翻译句子:He didn't expect to last so long. 问题:1、翻译全句 2、to last在这里如何翻译,它的词性

作者&投稿:聊斧 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
He didn`t expect it to last so long。to last so long是什么意思?~

last 有持续……的意思, 这里是expect to do 的用法, 表示期待某事……,
so long 是如此长
所以是: 他并不期待这个能持续这么长时间


1 从某种意义上讲,微笑不仅可以使人愉快,还可以帮我们解决生活中的小问题,这就是我们要多微笑的原因 (in a way)
In a way, smile can not only make people happy, but also help us solve small problems in our life. That is why we should often smile.

2 看管一个用计算机语言进行交流的足球队是很滑稽的。 (watch over)
It's funny to watch over a foorball team communicating by computer language,

3 因特网上有很多有关如何防止计算机免受病毒袭击的网站。 (protect from)
There are many websites about how to protect the computer from being attack by virus.

4 这位机智的足球队员在比赛中向队友发出了传球给他的信号。 (signal)
This clever football player send a signal to his team memeber to pass him the ball.

5 同大多数青年人一样,他喜欢追求时尚(in common with)
6他没有练习,所以,他在这次比赛中失败了 (as a result)
Without practicing, as a result he lost the match.

7 这些花看起来是真的,但是事实上它们是假的 (artificial)
These flowers seem to be true, but in fact they are artificial.

8 这个盒子里总共有十本书,包括三本英语书 (contain)
There are ten books in this box,containing three English books,

9Tom 差点在事故中丢命,幸运的是,最终他脱险了。(in danger of)
Tom was in danger of losing his life. Luckily, he escaped at last.

I will appriciate it if you teach me how to use computer.

We must protect the wildlife from being killed and destroyed.

13Mary非常同情那些在地震中失去家园的人(have mercy on)

14我不知道怎样打发我的业余时间(deal with)
I don't know how to deal with my spare time.

15你能否在我外出度假的时候帮我照看一下花(watch over)
Can you help me watch over my flowers when I am away on holiday?

》》》》》良师益友伴你行 团队为你解答《《《《《 欢迎追问,满意记得采纳哟 (*^__^*) 嘻嘻

1)He didn't expect to last so long. 他不希望持续这么长时间。to last持续,延续,此处last作为动词使用,expect加动词不定式

2)He didn't expect so long last.他没想到这么长时间。此处last作为副词使用

l3)ast 用法:
n. 末尾,最后;上个;鞋楦(做鞋的模型)
adj. 最后的;最近的,最新的;仅剩的;最不可能…的
vi. 持续;维持,够用;持久
vt. 度过,拖过;使维持
adv. 最后地;上次,最近;最后一点

to last 动词不定式,肯定作动词啊,表持续

expect to do sth,期待做某事。
last 是动词,维持的意思

last 这里是动词 持续