
作者&投稿:揣谢 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.动词,想,思考.learn to think.学会思考.think for a while.想一会儿
2.动词.认为,以为.i think so .我认为如此.
3.动词,想象,料想.猜想.i can't think how you did it.我想象不出你是怎么做这事的.
4.动词,想起,记起,i can't think what his name is .我记不起他的姓名了.
think back:回忆 think better of :重新考虑,改变想法
think highly(well )of:赞赏,重视
think little(poorly)of :认为不好,对……不在意,不赞成
think much of :对……评价很高
think nothing of :轻视,觉得不怎么样
think out:想出,深思.
think over:仔细考虑
think through:想透,充分考虑(事情的后果)
think tank:智囊团
think about :考虑,打算,想像,想起
think of :考虑,认为,记得,想到,想出,打算,计划.
think of as 把……看作,认为……是……
thinking :名词,思想,思维,思考.形容词,有思考力的,好思考的to sb.s way of thinking,依某人看来

一、否定的转移当主语是第一人称(I, we),think表示“看法”,其后接宾语从名时,若宾语从名要表示否定意义,在形式上应该否定前面的主名。如:I don't think you've met my daughter . 我想你大概没有见过我的女儿吧。We don't think you have to worry about your parents. 我们认为你不必为你父母亲担忧。注意:下列情况不出现否定转移:1.当有情态助动词与think连用。如:I can't think what you mean.2.当think 前有副词修饰时。如:I really think the job isn't fit for you at all .3.在think 后所接的宾语从句中,如有no,nothing,never等否定词时。如:I think Jenny is never late for school .二、复合句的反意疑问句的主语当主语是第一个称(I,we),在think后接有宾语从句时,其中问句应是宾语从句,所以反意疑问句的主语庆与宾语从句的主语保持一致。但如主句的主语是第二或第三人称时,反意疑问句的主语则与主句的主语保持一致。三、双重疑问句在由do you think 构成插入语的特殊疑问句中,do you think应作为独立成份看,表示说话人的态度、语气等。插入语do you think是采用一般疑问句语序,放在主句特殊疑问词之后,而主句的特殊疑问句就不用倒装了。四、在think后接宾语+形容词作实践补足语时,往往用“it”作形式宾语,真正的宾语(从句或动词不定式)移至句末Think +it(形式宾语)+形容词(宾补)+(for sb.)to do sth../that clause .I thought it important for us to learn english well.I think it strange that she hasn't written the composition .五、think 一般不与动词不定式结构连用I'm thinking of studying medicine .我正考虑学医。(一般不说...to study ...)但在被动结构中,可用动词不定式。汤姆被认为是一个贼。

动词think在英语中很常见,用法也很广泛。对于一个英语学习者来说,熟悉其用法是非常重要也是很必要的。现小结如下: 一、“think+宾语从句”是think最为常见的用法,其义为“认为……”。例如: 1. —I think you should phone Jenny and say sorry to her. 我认为你应该给詹妮打电话向她道歉。 —No way. It was her fault. 没门。这是她的错。 2. I think (that) she should have paid the money back. 我认为她本应该偿还那笔钱的。 3. Do you think it is going to rain? 你认为会下雨吗? 二、在口语中,如果要否定think后面宾语从句的内容,常常用否定主句谓语动词的方式来表示,这种方式被称为否定转移,多用在第一人称的句子里。 1. I didn’t think anyone would believe me. 我觉得没有人会相信我。 2. I don’t think he saw me; he was just staring into space. 我认为他没有看见我;他只不过在仰望天空而已。 但要注意:当主句是I / We have thought,要否定宾语从句的内容时,否定不必转移。例如: I have often thought that we mustn’t depend on others. 我常认为我们不能依赖别人。 三、动词think用作插入语。 1. 用于疑问句中,其结构是:疑问词+do you think+其余部分,而不用do you think +疑问词+其余部分。例如: 1)Who do you think will win?你认为谁会赢?(不能说:Do you think who will win?) 2)Where do you think you’re going? 你认为你会去哪呢?(不能说:Do you think where you’re going?) 2. 用于肯定句中时,其用法如下: 1)Mary is in the garden, I think.我想玛丽在花园里。 2)Wait a minute, I’m thinking.等一下,我正在想。 3)You should do whatever you think is right.你应该做你认为正确的任何事情。 四、think+it+adj. / noun.+(for sb)to do sth / that clause, 表示“认为某人做某事怎么样”, it 是形式宾语,(for sb)to do sth 即不定式的复合结构或that 从句作真正的宾语,此时的that 不可省去。例如: 1. Do you think it right for the government to cut funding in this way? 你认为政府以这种方式削减经费是正确的吗? 2. I think it important that young people should learn English well. 我认为年轻人学好英语是重要的。 3. I think it our duty to help those who need help. 我认为帮助需要帮助的人是我们的责任。 五、think sb / sth (to be) sth 及 sb / sth be thought to be sth / to do sth 1. We all thought her (to be) very intelligent. She was thought to be very intelligent. 我们当时都认为她很聪明。 2. They are thought to be receiving arms from the Republic.有人认为他们正从该共和国那儿得到武器。 3. Faulty wiring is thought to have caused the fire. 人们认为是线路故障引起了这场火灾。 六、在反意疑问句中,当think的主语是第一人称I或We时,附加疑问句部分的主语应和从句的主语一致。 1. I don’t think they will believe me, will they? 我觉得他们不会相信我,对吧? 2. I think he is a very excellent student, isn’t he? 我认为他是一名很出色的学生,不是吗? 七、had thought可以表示曾经希望、计划或想做,而实际上因为某种原因而没有做的动作。汉语意思为“本来认为……”或“原来以为……”。例如: 1. I had thought they would go there.我原以为他们会去那的。(实际上他们并没有去那。) 但要注意,除了用think的过去完成式外,还可以用它的过去式(thought)来表示同样的意思,即“本来以为……”或“原来认为……”。例如: 1. She thought I was talking about her daughter, while, in fact, I was talking about my dau-ghter.她原以为我在谈论她的女儿,可实际上我在谈论我自己的女儿。 2. The pen I thought I had lost is on my desk, right under my nose. 我原以为丢掉的钢笔却在我鼻子底下的书桌上。 八、I think so. / I don’t think so. / I think not. 它们的意思是“我以为如此/我不这样认为/我认为不是”,可用来肯定或否定上下文提到的内容和对方所说的话。 —Do you think it’s going to rain tomorrow? —Yes, I think so.(No, I don’t think so. / I think not.) 九、think的其它用法。 1. 用作vi,意思是“思考;想”。例如: 1)We must think very carefully before we decide what to do.在决定做什么之前,我们必须十分慎重地考虑。 2)He may not say much but he thinks a lot.他也许说得不多,但却想得很多。 2. think+to do sth.常用于过去时态的否定句或疑问句中,相当于expect,即“料想;想到”。 1)I never thought to find you here.我从没想到会在这儿找到你。 2)Who would have thought to see you here again? 谁会想到会在这作者:董观文

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