
作者&投稿:象放 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Fossil Fuels 化石燃料 ⑴Most of the energy we use for heating, lighting, transportation and manufacturing comes from fossil fuels. These are carbon-based fuels from oil, coal and natural gas. 大部分我们用于供暖,照明,运输和制造业的能量都来源于化石燃料。这些含碳燃料产生于石油,煤炭和天然气。(“carbon-based fuels”查了词典,指的就是“含碳燃料”。) ⑵There are three main disadvantages to using these fuels. Firstly, they are causing climate problems because of the Greenhouse Effect. When we burn fossil fuels they produce carbon dioxide which causes global warming. Secondly, when we have used up all our coal, oil and natural gas, we will have nothing left to burn. Thirdly, they are not very efficient. The internal combustion engine that we use in most cars, trucks and buses, for example, is only about 14% efficient. 使用化石燃料主要存在三个方面的不足。 第一,使用化石燃料会产生气候问题,造成温室效应。焚烧化石燃料的时候会产生二氧化碳,导致全球气候变暖。第二,我们把煤炭,石油和天然气都用完后,我们将一无所有。第三,化石燃料的使用效率不是很高。比如安装在我们大多数的汽车,卡车和公交车里的内燃机大约只有14%的功率。(前面一句中的“because of”不知道在这边具体用法和想要表达的意思,所以这句话的翻译我就猜测其可能的意思。后面的一句中,我觉得这边的“efficient”表达的不是很准确。) ⑶Scientists are working on another fuel—hydrogen. There are a couple of advantages to using hydrogen as a fuel. Firstly, because two-thirds of the earth's surface is water and water is made of hydrogen and oxygen. There is an almost unlimited supply of hydrogen. Secondly, burning hydrogen does not cause global warming. Thirdly, it is much more efficient than carbon-based fuels. 科学家正在研究另外一种燃料---- 氢气。氢气作为一种燃料有几个优点。第一,因为地球表面的三分之二被水覆盖,而水是由氢气和氧气组成,所以,氢的供给源源不断。第二,燃烧氢气不会造成全球气候变暖的问题。第三,氢气比含碳燃料的使用效率更高。(“a couple of”不能看到“couple” 就这问是“两个”,我查了一下词典,其实这个词组解释为“几个”) ⑷Unfortunately there are problems with hydrogen at the present time: there is the problem of separating it from water cheaply, and there is the difficulty of storing it. It can be stored under pressure but high pressure tanks are far from safe. It can also be stored as a liquid but only at extremely low temperatures. It seems likely, therefore, that there will have to be a completely new technology before hydrogen replaces fossil fuels. Solving these problems is an urgent matter. Although China, India and Australia have huge amounts of cheap coal, and there are still large oil and gas reserves elsewhere, the effects on the planet’s climate will be bad if they are used. 不幸的是,目前使用氢气存在许多问题:如何用较低的成本将氢气从水中分离出来,还有如何储存氢气,这些都时难题。氢气可以储存在高压水槽中,但是这样很危险,也可以像液体那样储存,但是必须是在温度极其低的环境之下。因此,看来在氢气取代化石燃料之前必须研究一个完全新型的技术。解决这些问题是当务之急。尽管中国,印度,澳大利亚拥有大量的煤炭,在其他地方也有大量的石油和天然气,但是使用它们会对地球的气候带来不良影响。(“It can be stored under pressure but high pressure tanks are far from safe ”不知道理解有没有偏差。“an urgent matter ”译成“当务之急”,似乎在我们生活报道中更常用一些。)

Today I wanna to talk about the attitude of study , you know , study is a very important thing ,but a good study attitude is the key point of the mark ,so ,we need to have a right learning study attitude .
First , you need to listen carefully on class , don't sleep and play mobile phone , and ,don't forget to review after class , if possible ,preview is necessary .
That's all , thank you .

