
作者&投稿:越研 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Canada (English/French: Canada), located in the northernmost part of North America, is one of the Commonwealth countries. It is known as the "Maple Leaf Country" and its capital is Ottawa.
Canada reaches the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Arctic Ocean in the north, Greenland in the northeast, the French St. Pierre and Miquelon Islands in the east, the United States in the South and Alaska in the northwest. The territory covers an area of 9.984.67 million square kilometers, ranking second in the world. Most of the territory is located in the Arctic Circle. The population is mainly concentrated along the southern Great Lakes.


1、Canada , located in the northernmost North America, is one of the commonwealth countries.
It is known as the "maple leaf country" reputation.
Its capital is Ottawa. The famous cities are Toronto, vancouver and so on.
Canada reaches the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic ocean in the east, and the arctic ocean in the north.
Canada is a highly developed capitalist country.

扩展资料:官方语言有英语和法语两种,是典型的双语国家。 加拿大政治体制为联邦制和议会制君主立宪制,英王伊丽莎白二世为国家元首及国家象征,但无实际权力。

Canada is the world's longest coastline in the country. The southern border with the United States, the 8,892-km-long border. Across the northern part of the sea with Russia. As the cold northern climate, only 12% of the land suitable for farming. Therefore, most of Canada's 30 million people live in a mild climate, a few hundred kilometers from the southern boundary of the strip of territory, especially with the United States bordering the lakes and St. Lawrence region, flat, fertile land and rich natural resources. Canada is the most densely populated, most concentrated in the industrial and agricultural areas. Canadian lakes. If Xiatianfei over Northern Ontario or Manitoba, you will see the water than on land, and countless large and small lakes. According to estimates, Canada has the world's seventh volume of fresh water. In addition to the lakes connected with the United States and Canada, there are also many rivers. Canada is a very rich amount of rain and snow in the country have access to adequate water, trees and crops. thus grow lush busy. And pomegranate, a dazzling Xuefeng scenery is world-renowned. Canada's forest cover to 44% of the nation's total area, after Russia and Brazil, ranking third in the world. Canada is rich in mineral resources, is a world apart from the United States and Russia, one of the biggest mines. Canada has five geographical regions. Is the eastern Atlantic regions, the central area, grassland, the west coast region and the northern areas. Eastern areas to fisheries, agriculture, forest, mining, etc.; The central provinces of Ontario and Quebec is the most densely populated areas, Canada accounted for three-quarters of the industry are located here. Savanna including Manitoba. Saskatchewan moderate Alberta province, where flat land is fertile and rich in energy resources. British west coast region, is a famous mountain and forest areas, timber, fruits, rich in marine resources and other assets; from the northern Yukon and Northwest Territories district composed abounds in oil, natural gas, gold, lead and zinc. History : the former residence of the Indians and Inuit. Into the 16th century, the British colonial government, and then he was ceded to Britain. 1867, the British Canadian province of New Brunswick as a joint federal and provincial Nuowasike homes. Britain became the first Dominion. Since then, other provinces are joining the Federation. 1926, the British recognized the increase of "equal status", plus the right to receive independent diplomacy. In 1931 and became member of the Commonwealth, the Board has agreed with the British Council equal legislative powers, but no constitutional amendment rights. 1982, Britain's Queen signed the "Constitution Act of Canada," Canadian Parliament was constitutional, the power of revising the constitution. Politics : 1867 federal Since then, progress by the Liberal Party and the Conservative Party in power rotation. 1993, the Liberal Party won the 35th federal parliament elections, as Prime Minister Jean Chretien. 1997,2000 election, the Liberal Party won consecutive Croatia sending you. In November 2003, Paul Martin was elected the new leader of the Liberal Party, in December, Chretien announced retirement. Prime Minister Martin successor. Martin came to power after the government health care, education innovation, and urban construction. enhance Canada's economic competitiveness and international status as a top priority. The Liberal Party government in March 2004 burst out corruption scandal, support rating was lowered to the lowest point in 10 years. June, plus the election, the Liberal Party, won re-election with Prime Minister Paul Martin.

