
作者&投稿:守雪 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Usage: used for decorative ceramic tile, mosaic, stone gap, wood, glass, aluminum plate and other materials. Method of use: 1 in tile cross positioning Putie tiles, the brick joint size ceramic tile adhesive, to be dried, for bedding filling with ordinary sealant and then, after filling with scraper to brick joint press, make brick joints remain appropriate in 1.2-2.5mm. Solidification ordinary sealant 2 to lay a foundation, use brush and clean brick joints. 3 open the aluminum bottle, mounted on the plastic nozzle. Tighten the blade, plastic rubber mouth cut into a 45 degree angle, plastic mouth slightly larger than the brick joints. 4 prepare a pot of water, used to wash sponge, overflow tile surface residue scrub construction. 5 use glass glue gun the joint agent into the ceramic tile, scraper or hand will the United States joint agent level, overflow excess material on the ceramic tile immediately with a damp sponge to wipe out, repeatedly wiping sponge, on the water in the wash and then rub. Each time with a glue gun to brick seam filling length should not be more than 0.5 meters, to prevent excess material should not be removed after curing tiles. 6 the construction preparation tools: trowel, brush, paper cutter, sponge, glue gun.

.....这是简历吗? 正常英文简历上面是不用这些"废话"的...写了搞不好还有负面效果...
(但是你问, 我还是答吧)

自学能力强: self-learning
善於思考: good at thinking
吃苦耐劳: hard working
良好沟通能力: good at communicating
富有团队合作精神: full of teamwork spirit
乐观开朗: positive
认真: earnest
真诚: sincere
正直向上: upright

较强的组织能力: strong organizational skills
活动策画能力: activity planning abilities
公关能力: PR (public relationship) capabilities

乐於向别人学习: Willing to learn from others
较强的处理人际关系能力: strong interpersonal capabilities






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