
作者&投稿:玉迹 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

这是美国诗人 Emily Dickinson 的名句

When I came to the Beihai Park, I saw all the surrounding scenery, did not expect, the Beihai Park is so beautiful. There is really a beautiful Niaoyuhuaxiang. If the level of the lake on the mirror, Piaozhao only one boat, only to a small ducks on the lake with pleasure in playing. Boat drift off, leaving a mark of the water, the sun's shining, sparkling, like many Yinxie spreading in the lake, a very beautiful. Ruyu the Baita white like a white girl as Tingtingyuli, Yam in the tree into the Qiongdao background, all the more beautiful. Where the clear water through the end of the water the fish swim freely to travel to, like playing in the water inside play, on the surface of the Lotus launched its own the most beautiful side, for everyone to enjoy with. Fence edge of the green willow branches flying the wind, like a root of the girl-long hair. Baita in a high mountain, far If viewed as one-hyacinth, like a rocket about to launch, like a tall crown
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感谢您为 Google 翻译提供翻译建议。我们会利用您的建议在将来更新我们的系统时提高翻译质量。 When I came to the Beihai Park, I saw all the surrounding scenery, did not expect, the Beihai Park is so beautiful. There is really a beautiful Niaoyuhuaxiang. If the level of the lake on the mirror, Piaozhao only one boat, only to a small ducks on the lake with pleasure in playing. Boat drift off, leaving a mark of the water, the sun's shining, sparkling, like many Yinxie spreading in the lake, a very beautiful. Ruyu the Baita white like a white girl as Tingtingyuli, Yam in the tree into the Qiongdao background, all the more beautiful. Where the clear water through the end of the water the fish swim freely to travel to, like playing in the water inside play, on the surface of the Lotus launched its own the most beautiful side, for everyone to enjoy with. Fence edge of the green willow branches flying the wind, like a root of the girl-long hair. Baita in a high mountain, far If viewed as one-hyacinth, like a rocket about to launch, like a tall crown <br> .

When I came to the Beihai Park, I saw all the surrounding scenery, did not expect, the Beihai Park is so beautiful. There is really a beautiful Niaoyuhuaxiang. If the level of the lake on the mirror, Piaozhao only one boat, only to a small ducks on the lake with pleasure in playing. Boat drift off, leaving a mark of the water, the sun's shining, sparkling, like many Yinxie spreading in the lake, a very beautiful. Ruyu the Baita white like a white girl as Tingtingyuli, Yam in the tree into the Qiongdao background, all the more beautiful. Where the clear water through the end of the water the fish swim freely to travel to, like playing in the water inside play, on the surface of the Lotus launched its own the most beautiful side, for everyone to enjoy with. Fence edge of the green willow branches flying the wind, like a root of the girl-long hair. Baita in a high mountain, far If viewed as one-hyacinth, like a rocket about to launch, like a tall crown

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