Department of Electrical
First of all, electronic ≠ ≠ electrical appliances
This is a very obvious reason.
Now, many faculties of the University of settings, many of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, for example, I have to search for an Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering http://www1.hrbust.edu.cn/xueyuan/ele1/
Do not belittle the word is actually an electrical and electronic integrated in all subjects, cross-disciplinary, which is mixed disciplines. If you are an expert in the field of electrical and electronic, that is to say you are generalists, not specialists.
This is because electrical and electronic e = Electric +, so you do not post it.
The first chapter: electronics disciplines
This subject is emerging disciplines in modern times, is the current hot spots, e-disciplinary contribution to the national economy is obvious to all. It is to lead us into a new era.
E-discipline is weak disciplines.
What is it weak?
1 features, minimal energy, a free electron, you can imagine how its size; features 2: invisible to the naked eye, a very small volume to rely on Millions of times over the microscope can be observed; 3 features: electronic products declined with the drop in volume There are a lot of space, such as liquid crystal display screens are increasingly getting smaller and smaller computer chips can be.
The second: Electrical disciplines
This subject is earlier than the emergence of electronic disciplines, is the current hot spots, electrical subject contributions to the national economy is also great. It is to lead us into the industrial society.
Electrical disciplines, electric power is strong discipline.
What is it electric?
To understand this concept, must engage understood the difference between electric and electrical contacts.
We said ≠ electrical appliances, electrical isolation is an established distribution, electrical, there is a set of electrical distribution and its surroundings are composed of a three-dimensional system. The popular, electrical appliances and related to the quality of air in the composite system.
Title III: electrical and electronic disciplines
For electricity, they will be based on the final circuit or a particular form of the electric field, otherwise meaningless. Therefore, electrical and electronic circuits, will become a hybrid circuit, the current strong and weak electric combination is a new direction. The hybrid integrated circuits will be the new hot spots and a new direction.
Fourth: the Department of Electrical Engineering, Electrical = = ≈ Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering
Now, schools of higher education is very prominent name. In our country, with "School" "College" and "University", the Institute, the Institute of the word, and for the independent external entrance of qualified units, so be it national or private colleges and universities of higher learning, can be classified into higher education Ranks.
Part V: The electrical system of the status quo
Electrical system and the existence of institutions related to the size. Under normal circumstances, the College <College <University.
As a result, the size of China's higher education is of more than 1,500 colleges and universities; As a result, the electrical system will continue to address the existence of very common.
Is the name of University College, under the Department of Electrical; is the name of the university's colleges and universities, under the Institute of Electrical. The same point, when the professional name of the students are electrical engineering, the school's day-to-day management of unit or division level.

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答:在我们的网页上,电气与电子工程专业的毕业生做得很好,收入也不错。它表明,毕业生从这种学位中受益,无论你现在投入多少时间和金钱,毕业后都会有回报。有了电气工程,你就是在帮助社会,并因此获得一份体面的工资。3.全球机遇 你很难在世界上找到一个不需要电气工程师的地方。甚至还有出国留学的机会...

我是国内本科大三的学生,专业是电子电气工程 ,想毕业后去英国留学,有什...


我是电气自动化的 现在要做一个关于我们专业的 实物 求各位大神出出主意...
答:该专业还有一些特点,就是强弱电结合、电工电子技术相结合、软件与硬件相结合,具有交叉学科的性质,电力、电子、控制、计算机多学科综合。 电气自动化专业随着晶体管、大功率晶体管、场效应管等大功率的电子器件的出现和成熟、以及建立在场的理论上、以现代数学、矩阵代数为理论依据的弱电强电控制系统更使...


答:帮助的人:80.4万 我也去答题访问个人页 关注 展开全部 实习内容:汽车电气实习报告 实习地点:武汉 实习单位:武汉欧塔科汽车设计研究院有限公司 实习内容: 随着电子技术在汽车上的普遍应用,汽车电路图已成为从事汽车行业人员必备的技术资料。目前,大部分汽车都装备有较多的电子控制装置,其技术含量高,电路复杂,让人...



答:综上,可以看到的是,蔚小理关于800V电子电气架构所需的超高压充电桩,已经到了纷纷落地的阶段,正在进行中的2023便是最值得被铭记的“元年”。而三家新势力造车的互相内卷,预计很快就将白热化。 无独有偶,除了前文提及的蔚小理之外,身为造车“野蛮人”的华为,同样盯上了该板块。而从曝光的实拍图片来看,全桩抢眼...