加拿大有五大地理区。分别是东部大西洋区、中部区、草原区、西海岸地区和北部区。东部区以渔业、农业、森林、 采矿业等为主;中部的安大略和魁北克省是人口最密集的地区,占加拿大四分之三的制造业都位于这里;草原区包括曼尼托巴、萨斯喀彻温和阿尔伯达省,这里土地平坦肥沃,能源资源丰富。西海岸区是卑诗省,是著名的山区和森林区,木材、水果、海洋资产等资源丰富;北部区由育空和西北领地组成,盛产石油、天然气、金、铅和锌。

历史:原为印第安人与因纽特人居住地。16 世纪沦为法、英殖民地,后又被法割让给英国。1867年,英将加拿大省、新不伦瑞克省和诺瓦斯科舍省合并为一个联邦,成为英国最早的自治领。此后,其它省也陆续加入联邦。1926年,英国承认加的“平等地位”,加始获外交独立权。1931年,成为英联邦成员国,其议会也获得了同英议会平等的立法权,但仍无修宪权。1982年,英国女王签署《加拿大宪法法案》,加议会获得立宪、修宪的全部权力。

政治: 1867年建立联邦以来,基本上由自由党和进步保守党轮流执政。1993年,自由党在第35届联邦议会大选中获胜,克雷蒂安就任总理。1997、2000年大选中,自由党连续获胜,克蝉联执政。2003年11月,保罗·马丁当选自由党新领袖,12月,克雷蒂安宣布退休,马丁继任总理。马丁政府上台后将医疗保健、教育创新、加强城市建设、提升加经济竞争力和国际地位等列为施政重点。2004年3月自由党政府爆出腐败丑闻,支持率一度降至10年来最低点。6月,加举行大选,自由党再次获胜,马丁总理连任。


答:and treaties. The Canada Act 1982 refers only to Canada and, as such, is currently the only legal (and bilingual) name. This was reflected again in 1982 with the renaming of the national holiday from Dominion Day to Canada Day.对不起啊!实在没有介绍加拿大美食英语的~~~

答:I feel greatly honored to stand here and tell you about Canada.

答:China and Canada have lots in common. Both are big countries, China has most of Asia's land and Canada is almost half of the American continent. Both countries become multi-cultural ones for their large land area and open attitude to the world. And both are beautiful countries...

加拿大的饮食文化 英文的,最好带中文翻译,急!!尽快
答:when all the guests arrive, let them enjoy it. Because the dishes are cooked earlier, a long time, it will become cold dishes, Canadians call it a cold feast.加拿大人喜欢吃冷食,这种冷食不同于我们的冷盘菜肴,一般是由主人先将各式菜肴烧好,用碗、盘、碟等器皿盛好后,依次将各式...

答:仿佛我也做过这样一道题啊,那是多么遥远 Oh my god!

答:friends are very happy.After the picnic, we will produce the garbage bag away, in addition to what also don't leave footprints.It was a wonderful day.自己写的,翻译一下,上个星期天我和朋友去加拿大的公园玩。早上吃完早餐我们来到公园,天气很晴朗,空气很清新。公园里有很多和家人一起...

答:3、Etiquette in Canada, the clothing, in different places have different garb. In the Church, men with a dark suit and tie, woman wearing style stately blouse. At the wedding, the man wearing a suit or, or clothes, dressed in plain clothes without a tie. Women are not ...

答:横穿加拿大的旅行 去年秋天的一次考试后,光向东横穿整个大陆,来到多伦多探望他的同学,这次旅行的距离测量起来大约有五千多公里。他的火车从群山围绕的温哥华启程。在证实了自己的行李都在火车上之后,光就在座位上安坐下来。因为在与人交流方面有天赋,他在5分钟内就和另一个乘客聊起天来。他们的话题...

答:Vancouver is a city which is located in the west of Canada.It is a harbour city nearby the sea.The city has not many people which is only a population about over 40 thousand.Its senery is very beautiful.The city is surrounded by water and mountains.Many trees are planted in...

答:埃德蒙顿是阿尔伯塔省的文化、政府和教育中心,城市拥有轻轨运输,一年有许多节日,并有北美最大的室内购物中心——西部埃德蒙顿购物中心和加拿大最大的历史公园——埃德蒙顿堡垒公园。7 魁北克市(法语:Ville du Québec,英语:Quebek city)魁北克城是加拿大的第九大城市,在魁北克省则仅次于蒙特利尔居第二。