prefer to do sth rather than do sth 是什么意思

作者&投稿:戴福 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.和 prefer to do sth. rather than doing sth.的区别~

1、prefer to do rather than do 是宁可做……而不做,或者是喜欢做……而不做……的意思,而prefer to do sth. rather than doing sth.这号句式是不规范的。
2、语法结构上来看,than两边的结构都是一致的,都是不定式,但是习惯上把后面的to省略。所以加动名词形式doing sth的肯定是不规范的。在英语学习考试中,不存在prefer to do sth. rather than doing sth.这个句式。
prefer to do sth. rather than do sth.造句如下:
1、I prefer to stand rather than sit.我宁愿站着也不愿坐着。
2、I prefer to swim rather than skate.我喜欢游泳,不喜欢滑冰。
3、I prefer to tea rather than coffee.和咖啡相比,我更喜欢茶。
4、She prefers to dance rather than sing.她宁愿跳舞也不唱歌。

prefer to do 表示一时性的喜欢
prefer doing表示长时间的,一贯性的喜欢
1.prefer sth 喜欢某物
2.prefer to do instead of doing 喜欢做某事而不是做某事
3.prefer sb to do sth 喜欢干某事
4.prefer A to B 喜欢做A,不喜欢作B
5.prefer doing A to doing B 喜欢做A,不喜欢作B
6.prefer to do A raher than do B 喜欢做A,不喜欢作B
7.prefer to do A than do B 喜欢做A,不喜欢作B

rather than 而不是;宁可…也不愿
prefer to do sth宁可做某事;更喜欢做某事
prefer to do...rather than do宁愿…而不愿
Rather than stay at home, Jack like going out better everyday.
I prefer to work on the computer rather than play online games .

这个短语的意思是:宁愿做某事而不愿做某事.此短语可与prefer doing sth to doing sth ,would rather do sth than do sth 互换.For example,
I prefer playing basketball to going fishing .
= I prefer to play basketball rather than go fishing .
= I would rather play basketball than go fishing.

这两个此都有比较的意思,可翻成宁可 作某事。也可将所比较的两个事务都放到句子里
如 : I prefer reading to working.
I would rather go with him than go with you.


I prefer to read novel rather than to watch TV.
