
作者&投稿:承庄 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1. 以we can help为题写一篇英语作文,不少于80词

When we help others, others will feel the warmth, and others to help us, our hearts will also fort. I once encountered by the people to help. It was a Wednesday morning, came to the school, I opened the bag, suddenly found that I didn't bring my pencil box, my heart suddenly panicked: no pen, no learning stationery, let me how to study, how to write ah! At this time, the first class of the school bell rang, the teacher came into the classroom, let us write this review, the class is all down to write this review, but I, where the Shasha watching this review, a word also write. I was worrying about, next to the Wang Xinhua ask me: "why don't you write?" I told her I didn't take the pencil box. Wang Xinhua warm said to me: "with me!" Then, from the stationery box with a blue pen: "to you, please write!" I thanked him, quickly write up. However, this section of the course, how to do and math and English classes? I was worried. When the students around me I did not know the band Wenjuan, everyone extend a hand of fraternity, open the pencil box on its own, this I borrow a pencil, and by that I am a rubber. Looking at her a warm *** ile and that both a helping hand, warm warm my soul, like a bouquet of sunshine in my heart. Although this is only a trivial matter, but I understand from the deep to accept the help of others hearts will be very warm. Perhaps, in your opinion, a little help not worth mentioning, will bring timely assistance to each other like warmth. And with the help of the same will be happy to help. Our entire munity of nations is not the case, there is a saying: "a difficult eight party support, everyone firewood high flame." If each of us can give a little bit of love, then what difficulty can daunt us? Our society will be a better picture of how ah! We help each other human virtues, to each one of us can carry forward the virtues of this, let every corner of our love all over the world. 当我们帮助别人时,别人的心里会感到温暖,而别人帮助我们时,我们的心中也同样会感到安慰。

我曾经就遇到过一次被别人帮助过的事情。 那是一个星期三的早晨,来到学校,我打开书包,突然发现我没有带文具盒,心里一下子慌了起来:没有笔、没有学习文具,让我怎么学习,怎么写字啊! 这时,第一节课的上课铃响了,语文老师走进了教室,让我们写复习本,全班同学全都低头写复习本了,惟独我,在那里傻傻的看着复习本,一个字也写不了。

我正在发愁,旁边的王新华问我:“你为什么不写啊?”我告诉她我没有带文具盒。王新华热情的对我说:“用我的吧!”说着,从文具盒里拿出了一支蓝水笔:“给你,快写吧!”我道了谢, 赶快写了起来。

可是,这节课下了,还有数学课和英语课怎么办呢?我还在发愁。 当我周围的同学知道了我没带文具盒时,人人都伸出了友爱之手,打开自己的文具盒,这个借我一支铅笔,那个又借我一块橡皮。

看着她们那一张张热情的笑脸还有那一双双援助之手,阵阵暖流温暖着我的心灵,有如一束阳光照进了我的心田。 这虽然只是一件小事,但却让我从中深深体会到接受别人的帮助心里会有多么的温暖。


我们整个社会大家庭又何尝不是如此呢,有道是:“一方有难八方援,众人拾柴火焰高。”如果我们每个人都能献出一点点爱心,那么还有什么困难能难倒我们呢?我们的社会又将是怎么一幅美好的景象啊! 互相帮助是我们人类的美德,愿我们每一个人都能把这一美德发扬光大,让我们的爱心洒遍世界的每一个角落。

2. 【用这个题目写一篇英语作文,whatcanwedotoprotecttheenvironment

我们也是这个题,我刚写的,Everyone can do something for our environment.Nowadays,our school students prepare to hold an english show about protecting the environment.But do you know how can we protect the environment?First,we can use less electric.For example,we can turn off all the lights when there are none in the classroom.Using less electricis a good wayto prevent the pollution.Second,we also can protect the forest.The forest can bring more free air.Then we can have fresh air and healthy body.Also, we can use both sides of paper.Wasting is a bad thing,we should remember.And we can use fewer paper cups and disposable chopsticks.They are not only hit the trees,but also hit persons.Now,let us save the environment!We can do!看在我打了那么久的份上,采纳吧!纯手打!!文笔略渣,表介意哦字有点多,主要我们要求90·110字。

