High School Musical中主角Corbin Bleu 个人专辑的歌词

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求歌舞青春(High school musical)主角的资料~

  【英文名】Zac Efron
  【小名】Zacquisha /Zefron
  【全名】Zachary David Alexander Efron
  【家人】David Efron(爸爸)Starla Baskett(妈妈)Dylan Efron (弟弟)
  【出生地】San Luis Obispo, CA (加利福尼亚州,San Luis Obispo)) 【星座】天秤座(Libra )
  【身高】5' 10½" (1.79 m)
  【偶像】莱昂纳多 迪卡普里奥(leonardo dicapurio) 强尼 戴普(Johnny Depp)
  【女友】凡妮莎·哈金斯 (Vanessa Hudgens)《歌舞青春》饰演女主角Gabriella
  【好友】Ashley Tisdale、Corbin Bleu、Brittany Snow
  【简介】美国演员。著名导演亚当·山克曼称他为当今美国最好的青少年演员,他的父亲大卫·埃夫隆是一位电子工程师。 埃夫隆是因为出演迪斯尼电影《歌舞青春》和电视剧《海岸情缘》而被大家所熟知,2007年的《歌舞青春2》与2008年的《歌舞青春3》他再次连续出演男主角Troy Bolton。他是2002年踏入演艺圈的,刚开始是在一些CSI电视剧中扮演一些客串小角色。 Zac Efron生于一个犹太家族,但是他不太奉行犹太教。
  扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)以迪斯尼最热门的青春电视电影《歌舞青春》(英文原名“High School Musical”,中文名也有称《高校音乐剧》) 男主角而走红。 扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)因为出演迪斯尼电影《歌舞青春》成为好莱坞今夏备受追捧的年轻人。为突出《歌舞青春》的“音乐剧”为核心的特色,《歌舞青春》的演员是从600多人中海选出来,要求同时具备演唱、跳舞和表演三方面的才能,作为男主角扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)的才华可见一斑。在戏外,扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)与该剧的女主角凡妮莎·哈金斯(Vanessa Hudgens) 似乎顺理成章地走在了一起,意气风发四个字似乎是扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)目前最恰当的写照。 在《歌舞青春》系列之后,扎克的戏路似乎并没有就此终止,《重返十七岁》的火爆票房也证明了这位八零后影星的票房号召力(而他的女友凡妮莎之后也将出演单飞的歌舞青春:《乐团狂飙》!!) 扎克显然不满足于只作为青少年的偶像或是一位歌舞片特型演员,为了自己成为一名严肃演员的梦想,他作为主角出演了理查德·林克莱特的《我和奥森·威尔斯》,此片在欧洲颇受好评,并提名多项BAFTA大奖。他的最新作品是将于2010年7月30日在北美上映的感人剧情片《查理·圣克劳德的生与死》。 扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)和凡妮莎·哈金斯 (Vanessa Hudgens) 的街拍也成为最受欢迎的好莱坞明星街拍之一。扎克·埃夫隆 (Zac Efron)还参与了凡妮莎·哈金斯 (Vanessa Hudgens) 第二支单曲《say ok》的音乐录影带的演出。

  ◆2010 不义之财
  ◆2009 我和奥逊·威尔斯
  重回十七岁17 Again
  ◆2008 机器鸡
  歌舞青春3:毕业季High School Musical:Senior Year
  ◆2007 歌舞青春2High School Musical:Sing It All Or Nothing
  ◆2006 替补球员
  ◆2005 海岸情缘Summerland(16 Episodes):Cameron Bale
  犯罪现场CSI: Miami:Seth Dawson
  ◆2004 神奇之旅Miracle Run:Steven Morgan
  惊涛大冒险The Guardian(Without Consent
  ◆2003 急症室的故事ER:Bobby Neville
  ◆2002 梅琳达的世界Melinda’s World
  萤火虫Firefly (Episode: Safe)

