
作者&投稿:里残 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
英语作文 谈谈学习音乐的经历,和对未来的看法400字~

How to keep safe
As is known to all , the education of safe recieve a hot attention from the society recently.From my point of view,safe can be devided into 3 different aspects,that is,the safe in school,the safe in traffic and the safe in diet.
Nowadays,students spend most of their daytime in school.That is to say,school play an important role in students' life.As a result.they must be safe in school and the reason is needless to say.
What's more,the safe in traffic is also required.In that most of the students rely on the public transportation everyday.
Last but not the least,the safe in diet can make a real difference in students' daily life at the same time.We can't be too serious to our meal.
To sum up.all the three aspects are responsible for the students' safe.We must focus on every trifle in our daily life.Only in this way can we live in a safe environment every day.


1、 Learning a foreign language cannot be interrupted for a day. If there is really no time, even squeeze out ten minutes every day. The morning is a good time to learn a foreign language.
2、 You can put your books aside to listen to the radio, or temporarily put aside the practice of textbooks to turn over the dictionary, etc.
3、 Never learn by rote in isolation from the context.
4、 You should write down and memorize the "sentence sets" that you usually use most.

My experience in studying English
When I was young, I started learning English. And now, for 6 years, I still learning English. But ar different time, the method I study English is not the same.
As I was a little kid, I learned English with my parents. I did what they told me to do and gradually knew the alphabet. Then I grew up, I learned English from my teachers. They not only taught me new words but also taught me grammar. And at this time, I learn English from myself. This not mean that I do not learn from my teachers or my parents, but means I learn it from the love for English deep in my heart.

答:无论过去遭遇了什么困难,好好面对现在吧。勇敢乐观地立足当下,努力向前看。下面是由我为大家整理的“回顾过去展望未来的句子”,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。 回顾过去展望未来的句子(一) 1. 回望过去的一年,付出了汗水,付出了努力,收获了喜悦,收获了成功,在五彩斑斓的人生涂上了重重一笔;新的一年到来,愿你执起勤奋的...

答:你知道作文怎样写才规范吗?下面是小编整理的写给未来的自己作文,欢迎大家分享。 写给未来的自己作文 篇1 未来的自己,你会是什么样子呢?我真的好期待! 未来的自己,你是充满智慧还是稍显愚笨呢?我都会接受! 未来的自己,我和你有同一个梦想:用舞蹈为自己的世界增添一抹神秘的色彩! 我听别人说过一句话:“我们要...

答:关于过去现在未来的诗句 1.关于“过去”“现在”“未来”的句子有哪些 过去 回首过去,我们思绪纷飞,感慨万千。立足今日,我们胸有成竹,信心百倍。展望未来,我们引吭高歌,一路欢笑。 回忆是一种很奇妙的东西,它生活在过去,存在于现在,却能影响未来。 未来 未来的成就是自己给的,追加的只不过是别人对你的看法,而...

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以过去的我 现在的我 未来的我为题写一篇1500字的叙事作文

答:回忆是一种很奇妙的东西,它生活在过去,存在于现在,却能影响未来。 未来 未来的成就是自己给的,追加的只不过是别人对你的看法,而真正懂得确是自己,只有相信自己,才能有一个好的未来。 未来,就是你站在茫茫大海的这一边,遥望着海的那一边,充满好奇心,憧憬这对海那边的向往,正是对未知的不了解与向往,所以才有...

changesChina作文 中英两译 过去现在和未来
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回顾过去展望未来的格言句子 过去并不等于未来
答:14、人有时要懂得原谅人,过去了就当是笑话,他们没有东西写便要作,不要以为拿着支笔,全世界都怕了你,如果我有讲,写得夸张点都算,但无中生有就不可以接受。 15、幸福人生的三种姿态:对过去,要淡;对现在,要惜;对未来,要信。 回顾过去 展望未来的经典句子 1、【未来,就是你站在茫茫大海的这一边,遥望着...

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