3. 用can写一篇小短文

Wele to our schoolOur school is a nice place. There is our favourite place ,a beautifui garden,and there are many trees and many flowers in it. Then you can go into it .Now,you know why we love it ,we can write,do some reading and chat in it. Tell you a secret:I like it because it is cool in summer and warm in winter!Now,I will tell you more about my friends and teachers. Over here teachers are friendly to us,so we never say a bad word about them.Because of these,students can get good grades at my school.Would you like to e? I think my school is one of the best schools in the world.There are good teachers, good students and every building here is beautiful.。

4. 求学生英语作文yes,we can

题目:yes ,we can

Yes,we can !Many people are active in fighting against unfair treatment to colored people, women , animals and so on. Right now I am talking about fighting for respect to our environment.Though the environment doesn't have a mouth to deprecate what humans have done to her, she retaliates through action. In the early years the Chinese cut down large quantities of trees, at the source of the yellow river, which led to the disappearance of big forests and terrible floods. As a result,the Huangtu plateau which was once covered with grass and forests was turned into barrens that supported fewer plants. Another example was in several developed countries. Because many chemical factories discharged poisonous gas without filtering it, cities were covered with so much poisonous gas that people were killed by the air they breathed in. What horrible scene!What we are suffering is only a *** all part of what the nature once suffered. If we don't take action to show respect to the environment, we will have to face an increasingly awful situation.

Measures should be taken to protect the environment on which we are relying. First governments should forbid destroying vegetation, rivers and lakes, oceans, as and the atmosphere as well. Second voices should be made to announce the public of the importance of protecting the environment. Third enterprises should pay special attention to the effect they have on the environment and work out solutions for the problems.

Only by changing the way we treat the environment can we get along well with it. Only by saving the environment can we save ourselves

5. We can do it英语作文怎么写

I think teenages should do housework.Firstly,parents are usually busy with their work.Children should be responsible for their family and they should help their parents reduce their housework.Secondly,it is good for their health.When they do housework,such as,cleaning the house,sweeping the yard and so on.It is a kind of exercise,too.Thirdly,it can help them relaxing.When they are tired of doing their homework,they can do some housework to make their brain relax.。

6. How can we learn English well

how can we learn english

In our modern life,it's important for us to learn English well. Most students think listening carefully in class is enough.However,thet are wrong. First,we should learn new words and do a lot of exercises "Practice makes perfect."second, we can write diaries in English. Third, we can read English books.it's a good way to learn English better.besides,I think singing nglish songs is the best way to study English well. I can not only improve our listenng but also improve our speakng skills. maybe we could sing Englsh songs as well as a native singer.

We should find out a best way for ourselves,and it's a good idea for us to have fun with English.Everyone is able to do that.

7. The life we can't imagine为题写一篇作文

题目:The life in the future

正文:With the development of science and technology ,people's life are being better and better.Therefore,it's hard for us to imagine what our life will be like in the future.

After the research and *** ysis to the Moon,we successfully build available places for people's living,so some people can take the chance to go on holiday on the Moon.Besides,some scientists can live at the bottom of the sea to further their research.And every family own the video telephone which makes it convenience to shopping and have physical.In addition,children no longer need to go to school for they can get education on the viedo phone and broadcast.Certainly,the invention of robots can reduce people's burden for they can help do the housework even cook meals for us.

I am really looking forward to and curious about the life in the future.Let's wait the day's ing.


8. 用how can we live healthily写一篇80词英语作文带翻译的

How to keep Healthy

What's the most important thing in the world? I think it is to be healthy. You can live without money, houses, cars or puters, but you won't live a happy life if you are not healthy. Then how to keep healthy?

First we must eat healthily. We should eat meat, vegetables, fruit and other kinds of food. Taking exercises is also very important, it can help us build a strong body. If you don't like sports you can walk for half an hour after meals.

Secondly, we must stay happy all the time. I think making friends is one of the best ways to help us stay happy. Because when you are with your friends, you can share your happiness with them, or you can tell them of your worries. Then you will be happy soon.

In a word, keeping healthy is very important, let's take good of ourselves.

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