  2006年 青少年选择奖(Teen Choice Award)扎克.埃夫隆获奖最佳突破明星(Choice Breakout Star )
  2007年 青少年选择奖(Teen Choice Award) 性感男明星(Choice Male Hottie )
  2008年 MTV电影大奖(MTV Movie Award) 《发胶/Hairspray 》最佳突破表演(Breakthrough Performance)
  2009年 青少年选择奖(Teen Choice Award) 最佳喜剧类男演员(Choice Movie Actor Comedy ),《重返17岁/ 17 Again 》 最佳音乐/舞蹈类男演员(Choice Movie Actor Music/Dance),《歌舞青春3:毕业季/High School Musical 3: Senior Year 》 MTV电影大奖(MTV Movie Award) 最佳男演员(Best Male Performance ),《歌舞青春3:毕业季/High School Musical 3: Senior Year 》
  2010年 Zac闪耀毛伊岛 电影节领取闪亮明星奖
  2006: High School Musical: The Soundtrack #1 US (3x Platinum) (US Sales: 2.8 million; shipped: 3 million), #1 AUS (Platinum)
  2007: High School Musical 2: The Soundtrack — early 2007

  英文名:Vanessa Hudgens
  全名:Vanessa Anne Hudgens
  昵称:Nessa, V, Van, Baby V,Vanney,VV
  星座: 射手
  身高:5' 4½" (1.64 m)(IMDB资料)
  男友:Zac Efron (《歌舞青春》饰演男主角Troy)
  父母:Greg Hudgens and Gina Guangco
  妹妹:Stella Hudgens
  好朋友:Ashley Tisdale、Zac Efron、Selena Gomez、Corbin Bleu、Alexa Nikolas、Brenda Song、Miley Cyrus、Kayslee Collins、Brittany Snow和 Samantha Droke Olesya Rulin
  最喜欢的电视节目:Degrassi: The Next Generation
  最喜欢的车:Porsche Carerra GT
  最喜欢的牛仔裤:Frankie B jeans
  ★2003 《Thirteen》 ......Noel First film to star with Brady Corbe
  ★2004 《Thunderbirds》 ......Tintin Second film to star with Brady Corbet
  ★2006 《歌舞青春》 ..........Gabriella Montez
  ★2007 《歌舞青春2》............Gabriella Montez
  ★2008 《歌舞青春3》 ..........Gabriella Montez
  ★2009 《Bandslam》(中文名《乐团狂飙》)(2009年8月14日上映)..........Sa5m★2010 《Beastly》(2011年3月18日上映) ..........Linda Taylor
  ★2011 《Sucker Punch》 (影片暂定2011年2月25日上映) ..........Blondie
  2010 Rent (The Musical) 饰演: Mimi Marquez 时间: August 8月 地点: Hollywood Bowl Directed
  Still Standing(2002)..........Tiffany “Still Rocking” (Season1,Episode4)
  Robbery Homicide Division(2002)..........Nicole “Had”(Season 1,Episode10)
  The Brothers Garcia(2003)..........Lindsay “New Tunes” (Season4, Episode37)
  Quintuplets(2005)..........Carmen “The Coconut Kapow” (Season1, Episode22)
  Drake and Josh(2005)..........Becca “Little Sibling” (Season3,Episode13)
  The Suite Life of Zack and Cody(2006)..........Corrie “Forever Plaid” (Season2,Episode6)
  “Not So Suite 16” (Season2, Episode 10 ) “Neither a Borrower Nor a Speller Bee” (Season2, Episode12) “Kept Man” (Season2, Episode14 )
