
作者&投稿:刁蚁 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)
~ 01.

New year's greetings


New year's wishes/greetings/lucky sayings

在北美,很多外国人都会说“Gung Hay Fat Choy”(恭喜发财),甚至把它误以为是新年快乐的意思。

恭喜发财 "Wishing you wealth and prosperity!"



红包拿来 "give me some lucky money NOW."

红包也可以从事实层面译为Red envelope,但lucky money更容易让外国人明白它的含义。

在祝福时很常用这个句式"May you…":

万事如意 "May all your wishes and dreams come true."

新年吉祥 "May the New Year bring you luck and peace."


Wealth related ones


财源广进 "May wealth flow in."

和气生财 "May harmony bring wealth."

财源滚滚 "May wealth come pouring in."



General ones


大吉大利"May you have great luck and great profit."


年年有余"May you have abundance every year."


事业发达 "May your career take off."

Take off: (飞机)起飞,(经济等)迅速发展

生意兴隆 "May your business flourish."

Flourish: 兴旺,繁荣

学业进步 "May your studies improve."

步步高升 "May every step take you higher."

新年进步 "May the New Year bring better things."

笑口常开 "May you smile often."

身体健康 "Wishing you good health in the new year"

合家安康 "May the New Year bring prosperity, health and wealth for your whole family. "

答:拜年:pay a New Year call、New Year's greeting 1、pay a New Year call 英文发音:[peɪ ə njuː jɪə(r) kɔːl]中文释义:拜年;贺年 例句:Another time for us to pay a new year call as usual arrived and we met at last.又是一个...

答:3.send New Year wisheswish是名词希望、祝福的意思,New Year wishes则可以表示新年祝福。He sent New Year wishes to the whole family. 他向全家致以新年祝福。4.pay a New Year's visitvisit是拜访、看望的意思。We brought some gifts when we went to pay a New Year's visit. 我们去拜...

答:2、happy New Year, celebrate the festival, congratulation! Happy New Year, everything goes well and everything goes well!(贺新年,庆佳节,恭喜发财!新年好,万事顺,事事如意!)3、I wish you a thriving career!(恭祝您的事业蒸蒸日上!)4、happy New Year, celebrate the festival, ...

答:拜年:pay a New Year call、New Year's greeting。pay a New Year call:英文发音:[peɪ ə njuː jɪə(r) kɔːl] 中文释义:拜年;贺年。1、May joy and health be with you always.祝您永远健康快乐。2、Wishing you and yours a happy happy...

答:中中释义 拜年  [bài nián]  [pay a New Year's call;wish sb.a happy new year] 春节期间,向别人祝贺新年 双语例句 1拜年是中国民间的传统习俗,是人们辞旧迎新、相互表达美好祝愿的一种方式。  Pay a New Year Call is a way people deliver their wishes and usher ...

答:英文春节拜年词如下:1、Hope everything will be ok in the coming New Year.祝你在即将到来的新年里一切顺利。2、A New Year greeting to cheer you from your daughters.愿女儿的新年祝福带给你快乐。3、To wish you special joy at the holidays and all year.祝你在节日和新的一年中享有...

答:拜年 [bài nián]拜年的英文释义:pay a New Year call wish *** a Happy New Year pay New Year call 拜年的英文例句:孩子们给他们的父母亲拜年,得到压岁钱作为新年礼物。Children greet their parents and get lucky money as new year gifts.我会去给亲戚拜年,同朋友一起去玩。I will ...

答:拜年的英文:pay a New Year call.守岁的英文:stay up late or all night on New Year's Eve.1、pay的读音:英 [peɪ],美 [peɪ]。2、释义:v.付费;付酬;交纳;偿还;赢利;创收。n.工资;薪水。3、例句 Accommodation is free — all you pay for is breakfast and ...

答:拜年的英语:"Happy New Year!"1. 经典拜年祝福语(Classic New Year Greetings):Wishing you a Happy New Year filled with new hope, new joy, and new beginnings!(祝你新年充满新的希望、新的快乐和新的开始!)May the coming year bring you prosperity, good luck, and tremendous ...

中国春节的习俗英文版急急急!!!要短一点的 带翻译和题目
答:(拜年,即是新年期间走访亲朋好友互贺新年的一种方式。)New Year greetings is an important activity during the Spring Festival. It is a way for people to express good wishes to each other.(拜年是春节里的一项重要活动,是人们相互表达美好祝愿的一种方式。)Visit relatives to see friends...