钓鱼 英语作文

作者&投稿:只严 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

Bait fishing is one of the easiest ways to catch fish. The approaches to catching fish are many--fly fishing, spinner fishing, jig fishing, trolling, and snagging to name a few—bait fishing is a good method for the beginning fisherman or fisherwoman. Bait fishing offers both simplicity and effectiveness for anglers. It is simple in that one only has to bait up a hook and throw the line in the water, and it is effective because the presence of live bait is a temptation that hardly any fish can resist!  It is said that if you give a man a fish he’ll eat for a day. If you teach him how to fish, however, he’ll eat for a lifetime. This article can help keep your belly full of fish for years to come!  Choose a location. Make sure to fish in water that actually has fish in it. If there aren’t any fish, you aren’t going to catch anything. Many newspapers have local fishing reports that will list locations and tell you what fish, if any, are biting and what they’re biting on. You can also ask around at angling shops, marinas and camping supply stores in the area. You can also check by throwing in food scraps and waiting a few minutes.

  go fishing

  my father likes fishing. he always goes fishing with his friends in autumn.

  one day, he took me to fish, too. in autumn, fish have grown up. it is the best season to fish. first, we chose a good place. then my father helped me put an earthworm onto the fishhook. afterwards, i threw the fishhook into the river. i waited for a long time. suddenly, i saw the float sink. i was very happy. i pulled it out of the water but i only saw half of the earthworm. the fish played a trick on me. i was very angry. but my father said to me, 'it takes time.

  you need to be more patient.' i tried again. a few minutes later, i caught a big fish and i showed it to my father. my father praised me, 'what a good angler you are!'

I like fishing
  Have you ever went fishing in a lake or a river or even to the ocean?I have done so.Born in a city near the coast,I loved fishing from very young.I got a lot from fishing--happinese, relaxation and so on.
  Someone may say,fishing is too boring,sitting by the lake and staring at the water.It may be so,but you can imagine a picture.In a summer evening,the sun is setting down slowly,giving off the golden light,which lightens the lake.Under a big tree sit some people fishing(you are just one of them),each has a bucket beside him.In the bucket there are some fishes,but in the lake there are numberless of them!Just imagine how happy you are when you get a fish,there is too much joy in it.
  The most interesting thing is to go fishing in the ocean.You must have eaten delicious fish which lives in the ocean,but do you ever know how to catch them?There are many ways,fishermen go far to the ocean and the farther they go,the more fish they can catch.You can enjoy the trip very much,standing on the top of the ship,let the sea wind touch your face gettlely,you will suddenly feel that you are in the heaven!You must have seen the film named "Perfect Storm",now you must know what feeling you will have on the ocean.I believe personally that fishing in the ocean is the most exciting thing in the world!If you haven't gone fishing in the ocean, just have a try.
  Now I have grew up,and have little time to go fishing.But I still like fishing very much.I will go fishing as long as I have time.Fishing gives me all that I need,thank you indeed!