  2006 Rutherford New Jersey : Opening Act for the Cheetah Girls
  2006/2007 High School Musical: The Concert 歌舞青春全美巡回演唱会
  2008 Summer '08 State Fair : 在Alabama State、Lousiana State 、Georgia State、West Virginia State、Michigan State、Iowa State、Crawford County、Oregon State、Vancouver、New York State、Ohio State、Utah State、Monterrey Mexico、Pueblo Mexico 、Guadalajara Mexico 、Plaza de Toros Mexico等地巡回演出
  凡妮莎·安妮·哈金斯1988年生于美国加州萨琳纳斯市,身上有菲律宾、中国、西班牙(母亲一方)以及爱尔兰、美洲印地安人(父亲一方)的血统,这也许可以解释她一副出众而独特的容貌,拥有让人无法将目光移开的魔力。 凡妮莎能歌善舞,朋友圈子里也都是些早早踏上星途的青春明星们,妹妹Stella Hudgens和她同在2002年登上电视银幕。凡妮莎接受过钢琴、声乐、舞蹈等方面的训练,出色的功底让凡妮莎在多部音乐舞台剧中担任主角,此外也做起了广告模特。 2002年凡妮莎通过电视剧《Robbery Homicide Division》、《Still Standing》登上荧屏,2003年和04年则出现在两部电影中《Thirteen》和《Thunderbirds》当中,都是和Brady Corbet合作。 2005年凡妮莎在迪士尼频道的电视电影《歌舞青春》中担任主角,成功出演一位性格害羞的女学生,在朋友的帮助下最终克服内心恐惧而登上舞台,大放光彩。这部迪士尼频道史上最成功的原创电影一举将凡妮莎·安妮·哈金斯和扎克·埃夫隆捧成了炙手可热的青春偶像,此后的续集2,3部也受到了青少年的热捧。此外《歌舞青春》的音乐也受到了年轻人的欢迎,以超过370万张的专辑销售,勇夺2006美国专辑销售年度冠军。 2006年凡妮莎在迪士尼旗下厂牌发表了自己的首张音乐专辑《V》,V既是代表她的名字也意味着“多样性”,第二支单曲say ok的音乐录影带请来了扎克·埃夫隆在内的一众好友出演,青春的气氛几乎令年纪大的人们不忍卒闻。 19岁的凡妮莎·安妮·哈金斯正是迪士尼在每个时期都迫切需要的那种既可以在暑假大卖电影又可以出圣诞专辑的优质青春偶像;不过她在音乐方面对自己也有着严肃的要求。 Van曾参演过的歌剧有:Evita, Carousel, The Wizard of Oz, The King & I, The Music Man,Cinderella, Damn Yankees, The Hunchback of Notre Dam, and The Little Mermaid, 等等。 Van称对自己最重要的是家人,即使交了男朋友,也依旧会多多陪家人。 她的第一份工作是一个广告,而Van当初被没有打算参加这个广告的试镜,直到她一个准备参加试镜的朋友不能去而询问她可否去试一下。她的祖父母都是音乐家。 她有一个妹妹叫Stella。当她小的时候,一家人搬到了San Diego, California 她曾经在俄勒冈州居住。 以前曾当过model。 学过钢琴,跳舞以及在歌剧中的特效发声。 在High School Musical试镜中,她演唱了Robbie Williams的Angels。 在七年级前,Van都是在家里学习的。 她曾经打算参加美国偶像。 她因在High School Musical中演绎Gabriella Montez而广为人所知。 2006年,在迪斯尼频道的第一款DC游戏里,她被称为The Heartbreaker。 2006年夏天,Van被选为DC游戏蓝组的成员 2006年的6月,她与Hollywood Records(迪斯尼旗下的唱片公司)签了唱片合约。 她的专辑《V》在第一周以34,000的销量空降美国Billboard排行榜第24位。 在High School Musical众多明星中,Van第一个发行个人专辑,她的出道专辑《V》代表很多意思:代表了她的名字Vanessa开头第一个字母,以及代表了这张专辑混合了流行,流行摇滚,电子舞曲,抒情等。《V》用了不到两个月时间便录制完毕,于在2006年9月26日在美国发行。 2008 Identified Summer Tour Van两部电影《Thirteen》(2003)和《Thunderbirds》的搭档演员都是Brady Corbet。
  她的好朋友是Zac Efron、Ashley Tisdale、Corbin Bleu、Alexa Nikolas、Olesya Rulin 、Brenda Song、Miley Cyrus、Alyson Michalka、Emily Osment、Selena Gomez和Kayslee Collins。 她和zac在右手无名指上都有情侣戒.(自2007年起) Vanessa Hudgens & Zac Efron在没有成名的时候,她的好朋友是Erin Annis。
