
作者&投稿:春固 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1Mark is shocked by the beauty and strength of CHINA.
2 I apologized to my teacher for being late .
3 Suddenly,the sky was covered by the cloud.
4 The house belongs to his father.

1.对有些人来说,赞美别人可能是再自然不过的事(pay...a compliment)
To some people,it can't be more natural to pay others a compliment .

This kind of machine is superior to it's competitor in many aspects.

3.我相信你自己能解决这个问题,再试试吧(work out)
I believe you can work out this problem by yourself,go and try again.

4.不管是谁指出我们的缺点,我们都应该改正(point out)
Whoever points out our weakness,we should correct it.

5.保护环境,人人有责(play one's part)
Play our part and protect the environment.

We urge him to reconsider about his decision,but he is still stubborn.

If one does not agree, then we had to vote.

Like a car needs fuel in order to activate the same, young people need energy to a long body

She thought she would accompany the box, but it was too heavy, and as a result, she couldn't move it at all.

The car is too hot to boil egg inside.

It is not easy to predict the head of economic development.

Modern education must encourage students to have a sense of responsibility .

He feel shy and insecure when he just enter the college.

I never experienced such a situation ,I really don't know how to cope with it.

Firemen's work can be very risky sometimes.

1. People are not slaves to anyone, not to be slaves and Health. Even if bullying was not yield, even if not despair experienced disaster, faced injustice and fear can not correct, not to ingratiate himself with an animal yield.
2. Half of the so-called life is happiness, half of the suffering, a person is happy, he is not unique, that people only think of happiness, to forget the pain and effort to become well-being and work. Only in this way can people truly happy, but, more happiness has been as painful.
3. Only truly grateful, respected each other, will automatically Di Xiatou to an appropriate degree of courtesy to others, it is only natural thing, whether or not to do it, depends on the individual's character, not more than this serious problem.
4. Leading to the death of fear and greed killed the unrest, before dying of pain, most people can not erase the original feelings, these are all fear.
5. Hatred, it is not in human physical and mental Yinan Chu bottoming out the source of human strength is a sudden increase in the core of life, and sometimes it can override the fear of death into force.
6. Splendid beauty of the outside world, the intrinsic to the blood painted, when the world by the integration, was full of terror and despair when the world will become a dark grain.

. The human is not anybody's slave, is not to be the slave to live. Even if is bullied not to submit, even if the bitter experience disaster is not discouraged, meets the unfair timing to be able not to dread corrects, does not submit to the animal curries favor with

1. People are not slaves to anyone, not to be slaves and Health. Even if bullying was not yield, even if not despair experienced disaster, faced injustice and fear can not correct, not to ingratiate himself with an animal yield

2. The so-called life is half happy, half are suffering, a person is happy, he is not unique, that people only think of happiness, to forget the pain and effort to become well-being and work. Only in this way can people truly happy, but, more happiness has been as painful.

3. Only truly grateful, respected each other, will automatically Di Xiatou to an appropriate degree of decency

4. Leading to the death of fear and greed killed the unrest, before dying of pain, most people can not erase the original feelings, these are all fear.

5. Hatred, it is not in human physical and mental Yinan Chu bottoming out the source of human strength is a sudden increase in the core of life, and sometimes it can override the fear of death into the power of

6. Splendid beauty of the outside world, internal to the painted Blood, when the world by the integration, was full of terror and despair when the world will become a dark grain.

答:4.看她的父亲 look after her father 5.在房间里唱歌 sing in the room 6.要不要给他回信 reply him or not 7.别在街上玩球 Don't play ball in the steet.8.去车站怎么走 how does the way to the station?9.来写字 come and write 10.改变我的观点 turn my view 11.住 live 12...

答:1. How much is this? / How much are these?2. It's a little bit expensive. Can it be cheaper?3. Is there a little larger size for this kind of clothes / shoes?4. I can only speak a little English.5. Please speak it slowly, my English is not so good.6. I don...

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答:9)I'd like to speak to...我想跟(谁)说话。。。 --〉换句话说“我想找。。”10) Could you put me through to...?你可以给我传(电话)给。。。嘛?11)Can I take message?我可以(帮你)留言嘛?12) Can you ask her to call me back ?你能让她给我打回来吗?13) Who's ...

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答:5.That dog scared me half to death a moment ago.6.That year he was selected to be King.7.Sometimes he plays pork only for fun.8.it's easy to take a pill.you just need put it in your mouth and swallow.9.I sized her arm and dragged her out of the crowd yesterday.1...

答:3.他抬起头看了看黑板 He lifted his head up to the blackboard.4.这位老人太累了再也走不动了 The man is too old to walk.5.昨天我把书落下了 I left my book here yesterday.6.上星期天我们在公园里玩的很高兴 We had a wonderful time in the park last Sunday.7.到了我们回家的...

请高手帮我翻译10 个句子,谢谢啦~!
答:8.大学毕业才一年,她就从一个追求梦想的青年变成了一个凡事都无所谓的庸人.It`s within one year that she went from one person who pusured her dream to one person who cared about nothing.9.我已经获准进入那个地区进行采访,这可不是人人都能得到的机会.I had been given the permission ...

请各位帮忙翻译几个句子, 好的话追加5分 多谢
答:chocolate cake.20. 警察用指纹来帮助他们识别谁是真正的骗子 The police force uses the finger prints to help them identify the fraudster.21. 我的肌肉很僵硬,所以教练建议我换一些灵活的练习。My mussels are stiff, so my coach suggests me to change to some flexibility training....

答:Jan gets up at 6 every day.5、地板很脏,我要去打扫一下。The floor is dirty, I need to turn it out.下面的是把英文翻译成中文 6、What's your job? I'm a postman.你做什么工作的?我是一名邮递员。7、Look at Mary. She's very well.看看玛丽。她很健康。