
作者&投稿:汤廖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

我的家并不是什么豪宅,别墅。也没有花园,洋房。和大多数人一样,我有一个普通而又温馨的家。“临行密密缝,意恐迟迟归。”家是思念和温馨。 “柴门闻犬吠,风雪夜归人。”家是温情和着落。 “月明星稀,乌鹊南飞。”是找不到家的凄凉和沦落。“绕树三匝,何枝可依。”是找不到家的迷惘和伤心。
My home is not a luxury, villa. No garden, house. Like most people, I have a general and warm home. "Departure sew, For fear." House is missing and warm. "Chapman heard bark, 风雪夜归人." House is the warmth and landed. "Yuemingxingxi, Ukraine magpie flying south." Is not found in the desolate and driven home. "Juke Sanza, Ho Chi 可依." Is the confusion and sorrow can not find at home.

In my house there are three family members: father, mother and me. There are many home-made tools, which are home pillar ah - my father's masterpiece; into the room, and everywhere the orderly arrangement, these are the home half of the sky Yeah - my mother's credit; saw the wall on a wall close to the full certificate, not I said everyone must know, right? These are my learning outcomes.




(家庭;人家) family;household
family matters;domestic affairs;

(家庭的住所) home
go home;
我把这当作我的 家。
I look upon this as my home.

(经营某种行业的人家或具有某种身分的人) a person or family engaged in a certain trade
peasant [farm] family;
fisherman's family

(掌握某种专门学识或从事某种专门活动的人) a specialist in a certain field

(学术流派) a school of thought;school
the Taoist School;
the Legalist School

(同姓的人) member of same clan
a member of the same clan;a distant relative with the same family name

(民族) nationality
the Miao nationality

(谦辞,用于对别人称自己的辈分高或年纪大的亲属) my
my father;
my elder brother

(饲养的) domestic;tame

(内部的) internal
pilferer working from within

three restaurants;
a cinema

家是每个孩子成长的摇篮,是每个孩子栖息的港湾。我就有一个温馨、幸福、和睦的家。我爱我家。 我爱我家,一个幸福温暖的家。爸爸妈妈对我百般的疼爱,使我深深地体会到了家中的温暖。每逢放学回来,妈妈正忙着在厨房为我做着可口的饭菜,爸爸坐在我的一旁,陪我学习,当遇到不会的题,爸爸便会耐心地给我讲解,妈妈对我的学习甚是关心,她怕我学习累着,尽力想办法为我加强营养。每天早晨都给我煮一杯热牛奶,还总是调方的给我做菜。 我爱我家,一个和睦快乐的家。在我家里,总是充满了祥和的气氛,我们一家三口总是和睦相处。爸爸妈妈的感情非常好,几乎不吵架,爸爸说话很幽默,总是逗得我和妈妈哈哈大笑。我是一个很懂事的不任性的孩子,不惹爸爸妈妈生气。如果我考试取得了好成绩,爸爸妈妈就会为我庆祝一番,带我去吃我最爱吃的冰点,每次我都是先给爸爸妈妈斟上一杯酒,因为我深知,我成绩的取得,除了有老师的功劳外,也离不开爸爸妈妈对我的培养。 我爱我家,一个让我有依靠的家。每当我在外面遇到困难或委屈;是爸爸妈妈帮助我排解困难,听我诉说心里的苦闷,使他们教会了我如何面对生活,面对事实;是他们教我懂得了人生不会是一帆风顺的,但一个人要懂得面对生活的挑战与考验。 我爱这个温馨幸福的家,让爱永远驻我家。
Every child is the cradle of growth, is perched on each child. I have a warm, happy and harmonious home. I love my family. I love my family, a happy and warm home. Mom and Dad love me in every possible way, I deeply appreciate the warmth of home. During the back to school, mother is busy in the kitchen for me delicious food, dad sitting on my side, to accompany me to learn, when no problem, dad will patiently explain to me, my mother's learning is concerned, she is afraid of my study is tired, try to think of a way to strengthen the nutrition for me. Every morning gave me a cup of hot milk, but also always stressed the cook for me. I love my family, a happy family harmony. In my home, always full of atmosphere, one of the three of us always. Mom and dad feel very good, almost do not quarrel, dad is very humorous, always make my mother and I laugh. I am a very sensible not self willed child, don't mess with mom and dad. If I get good marks in the exam, mom and dad will celebrate for me, take me to eat my favorite food freezing point, every time I give mom and dad poured a cup of wine, because I know that I made, in addition to the teacher's credit, but also inseparable from the development to me mom and dad. I love my home, a let me have to rely on home. Whenever I encounter difficulties or injustice on the outside; father and mother to help me solve difficulties, listen to me the anguish of the heart, so they taught me how to face life, face the facts; they teach I know life is not easy, but a man to face life's challenges and tests. I love this warm and happy family, let love forever in my house.

