英语造句 翻译中文

作者&投稿:咸帝 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 没有人类做不到的事情

There is nothing that human beings cannot do

2. 这是与人类无关的事情

It is irrelevant to human beings.

I strongly suggest that you should study harder.

We havn't seen each other since 10 years ago自从十年前我们就没有见到过对方 His illness made him absant生病使他缺席 Only in this way can we improve the situation 我们只有用这种方法才能改善情况 His father was angry about his bad proformance 他的父亲对他的糟糕表现很恼火 Everybody is ready for the exam 每个人都准备好了测验 The day get lighter and lighter 天(变得)越来越凉了 Your should stay healthy if you want to keep a high spirit 如果你想保持好的精神就要维持身体健康 Nowadays,Chinese is one of the most important languages in the world 今天,中文已经变成世界上最重要的语言之一 Wait a moment,please. 请稍等片刻 It wasn't until I went home did I realize I had lost my key 我直到到家才发现我把钥匙弄丢了 The restaurant is away from here 餐馆离这里很远 Jack rides bike to go to school everday 杰克每天骑自行车上学 We 'd better leave this place at once 我们最好马上离开这个地方 Every Sunday ,I shall spend my whole day with my uncle in his farm in the countryside 每个礼拜天,我都会和我叔叔在他乡村的农场度过 I have finished my mission ahead of time 我已经提前完成了我的任务 It took me 3 hours to do washing 清洗花费了我3个小时 The nearest supermarket isn't far from my home. 最近的超市离我家不远

1:age How long ago is it that you last saw her? 你上次看见她是多久以前? 2: illnessGrief aggravated her illness.
痛苦加重了她的病情。3:way They are trying to find a way of settling the dispute.他们正设法寻找解决争端的办法。4:angryMy friends' angry words hurt my feelings.我朋友的气话伤害了我的感情。5:everybodyEveryone knows it.大家都知道这件事。6:getShe is getting old.她开始衰老了。7:stayShe stayed to take care of her mother.她留下来照料她母亲。8:importantHe has just been called away to an important meeting.他刚才给叫走去开一个重要会议。9:momentHe thought for a moment and then spoke.他想了片刻, 然后说话。10:untilThey reveled until dawn.他们狂欢通宵达旦。11:awayThe boy hasn't been away from home before.这男孩子以前还没离开过家。12:rideI had a ride on a horse for an hour.我骑马骑了一个小时。13:leaveWe're giving him a party when he leaves.当他离开时, 我们将为他举办一个聚会。14:countrysideThe countryside is very green in spring.春季的乡间一片青葱翠绿。15:finishYou must hurry up or you cannot finish it in time.你必须赶紧些, 否则不能及时完成。16:takeIt took an hour for the car to come here.这辆汽车开了一小时才到达这里。17:farThey live into far beyond the hill.他们住在山那一边很远的地方。 以上答案仅供参考!

1.l am waiting at bus in the stop.2.in the part of china,most people like eating rich.3.l can not go to school , because of l am ill.4.my mother worry about my grade.5.the pen is much expensive.6.l have four lessons in the afternoon.7.whom is going to schoon?8.l have free time on weekday.9.the american boy is hadson.10.my best freids have match on momday.11.are you have free time in the afternoon?12.can you note the recipe?13.what is the world mean?