
作者&投稿:宁娜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
silncnlnns scrlninc 请大神帮忙翻译成中文,谢谢🙏~

silncnlnns scrlninc 翻译:硅藻土。
其化学成分以SiO₂为主,可用SiO₂·nH2O表示,矿物成分为蛋白石及其变种。 我国硅藻土储量3.2亿吨,远景储量达20多亿吨,主要集中在华东及东北地区,其中规模较大,工作做得较多的有吉林、浙江、云南、山东、四川等省,分布虽广,但优质土仅集中于吉林长白、云南两地区,其他矿床大多数为3~4级土,由于杂质含量高,不能直接深加工利用。

硅藻土是古代单细胞硅藻遗骸沉积物。其特点: 质轻、多孔、高强、耐磨、绝缘、绝热、吸附 及填充等一列优良性能。具有良好的化学稳定 性。是隔热、研磨、过滤、吸附、抗凝、脱模、填充、载体等重要工业材料。可广泛应用于冶 金、化工、电力、农业、化肥、建材保温制品等行业。也可作塑料、橡胶、陶瓷、造纸等工业功能性填料。

Hello,everyone 大家好,happy to be here (很高兴来到这里),nice to meet you(见到你们很高兴) .I would appreciate your comments(我将会很高兴收到您的指教)。对于中间那个很高兴认识大家,遇到你们很高兴,我个人感觉重复了点,所以给你稍微改了下哈。
안녕하세요 。再啰嗦一句,通常大家好后面会接上自己名字的介绍。如:저는 XXX이에요 .
만나서 반갑습니다 .很高兴认识大家。(韩语里这句话本身就概括了见到你们和很高兴两层意思,所以你要是重复说的话,反而显得很老外哦,建议这一句就可以了)
以后请多多指教잘 부탁드립니다 .
总结:韩语:안녕하세요 ,저는 XXX이에요 ,만나서 반갑습니다 ,잘 부탁드립니다 .

Using the L9 (thirty-four) experimental design, as the pear juice and pure milk as raw material, using Lactobacillus bulgaricus and Streptococcus thermophilus fermentation. The results show that, to join the 40 pear juice, sugar, 8 5% fermentation, fermentation time 5h for the production of pear juice the best conditions. The solidification type pear juice yoghurt with pear fragrance, sweet and sour taste, uniform color, white.
,one culture medium preparation
In ,two high temperature sterilization and pasteurization examination of lactic acid bacteria acid bacteria test
In three , high temperature sterilization and pasteurization mold inspection
four, fermentation agent amount ratio test
five, sucrose content ratio test
,six orthogonal test label production
seven, orthogonal test mold detection
In eight, the orthogonal test of lactic acid bacteria detection
nine, yoghurt fermentation
ten gram staining, orthogonal test
eleven, refined taste

Using the L9 (34) test design, with pear juice and pure milk as raw material and using lactobacillus Bulgaria and streptococcus thermophilus for culture malolactic fermentation. The results indicate that by 40 ﹪ of pear juice, 8 ﹪ of sugar, 5% of culture, fermentation time for 5 h for making pear juice yogurt the best condition. Get set type pear juice yogurt with pear fragrance, sweet and sour palatable, curd uniform, colour and lustre is white.
1, medium production
2, high temperature disinfection and pasteurized lactic acid bacteria inspection acid bacteria inspection
3, high temperature disinfection and pasteurized mould inspection
4, culture quantity added to matching test
5, sucrose addition amount of matching test
6, orthogonal test label production
7, orthogonal test mould detection
8, orthogonal test lactic acid bacteria detection
9, acid milk fermentation
10, orthogonal test gram observation
11finished product taste

请大家帮忙翻译成英语 谢谢了
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