My pleasure; Welcome; You are so welcome; That is my responsibility; All right 没关系: That's fine; That's ok; No problem; It doesn't matter; Don't worry

答:You're welcome.Not at all.Never mind.It's my pleasure.Don't mention it.That's all right.

答:问题六:不客气用英语怎么说 You are wele !问题七:不用客气的英文怎么写? Do not mention it.不客气。You are very wele.不客气。You're very wele.不用客气。Don't mention it.不客气。You are wele.不客气。No trouble.不客气(没有麻烦)。Please do not mention it.请不用客气。H...

答:谢谢、不用谢、没关系、不客气的英文分别是 Thank you、You're welcome、No problem、Don't mention it。