This is my home. My home isn’t has a garden. There is a living room in the center of the home.
At the back of the living room, there is a bedroom. It’s my grandparents’ home. My home has three bedrooms. On the left of the home, there is a
bathroom and a kitchen and a bedroom. The bedroom is my parents’. On the
right of the home, there is my room and a dining room.
My room has a desk, a shelf and a bed. On the desk, there is a amp and some books.
Now, my mother is cooking in the kitchen. My father and my grandparents are watching TV in the living. Where am I? I am doing my homework in my
I love my home very much!

答:sister and I live in the same room and we live on the second floor. ( There is a small garden behind the house. And there are many flowers and some trees in the garder,too. My home is always clean and tidy). I like my home very much.为了连贯,括号里是我的一点想法 ...

我的家 英语作文要介绍家庭环境60个单词要翻译
答:and she takes care of me. I am a simple student. We are very happy to live here.我的家是比较靠近郊区,所以在晚上这里会比较安静。我真的很喜欢我的家。它不是很大但是很温暖。在我家,这里有三个家庭成员,我爸爸,爸爸和我。我爸爸是普通上班族,但是他总是看起来很累。我妈妈是家庭主...

答:day.I love each person in my family.I love my sweet warm home.翻译:我家一共四口人,父母,哥哥和我,我家非常好,我很开心,我哥哥很害羞,他擅长运动,特别是足球.我父亲是个医生.他在医院工作,我母亲是个服务员,他在餐馆工作,她每天都喜欢吃蔬菜,我爱我家里的每个人,我爱我温暖甜蜜的家.

答:love us very much. We love them too. This is my family. A sweet family.翻译 我有一个快乐的家庭。里面有四口人,爸爸,妈妈,哥哥和我。我的爸爸是个医生,妈妈是个老师,哥哥和我都是学生。在周末,通常会去公园。我的父母很爱我们,我们也爱他们。这就是我的家,一个甜蜜的家。

答:the sports show is very great but a little bit boring. This is my home,a happy home. 我的家 看一看这张照片。这是我的家人,我们有一个快乐的家。在早上,我们打了网球,打网球非常有趣。在中午,我们打了篮球,打篮球非常累但是我们都很开心。在晚上,我们看了电视节目,体育...

家的英语作文 我的家
答:My Family I have a happy family. There are three people in my family. Of course I am the only child. Both of my parents are teachers. They work hard and like their work very much. My father likes sports and my mother likes reading. I am a middle school students. I like...

答:我的家英语作文 In the morning, a singing, I was awakened from the dream. Gentle massage of sleep deprived, arose on the bed, the aftertaste is just passing carefully dreams。 A row of red clay in front of the classroom is a row of neatly bike. Large and *** all, The new and the...

答:rooms.this is me at home.a lovely's home。我有一个温暖的家。我爱我的家。走进大门,你会看到一个大客厅。向左转就是厨房。如果,直走,我们可以看到三个房间。中央,哪个房间是我的。它不大,但很甜。房间里摆满了我最喜欢的洋娃娃。我的父母住在隔壁。这是我在家里。一个可爱的家。

答:everyday after we have supper,we sit together in the living room watching TV.I am very happy to live in my home with my family.我的家 我的家是一个大房子。我的家人住在里面。我家有七个房间,四间卧室,一个厨房,一个卫生间,一个客厅。妈妈和爸爸住在最大的卧室,我妹妹住在最小...

答:This is my home.My home isn’t has a garden.There is a living room in the center of the home.At the back of the living room,there is a bedroom.It’s my grandparents’ home.My home has three bedrooms.On the left of the home,there is a bathroom and a kitchen and a ...