
作者&投稿:籍国 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

four-year college career

My answer to this question is YES. Banks play in the development of industry and wealth. It is more than just an institution for people to save or withdraw money. The real nature of banks is exchange. Without exchange, when man was in the savage or pastoral stage, he produced for himself everything he consumed.For example,(自己举几个例子,比如生产面包的要花钱买面粉,付工资给工人直到面包售出等等,一个例子约三十来个词吧)。These conditions would be as nearly impossible without banks as would be an efficient exchange system without money

Furthermore, If everyone who needed to borrow money was forced to search about for someone who had just the right amount to loan, there wouldn't be much business.

On top of that, banks are storehouses where the equivalent of money may be accumulated and loaned for the purpose of creating more wealth.

if most banks went bankrupt after the crisis, that would be a disaster to the economy. Even though most deposits (such as savings and checking) at registered banks may insured by the government (also in some cases you could not get all your money back according to your account type and balance). People stll lost big time and didn't trust anyone to hold a nickel. If we do have a major bank collapse, it will domino from one to another and the losses will be more than can be covered.

As we know ,Books can tell us a reason ,Reading in the summer, enthusiasm, no one would deny that summer hot and passion, read you, will you read a passionate summer. Book is not only knowledge of treasure, but our mentor, it can teach us how to composition and how to do it. In the us alone, it like a great friend as comfort you. A difficulty, it will give us the answers, Encounter difficulties, it will help us and give us strength. Reading water, is the source of life, Reading flower, life is the emotions, Reading is a kind of comprehension, reading is soil, is cultivated flowers resources.
书可以告诉我们道理,书不仅是知识的宝库,而且是我们的良师益友,它能教我们怎样作文,怎样做 人。在我们孤单时,它像大朋友一样安慰你。有疑难时,它会给我们解答;遇到困难 时,它会帮助我们,给我们力量。读书,在绚烂的春天。没有人会否认春天的温暖和浪漫。读你,就像读一个五彩的春天。读书如水,是生命的源泉;读书如花,是生命的情怀;读书是一种感悟,读书是土,是栽培花朵的资源。


In general,there are two ways of learning: reading and practicing.

Some people believe that reading is a critical part of learning and growth. Finding the right book at the right time can light an emotional spark within us that motivates us to read more, understand more, and read joyfully. When that happens, the world opens. Everything becomes possible.
The benefits of learning by reading are as follows:
The first,the cognition for natural phenomenon will be more comprehensive by reading: we can learn that the reason of the round and lack of moon,the change of seasons and climat and the day and night and establish a scientific cognition.

Second,we can quickly browse the brilliant history and culture of ancient and modern.

Third,reading make us absorb the mistakes of the past and amend.the policy of abatement of tax is a good example.

Fourth,the improvement of personal qualities:we are deeply influenced by understanding the emotional expression of literati such as Li Bai's uninhibited joy,Wen Tianxiang's patriotism and Mulan's firm.

Last but not least,we can master the knowledge of science for our future life.


However, others believe we learn by doing, and learn best from first-hand and concrete experiences, using our senses, exploring our environment of people, things, places and events。

In my opinion, it should combine the two ways of learning, while reading can make us understand rapidly and comprehensively the development of things,but But it can make us understand the things more profound and more specific.

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