
作者&投稿:初马 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

With the globalization speeding up, the demand of information, network and increasing application of new technologies such as mobile phone, the news media between the increasingly fierce competition. TV news media shall maintain leading position in competition, besides should have certain hardware facilities, policy, and is the TV news employees to continuously improve their professional qualities, these professional quality mainly includes: the news camera essentials, News writing, The three links post-production editing. Only when these a few link to TV news programs do better, can do more to attract the audience programs. TV news is a beautiful coat with the beauty of career, but hard to JiaEChou with praise, JiERuQiu to painstakingly, timely follow-up to capture and reveals the essence of each event.
Keywords: news, video editing news writing later

楼上的狗屁不通,就知道用什么工具翻译一下,ctrl+c、ctrl+v 过来,这是什么态度,下面是我整理的:
邮票忠实地反映出一个民族的历史和文化。 他们记录这个民族的发明和成就,纪念英雄和艺术家,兑现其国家法定假期,赞美它的美丽的风景。 旅行是邮票设计师们最喜欢的一种主题,估计3000多不同的邮票有航海的特征。
面包本质上无非就是可以做出来吃的面粉和水的混合物。 面粉可以由许多不同的作物做出来,例如薯的根,土豆或香蕉。 新大陆的印第安人从印第安玉米、玉米黄(不知道 Indian corn,maize这两个玉米有什么区别)制作面粉,并且今天的美国人依旧喜欢玉米面包。没人知道人类是怎么发现小麦能被做成面包的,而可以肯定的是:起先小麦仅仅是野草。

准则12.5 :学生的沟通和代表性


答:Passengers of flight MU2568 from Chengdu, please come to the number three (No.3)luggage carousel to get your personal luggage.2、请各位旅客核对好自己的行李,以免错拿,谢谢。Every passenger please check to confirm your luggage, thank you!注:行李转盘 = luggage carousel 在英文习惯表述...


请各位高手帮忙用英语翻译一下(求职简历急需用) 万分感谢啦 ^_^_百度...
答:practice activities and work-study activities, to develop good communication skills and team awareness, a strong sense of responsibility and organizational capacity. Trust in the future theoretical and practical combination of them, there will be greater improve! 呵呵 为你工作顺利而翻译!

答:The computer is accepts the input according to the instruction, the processing data-in and produces the information electronic installation. Four type computer: Miniature machine, small machine, large-scale machinery and giant airplane. the computation function solves a series of problems, ...

答:Talk about long range education is set up a for life study type a function within society The ages knowledge renews to continuously speed nowadays, add it technological of progress and economy of the development make the for life study become more and more important.The person's ...

答:1.Hygienic clean class; 2, gymnasium; 3, female bathhouse;4, referee restroom; 5, male bathhouse; 6, duty officers observation room; 7, disabled person bathroom; 8, female bathroom; 9, male bathroom; 10, news issue room; 11, reserved lounge; 12, Tae Kwon Do hall; 13, ...

答:(1) the task-based teaching is based on real-life communicative needs determine the language learning task, students from around this one task planning and through their own efforts to achieve the plan, complete the task, and in the process of continuous assessment of their own ...

答:1、很多人都关心环境污染问题。Many people are concerned about the pollution of the environment.2、你能在图书馆找到一系列的英语阅读材料。You will find a series of English reading metarial.3、在国外工作几年后,他决定在美国定居。He decided to settle down in America after he have been...

答:请高手帮忙把这句中文翻译成英文! Can you introduce your hometown to/for me?急!请各位高手帮忙翻译成英语。 reflection on Present Situation and counter strategies of shanxi coal export 请高手帮忙把这个中文翻译成英文 Once i lost everything, how can i lose you again.帮忙翻译个句子...

答:1.桂林以山水美而著名。Guilin is famous for its beautiful mountains and rivers.2.假期的时候许多热门景点都挤满了游客。During the holidays,many popular tourist attractions are full of tourists 3.通过旅游你能了解各地的历史文化知识。You can get a knowledge of the history be making a ...