  她喜欢恐怖电影。Van是Natalie Wood的粉丝。 她喜欢贝克汉姆。 她最喜欢的NBA球队是湖人。 喜欢的电视剧:Degrassi: The Next Generation 。 她喜欢的牛仔裤是Frankie B。 她喜欢的汽车是保时捷的Carrera GT。 她最喜欢的歌手是Alicia Keys和Celine Dion。 她喜欢宠物,有一只叫Shadow的狗,3只小乌龟和一条金鱼。 她最喜欢的动物是蛇。 她很喜欢吃猕猴桃,说是“can't live without it” 她最爱喝的是巧克力牛奶 在学校里,她最喜欢的课目是科学。 她的歌Whatever Will Be同时是她的座右铭。 她喜欢的音乐类型是摇滚。 在High School Musical里,她最喜欢的是最后全体演员一起唱We're All In This Together的那一幕。 喜欢唱歌,同时也喜欢跳舞和表演。
  1.Come Back To Me 2.Let Go 3.Say OK 4.Never Underestimate A Girl 5.Let’s Dance 6.Drive 7.Afraid 8.Promise 9.Whatever Will Be 10.Rather Be With You 11.Psychic 12.Lose Your Love 13. Don't Talk 14.Make You Mine 15.drip drop 16.too emotional
  1. Last Night 2. Identified 3. First Bad Habit 4. Hook It Up 5. Don't Ask Why 6. Sneakernight 7. “Amazed” (Ft. Lil Mama) 8. Don't Leave 9. Paper Cut 10. Party On The Moon 11. Did It Ever Cross Your Mind 12. Gone With The Wind 13.Set it off 14.Committed 15.Vulnerable
  2006 Teen Choice Award Television Television - Choice Chemistry(with Zac Efron) Image Award Best Actress - Television 2007 全美青少年选择奖 Choice Music: Breakout Artist - Female 2008 全美青少年选择奖 最性感女星 Billboard杂志评选最特别声音NO.80 People杂志评选Beautiful at every age 获选Beautiful at 20 2009 MTV Movie Awards Breakthrough Performance Female提名81st Academy AwardsBest Kiss提名(with Zac Efron) 全美青少年选择奖 Movie: Actress Music/Dance提名 Choice Hottie提名 Movie Liplock提名(with Zac Efron) Celebrity Pet提名(with poodle Shadow) 2010 CBS ShoWest 评选为 the Female Star of Tomorrow People 杂志评选 Beautiful at every age 获选Beautiful at 21
  2007 10月 :《Seventeen》Philippines 2008 1~2月 :《Kiss》Ireland 2月 :《Seventeen》美国 2月 : 《Girlfriend》New Zealand 8月 :《Cosmo Girl》美9月 :《Teen Vogue》美国 11月 :《Lucky》美国 11月 :《People》 Magazine Collector's Ed 美国 12月 :《Cosmo Girl》Netherlands 12月 :《Hitkrant》Netherlands 2009 5月 :《Self》美国 5月 :《Caras》巴西 7月 :《Instyle》英国 8月 :《Instyle》美国 9月 :《People Style Watch》美国 9月 :《Cleo》美国 10月 :《Allure》美国 10月 :《Yes! Teen》巴西 10月 :《Instyle》波兰 10月 :《Skup》意大利 10月 :《Shout》美国 11月 :《Instyle》英国 2010 5月 :《Nylon》美国 6月:《Gossips》日本 8月:《Glamour》美国
  [编辑本段]Sweet V代言产品
  2005年 Oldvanny·露得清代言Navy Swimwear 2007年 Neutrogena Oil Free Acne Wash〔露得清暗疮护理洁面vanny·echored露〕 2007年 Marc Ecko的红色系列 2008年 Neutrogena Wave 〔露得清震动洁面蛋〕 2008年 Sears Arrive


