哪位大侠帮我翻译一下!!?? 仅限英文

作者&投稿:苏胜 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Purpose: This experiment aims to discuss the resistance to compression, the anti-bending strength, and the size of different kinds of plaster models(calcium sulfuricum或者 regular plaster以后用A代替了 and die stonesB) after agitating them in the water with different temperatures, and to find the most appropriate temperature for the plaster agitation model.

Method: Prepare the A and B solution with a certain ratio and make a cylinder with a resistance to compression of 20mm, and a anti-bending strength of 40mm. Each kind should be divided into 28 groups. Put them in the temperature of 0..... respectively and agitate the plaster. Leave them there for 30 mins .... 24 hours. Then, measure the changes of resistance to compression and anti-bending strength and size changes.

Result: 1) There is a obvious difference in the resistance to compression of the regular gesso (p0.05)

conclusion: The resistance to compression and anti-bending strength of both regular plaster and die stone changed obviously after agitating in water of different temperatures. And it peaks at the group with a condition of .......
2) the size is pretty stable and it doesn't change that much after agitating in different temperatures of water. and the resistance to compression and anti-bending strength optimized at a condition of ....

key words: temperatures of water, plaster models, resistance to the compression, anti-bending strength, change of size






《We do not sell cheap quality goods 》
《We have very low price to offer to you.》
《You'll find our this batch of goods prices are very cheap
5.请按照最低价报这批地温表 。《Please according to the lowest price to quote the price of this batch of geothermometer 》
《If you are interested in our business proposal, please send us samples, and inform the credit terms 》
7.我们的报价已是最低价,这口不能再多给了。《Our quotation is the lowest price, this can't give anymore 》

2)We don’t sell cheap goods of inferior quality.
3)Our price is very low.
4)You'll find our prices for these goods is very low.
5)Please tell us the lowest price for these thermometers.
7)Our price is the lowest, the limit.
6)If you are interested in our services, please send us the samples, and tell us the most favorable terms。(试翻译)

2. We do not sell cheap goods of poor quality.
3. We (have) made our offer (to you) at very low prices.
4. You will find the prices for this batch of goods are very cheap.
5. Please make your lowest offer for the rafraichometers.
6. If you are interested in our business proposal/suggestions, please send us samples and inform us your most favorable/preferential terms.
7. Our offer is our best price/bottom price, no further discount is possible.

2)We do not sell cheap quality goods

3)We have been at very low price as your offer
4)You will find that the price of the goods is very cheap
5)Please follow your lowest price for these thermometers price
6)If you are interested in our business proposal, please send us the samples together with your best terms and conditions,
7)Our price is the lowest price, we cannot give you any more discount

We don't sell the things of bad quality.
You will find that our price of things is cheap

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