
作者&投稿:禄钞 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Of all European countries, Italy is perhaps the hardest to classify. It is a modern, developed nation. It is fashion in style, it leading the way with each season's fashions. But it is also, to an equal degree, a Mediterranean country, with all that that implies.Rome is Italy's capital.Pizza and lasagna is the world famous food .


Above all Italy provokes reaction. Its people are volatile, rarely indifferent to anything, and on one and the same day you might encounter the kind of disdain dished out to tourist masses worldwide, and an hour later be treated to embarrassingly generous hospitality. If there is a single national characteristic, it's to embrace life to the full: in the hundreds of local festivals taking place across the country on any given day, to celebrate a saint or the local harvest; in the importance placed on good food; in the obsession with clothes and image; and above all in the daily domestic ritual of the collective evening stroll or passeggiata - a sociable affair celebrated by young and old alike in every town and village across the country.

Italy only became a unified state in 1861 and, as a result, Italians often feel more loyalty to their region than the nation as a whole - something manifest in different cuisines, dialects, landscape and often varying standards of living. There is also, of course, the country's enormous cultural legacy: Tuscany alone has more classified historical monuments than any country in the world; there are considerable remnants of the Roman Empire all over the country, notably of course in Rome itself; and every region retains its own relics of an artistic tradition generally acknowledged to be among the world's richest.

Yet there's no reason to be intimidated by the art and architecture. If you want to lie on a beach, there are any number of places to do it: development has been kept relatively under control, and many resorts are still largely the preserve of Italian tourists. Other parts of the coast, especially in the south of the country, are almost entirely undiscovered. Beaches are for the most part sandy, and doubts about the cleanliness of the water have been confined to the northern part of the Adriatic coast and the Riviera. Mountains, too, run the country's length - from the Alps and Dolomites in the north right along the Apennines, which form the spine of the peninsula - and are an important reference-point for most Italians. Skiing and other winter sports are practised avidly, and in the five national parks, protected from the national passion for hunting, wildlife of all sorts thrives.

有点长,可以删掉一些Italy mainly Italian, more than 90% of residents of Catholics.If someone sneeze, next to the person would say: "SA Luther ( SALUTE)!To your heath!In addition, when someone sneezes or coughs, be considered rude and obnoxious thing, so I will immediately next to say" sorry ".It is said that Europe had been due to heavy pop and the die life in the Italian's precedent, cold as great scourges as terror, because the next person would say: "SA Luther ( SALUTE)!To your heath!Italian hospitality, the way one gets along with people refined and courteous.On formal occasions, overdressed.A gift is a handshake or waved ; on the elderly, position and not familiar with the person, to call his name, with " Mr", "Mrs " and "Miss " and the honorary title; in the dining car, elevator, under such circumstances, will let ladies go first.And the Italians to talk about work, careful, general news, football; don't talk about politics and American football.The Italian taboo cross shake, taboo digital " 17".In Italy, freedom is the most important, the Italian punctuality and collective concept is relatively close, about 20 minutes late for dinner is very normal thing.The Italians have a cup of coffee in the morning, eat fruit and drink SuanNiuNai passed the habit.Wine is wine is an Italian is inseparable from the beverage, both men and women almost every meal drink, even in a cup of coffee, also with some wine.The Italian taboo chrysanthemum.Italy weddings and funerals customs, and other European countries with similar ritual ritual.The Italian people need to go through the engagement ( exchange engagement ring ), married (divided into civil and church wedding) two ceremony, March, April, is the Italy youth choose marriage peak.The Italians in 1974 before May are not allowed to divorce, in May 16, 1974 after a referendum, the divorce rate has been high.The Italian way of burial for burial, multiple buried in the large cemetery.The Italians totally family-centered, grandmother ( Nonna) very respected - each year and even a "coolest grandma " Award (the most recent winners for barefoot jumping rapidly rotating tower Lan Tai La dance beat other competitors in the tournament ).Delicious foodItaly, also known as the spaghetti western varieties of Chinese, is most easily accepted.As Italy face legal materials, Du Lan wheat is the most hard wheat varieties with high density, high protein, high strength and other characteristics, which made Italy noodles pasta quintana was yellow, boiling resistance and good taste.Therefore, the raw materials are authentic Italy mask has the good taste of the important conditions.In addition, mix Italy face sauce is more important.In general, Italy sauce is divided into red sauce ( Tomato Sauce), basil ( Pesto Sauce), white sauce ( Cream Sauce) and black sauce ( Squid-Ink Sauce).Red sauce is made mainly to tomato sauce, the most classic Italy Bolognaise, some old cream to cheese, is a famous Italy pasta.It is likely the most ; pesto basil, pine kernels, olive oil made from the sauce, the taste is special and rich; white sauce made mainly with unsalted butter sauce, used mainly for noodle, lasagna and seafood Italy ; black sauce is made with cuttlefish sauce sauce, its main with such as cuttlefish seafood in Italy.Italy noodles with flour and we Chinese do with flour is different, it is a " hard Dulin wheat ", so not long cooking paste, this is the biggest distinction.And its shape is different, in addition to ordinary straight body powder screw type and bending type, butterfly, the shell of the Lin Lin number one hundred.

The Italian Republic (Italian: Repubblica Italiana; IPA: [�0�1e �0�5pubblika ita 'lja�0�9na]) or Italy (Italia; (IPA: [i'ta�0�9lja]) is a southern European country that comprises the Po River valley, the Italian Peninsula and the two largest islands in the Mediterranean Sea, Sicily and Sardinia. It is also called by Italians lo Stivale ("the Boot," due to its boot-like shape), or la Penisola[1] ("the Peninsula" as an antonomasia).

Italy shares its northern alpine boundary with France, Switzerland, Austria and Slovenia. The independent countries of San Marino and the Vatican City are enclaves within Italian territory, while Campione d'Italia is an Italian enclave in Switzerland.

Italy was home to many well-known and influential European cultures, including the Etruscans, Greeks, and the Romans. Its capital Rome has been a historically important world city, especially as the core of ancient Rome and the Roman Catholic Church. For more than 3,000 years Italy experienced migrations and invasions from Germanic, Celtic, Frankish, Lombard, Byzantine Greek, Saracen, Norman, and Angevin peoples during the Middle Ages, followed by the Italian Renaissance period, in which the Italian Wars took place and various city-states were noted for their cultural achievements. Italy divided into many independent states and often experienced foreign domination before Italian unification took place, creating Italy as an independent nation-state for the first time in its history. During the period under the Italian monarchy and during the world wars Italy experienced much conflict, but stability was restored after the creation of the Italian Republic.

Italy is called il Belpaese ("beautiful country") by its inhabitants, due to the beauty and variety of its landscapes. The country is home to the greatest number of UNESCO World Heritage Sites (41).

Today, Italy is a highly-developed country with the 7th-highest GDP and the 17th-highest Human Development Index rating. It is a member of the G8 and a founding member of what is now the European Union, having signed the Treaty of Rome in 1957. Inhabitants of Italy are referred to as Italians (Italiani, or poetically Italici).

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