High School Musical是Disney从2006年起开始拍摄的电视电影。它的音乐题材和中学生校园生活的结合迸发出亮丽的火花,造就了Disney的收视传奇。并且同步发行的电影原声专辑与DVD也非常畅销。片中扮演女主角的两位女孩Vanessa Hudgens与Ashley Tisdale还有配角Corbin Bleu已发行了自己的个人专辑。各位演员们也参与了H.S.M的巡演,在Disney的各种歌曲合集中也有参与串唱歌曲。

本张专辑是Disney推出的High School Musical 2 张原版伴奏。喜欢翻唱的朋友们,你们也可以成为High School Musical中的快乐歌声哦!




01. Start Of Something New
02. Get'cha Head In The Game
03. What I've Been Looking For
04. When There Was Me And You
05. Bop To The Top
06. Breaking Free
07. We're All In This Together
08. I Can't Take My Eyes Off Of You
09. Start Of Something New (Bonus Girl Solo)


01. What Time Is It
02. Fabulous
03. Work This Out
04. You Are The Music In Me
05. I Don't Dance
06. Gotta Go My Own Way
07. Bet On It
08. Everyday
09. You Are The Music In Me(Sharpay ft. Troy)

Deal With It

We've been together for too long
And we've been through too much
To have the same conversations
You seem to like so much

So you gotta think I'm cheatin
You don't listen well
I don't wanna talk girl (no)
Why dont you just tell me what I,
What I gotta do, girl, to get through to you
So, I can ease your mind
It's all about you girl
If you dont know then you have got to

Deal with it (ohh) I ain't tellin you no lies
Girl, Deal with it (ohh)
Tell me why you roll your eyes
Just, Deal wit it (ohh)
Cuz you know, Ain't nobody but you (ohh)
You should know, Ain't nobody but you

I don't really know what's with you
And who's been feedin you lies (iies)
What is with the constant questions (hmm)
Girl you really haven't been actin right

I don't thrive on attention and
I won't lead me to stray
How can I make you see
The fact of the bottom is
All that I wanna know is what I,

What I gotta do, girl
To get through to you so
I can ease your mind
It's all about you girl
If you don't know then you have got to

Deal with it (ohh) I ain't tellin you no lies
Girl, Deal with it (ohh)
Tell me why you roll your eyes, just
Deal with it (ohh)
Cuz you know, ain't nobody but you (ohh)
You should know, ain't nobody but you

Hold on, told you more than once
And you really gotta understand girl
That every time that you wanna front
And you stop to wonder where i am
I wish you would just stop acting this way
I wish you just realize that you push me away (Actin the fool)
Nobody, nobody, nobody, but
Nobody, nobody but you girl [repeat]

Deal with it (ohh) I ain't tellin you no lies
Girl, deal with it (ohh)
Tell me why you roll your eyes, just
Deal with it (ohh)
Cuz you know, ain't nobody but you (ohh)
You should know, ain't nobody but you [repeat]

’she could be’

She comes inside,
been playing football
with the guys,
She's all highfives
And dirty footprints on the floor
Next thing I know
she's hanging out
She's got her dress and
high heels on and we're alone
I couldn't ask for nothing more
I LOVE the way
a simple smile reveals it all
She calls my name.

She could be all I'm
ever gonna need
She's like a beauty queen
In just her t-shirt and her jeans
She could be just the one
I've waited for
Could be a perfect score and more
(yeah) she could be,
she could be, she
could be

[ Find more Lyrics at www.mp3lyrics.org/drL ]
Its friday night and while her friends
are home by nine
We hit the show,
Tip the bouncer
Skip the line
Next thing I know,
We're out the door
And now she's dancing in the rain
A fragile flame
Under the pale blue colored light
Ohhh. . I love the way
This girl is not afraid to fall
She calls my name.
She's calling out to me

Repeat Chorus

The one in a hundred million
A secret the words been keeping
The music that keeps repeating
keeps repeating
Inside your mind
Like an angel on your shoulder
that makes your colors bolder
than you dare
And you want to take
her everywhere.
She could be...

"Roll With You"

Roll with you
Yeah, roll with you
Roll with you

It's in your eyes just love the way you walk away, knowing that I'm watching you.
Everything about us I can see, it's just the way I thought that it could be.
When you take my hand it's like I never wanna stop the way I feel right now.
You're getting' to me like a fever I can't shake.
Like I'm dreamin' while I'm wide awake.

Lucky, my friends say I'm lucky.
Steepin' in the city with you it's lock down.
Crazy, I must be crazy.
Cuz it feels crazy good.

When I roll with you in the night, music ragin', floor is shakin'
Couldn't get any better than this, doesn't get any better than this.
Wanna roll with you by my side, beats bangin', sensation.
Couldn't get any better than this, doesn't get any better than this.

Took a little time for me to find a way for me to really be myself.
Always hangin' out and runnin' with the crowd
Then you dropped the bomb, gave me something that nobody ever did before.
Kinda like this groove it just feels right, kinda like the stars light up the night.

Lucky, my friends say I'm lucky.
Steepin' in the city with you it's lock down.
Crazy, I must be crazy.
Cuz it feels crazy good.

When I roll with you in the night, music ragin', floor is shakin'
Couldn't get any better than this, doesn't get any better than this.
Wanna roll with you by my side, beats bangin', sensation.
Couldn't get any better than this, doesn't get any better than this.

Nothin' better baby, but you and me in the glow, you feel the same way, and I like it When you
Let me know let me know.
Special somethin', I don't know what it is, but I count my blessings that you're right here with me.

I wanna roll with you in the night, music ragin', floor is shakin'.
Couldn't get any better than this, doesn't get any better than this.
Wanna roll with you by my side, beats bangin', sensation.
Couldn't get any better than this, doesn't get any better than this.

Just wanna roll with you in the night.
Roll with you.
Music bangin', floor is shakin'.
Couldn't get any better than this, doesn't get any better than this.
Wanna roll with you by my side, beats bangin', sensation.
Couldn't get any better than this, doesn't get any better than this.

"I Get Lonely"

Sound of the rain on the roof of my car
It haunts me in my sleep
Passengers' side wearing that red scarf
That I got you for our anniversary
That's where you sat when you said to me
You think that space is what you need
Time to decide where you wanna be
So now everytime that it rains


I get lonely
I begin to miss your touch
I get lonely
Start to reminice a lots
I get lonely
As if rain isn't sad enough
Everytime it starts to rain on me
I get lonely

You had a smile like summertime
And hair like a gentle breeze

A sudden change in the weather
You are no longer with me
You wanted space i gave the universe
You wanted time I gave eternity
Tears of the sky remind me of the hugs
So now everytime that it rains


Wicked memories (wicked memories)
Playing with my mind (playing with my mind)
Leaves me mentally solitarily confined
You took a part of me
And I am not the same
Constantly reminded by the rain


I get lonely
I get so lonely
Everytime it starts to rain on me
I get lonely

'Still There For Me '
Lately I've been thinking
About the things that we've been through
And I don't know if I'd be here,
If not for you

I had to take a little time
To try to work things out
And You should know that
I have never meant
To let you down

Cause I, I
Wannna tell you that I'm sorry
And I, I

Even when I'm not giving enough
And I'm taking too much
You're still there for me
Even when I got nothing at all
And I'm ready to fall
You're still there for me
There for me
There for me

Even when I can't be there for you
You're always there for me

Sometimes I know I can be
So hard to understand (It's ok)
Even when I'm lost
You show me who I really am
Life with me hasn't always been an easy ride
But because of you I've learned
[Still There For Me lyrics on http://www.metrolyrics.com]

To lose my selfish pride

Cause I, I
Wannna tell you that I'm sorry
And I, I

Even when I'm not giving enough
And I'm taking too much
You're still there for me
Even when I got nothing at all
And I'm ready to fall
You're still there for me
There for me
There for me

Even when I can't be there for you
Oh you're always there for me yeah

Oh no it's love
Ooooouuhhh (Oooohhh)
It must be love
It's gotta be real love (It's gotta be real love)

Even when I'm not giving enough
And I'm taking too much
You're still there for me
Even when I got nothing at all
And I'm ready to fall
You're still there for me
There for me
There for me

Even when I can't be there for you (When I can't be there)
Even when I can't be there for you
You're always there for me

’Push It To The Limit ’

Come on now
Here we go
Let's do it


Push it push it to the limit limit
Cause we're in it to win it in it to win it
Oh yeah

I realized that this is where my heart is
Now is the time to finish what i started
Can't worry bout what other people might say
It's who i am
Gotta live my dream my own way

Work work it harder
Gotta take it farther
No holding back
You know we gotta do it right now
Be even better
Work work together
It's now or never
Show em how we shine we gotta

Push it push it to the limit limit
Cause we're in it to win it in it to win it
Oh yeah

Push it push it to the limit limit
Give it all we can give it
We're in it to win it
Oh yeah

Push it push it to the limit limit

That's right

Gonna turn it up
That's the way we do it now
No time to stop
The champions are in the house
Yeah we can be
Winners 'cause we understand
Our destiny is right here in our hands

Work work it harder
Gotta take it farther
No holding back
We reachin for the sky now
Be even better
Work work together
It's now or never
Show em how we fly we gotta

Push it push it to the limit limit
Cause we're in it to win it in it to win it
Oh yeah

Push it push it to the limit limit
Give it all we can give it
We're in it to win it
Oh yeah

Gotta work it now
Work it out
We got it
Wanna hear the crowd
Everybody now
Gotta work it now
Work it out
Can't stop us
Gotta show them how
We gonna bring the house down

Push it push it to the limit limit
Cause we're in it to win it in it to win it
Let's go

Push it push it to the limit limit
Give it all we can give it
We're in it to win it
Oh yeah

Push it push it to the limit limit
Cause we're in it to win it in it to win it
Oh yeah

Push it push it to the limit limit
Give it all we can give it
We're in it to win it
Oh yeah

Push it push it to the limit limit
Cause we're in it to win it in it to win it
Oh yeah

Push it push it to the limit limit
Give it all we can give it
We're in it to win it
Oh yeah

Push it to the limit....


Each time i see you I stop
You lookin so hot
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8
I can't think
Got me hypnotic
Is it that cute little walk?
Or that smile when you talk?
I can't fake this
I can't hardly wait
Either way, you got excited

Ain't nobody takin care of you
Apparantly not
Let me show you girl what I can do
Corbin Bleu used to
Hold back, lay low, step back
But now, till I find out everything about you
Girl i swear

I'm putting in homework
Till i get to know you
I'm putting in homework
I'll study your every move
I'm putting in homework
Till i know everything you like
I'm gonna push, gonna mash, gonna grind
I'm on the grind till i know it
I'm putting in homework

Do my best to chill
But can't wait until
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8... o'clock
Tick Tick Tick Tock
If you feel it don't make me wait
Another moment of another day
Don't wait another day

Ain't no body taking care of you
Apparantly not
Let me show you girl what I can do
Corbin Bleu used to
Hold back, lay low, step back
Now, till I find out everything about you
Girl I swear

I'm putting in homework
Till I get to know you
I'm putting in homework
I'll study your every move
I'm putting in homework
Till I know everything you like
I'm gonna push, gonna mash, gonna grind
I'm on the grind till I know it
I'm putting in homework

Yeah, uh,
Even though you work
Even though you stressin
You know you like
How she keeping you guessing
You gotta see it through
Even though you probably knew
She's so cute when she smiles
Cause it shines through
See we ain't got no shame
I'm puttin in my homework till I get your name
Till I see my perfect picture coming true
I can hardly rest till i'm holding you
1, 2, adore you want to hold you
3, 4, I put in work till I'm yours
5, 6, now I can hear the clock tick
7, 8 maybe late, baby I don't want to wait
Don't want to wait-uh another whole day
Tell me what you want
What you need I will stay
You know, to me you will always be perfect
And that's why im....

I'm putting in homework
Till I get to know you
I'm putting in homework
I'll study your every move
I'm putting in homework
Till I know everything you like
I'm gonna push, gonna mash, gonna grind
I'm on the grind till I know it
I'm putting in homework

"Never Met A Girl Like You"

You are
Individual..never typical
Everything you do..you do your own way
Letting down your hair..made me stop and stare
Very first time..i saw your face
Way you smile..gotta style
And it shows..you've got it goin on
How you walk..way you talk
Ya gotta know..your everything i want

Never met girl like you
Your so amazing
Every little thing you do
Gets me every time
Never met a girl like you
You drive me crazy
Your the only one
I think about..day and night

Way you like to play..flirt and run away
Everything you do..so unique
Silly way you dance..dont ya hold back
Use your attitude..be who you wanna be
Your the girl..flipped my world
Ya call me up.. and leave some crazy message
Eight o clock..heard you knock
Woke me up..made me wear my pjs to breakfast


The way you keep it chill..with looks that kill
Its a vibe thats all your own
Way you hear your song..and sing along
Silly ring tones on your cell phone
How you like to laugh..every chance
And the way you say my name
Your unusual..original
In every single way

"Never Met A Girl Like You"

You are
Individual..never typical
Everything you do..you do your own way
Letting down your hair..made me stop and stare
Very first time..i saw your face
Way you smile..gotta style
And it shows..you've got it goin on
How you walk..way you talk
Ya gotta know..your everything i want

Never met girl like you
Your so amazing
Every little thing you do
Gets me every time
Never met a girl like you
You drive me crazy
Your the only one
I think about..day and night

Way you like to play..flirt and run away
Everything you do..so unique
Silly way you dance..dont ya hold back
Use your attitude..be who you wanna be
Your the girl..flipped my world
Ya call me up.. and leave some crazy message
Eight o clock..heard you knock
Woke me up..made me wear my pjs to breakfast

The way you keep it chill..with looks that kill
Its a vibe thats all your own
Way you hear your song..and sing along
Silly ring tones on your cell phone
How you like to laugh..every chance
And the way you say my name
Your unusual..original
In every single way


Ha come on!
This one here ah cheeta
I'm talkin on the meda
I'm throwin on my sneeka's
Cause it's hot!
It's like I caught ah feva
And I'm ready ta burn
I gottta get up on my feet
Cause I'm marchin
To the beat of my own drum
I'm bangin til the job gets done
Cause I'm marchin
To the beat of my own drum
My rhythm makes the crowed go dum

Dum dum dum..dum..dum da dum dum..dum
Its like ah snagrum kidna
My feet are speakin rhythm s
And not foolin withem
I could keep it movein
Can ya keep up with me
Cause when I set the temple
Can you play at my speed

Cause I'm marchin
To the beat of my own drum
I'm bangin til the job gets done
Cause I'm marchin
To the beat of my own drum
My rhythm makes the crowed go dum
Dum dum dum..dum..dum da dum dum..dum
I'm marchin to the beat
So fast so ya cant see my feet
I becha at the edge of ya seats
I'm marchin to the beat
Do fast so ya cant see my feet
I becha at the edge of ya seets
Can u feel it
Marchin yo
To the beat on my own drum
My rhythm makes the crowd gooo
Cause I'm marchin
To the beat of my own drum
I'm bangin til the job gets done
Cause I'm marchin
To the beat of my own drum
My rhythm makes the crowed go dum

’Stop ’

O0oh ooh ooooh o0oh oooh 0h

I'm chillin' with my guys,
We steppin' out tonight,
Hit a spot that's looking fly
You know we keep it tight,
Hop on my ride its on
I got my bands n ma shades on,
Hit da floor, i hear ma song,
And then i see this girl,
And I'm like HOLD UP wait,
I see the most beautifull (this) girl, in the world,
Turnin heads all up in dis party,
She's dancing to the beat,
I nearly lost my feet,
Standing tryina keep the groove,
But what I really need to do is...

I know I oughta stop,
But I don't wanna stop,
Your makin it hard for me
I know I oughta stop, (stop!)
But I don't wanna stop,
Your makin me loose the beat,
YoU got me girl...

You know I must admit,
This girl she got me spit,
I never lose my groove,
But this girl, she's got moves,
Not to mention her eyes,

They've got me mesmerized,
And I gotta make her mine
And keep her dancin' by my side,
HOLD Up wait,
I love the way she takes it to the floor,
I'm like wow! (wow!)
Turnin heads all up in this party,
She's dancing to the beat,
Still trying to catch my feet
I gotta keep it smooth,
But what I really need to do is:


She's doing it again,
Makin me lose again, she knows what she's doing to mee,
She's winking her eye,
I think right now is the time to make her mine..

..(get em J)... yeah you gotta play it smooth, knowing you and her I can tell you the right two,
I'm lookin at her now and I can tell that she likes you, and you can make it work if you put on
The right moves, so chance, go on and take those hands, ...... , she wanna
Move and be closer to you, so go on over there and do what ever you do...

Stop. (stop, I know I oughta)
I know I oughta stop, (but I don't wanna, (stop!))
But I don't wanna stop,
Your makin it hard for me... (the things you do to mee)
Stop. (so stop!)
I know I oughta stop, (but I don't wanna)
But I don't wanna stop,
Your makin me loose the beat,
You got me girl...
(I know I oughta, but I don't wanna stop)
(my body's tellin me to stop)
(but my heart is saying don't you stop!)
(ha! hey girl).