
作者&投稿:柴疤 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

很负责地告诉你,你这句话原文应该是“身后有余忘缩手,眼前无路想回头”。因为中文这种语言很灵活,你稍微俩字不注意就有意思上的天壤之别。你看看你这“忘”字错成“望”字,意思不同了对吧。首先,翻译是个技术活,翻译不是把文字一个一个照搬过去就完事了的,还要考虑到翻译过去的那种语言的惯用表达法。因为是“翻译”而不是“照搬”,翻译应该是把句子的意义完美转换,而不是把字词完整照搬。所以要想得到正确的、完美的翻译,首先要把原语言的意思搞明白。“身后有余忘缩手,眼前无路想回头”网上给出的大概意思:“不要老觉得荣华富贵是可以持续绵延的,不要总是去想尽办法到争夺权力的战场上去抢一块肉、分一杯羹。人生在荣华富贵的诱惑面前,不要眼前无路才想回头,身后还有余的时候忘了缩手”。我的理解就是:还有退路、支援的时候不懂得珍惜这个机会,偏偏要等到眼前危机临近火烧眉毛死到临头的时候才去后悔。有点“为什么总是只有等到失去了才懂得珍惜呢”的意思在里面。所以进行意义(而不是字词)上的语言转换:When you still have a way back you didn't value it,you must want to go back when you cannot move forward anymore.(这句英文直译是:当你还有退路的时候你没有珍惜,而你偏偏在你再没有前进的路的时候你才想后退。PS:其实我再把它翻译成中文时也采用了部分意译和语序置换的办法,为了更符合中文的句子的说法。)以上给出的是一种翻译,因为是那样理解的。若是理解成警句格言的形式就是“还有机会的时候就得抓住机遇,不要等到无路可退了才来后悔。”:Holding the chances when you can still catch them,do not regret only when you lose everything。(这里的lose everything是“失去了一切”的意思,也可以用“无路可退have no way turning back”来替换。)当然我没说我的就是最好的,正确的。有强大的人肯定能做得比我这个更好。我只是给你一个参考。翻译这样的句子,首先要理解。你理解了什么,就怎么去翻。而我的理解是这样,所以我就这样翻了。我所能做的只是给你方法,给你钥匙;而不能给你结果,给你成功。

Cheng's father passed away two years. Has not portrait. One day he chanced to meet an old beggar was exactly like his father. Words like go home, so that artists painted Zhang shining portrait of his father. That have enough to eat a good addition to the daily management, the complete text of the money and then give a beggar 50. Beggars very pleased agreed.郑二就把自己的好衣服拿出来给乞丐换上。 Let painter painting shining. Painted painted, this old beggar will open the hearts of small thinking. The less the value of these clothes are also dozens of two fine silver. If can think of ways to wear these clothes to go and that this winter may frustrating. The next day, the basic outline of unfinished until after. Beggar to be convenient to look at, they took the opportunity to turn back wall gone.

Culture and inland marine culture
To generate their own culture by relying on the basis of geographical differences as the basis, we can both East and West were reduced to inland and marine-based culture of culture, but also the so-called "yellow civilization" and "blue civilization."
"One party to support soil and water", different geographical difference to the people in the West different way of thinking. Chinese people use the intuitive thinking. Insight, subjective, flexible, often gives people a wider space of thinking. Westerners pay attention and logical thinking, focus on sophisticated analysis of the whole into detail, so that systematic, a single, to ensure objectivity and empirical research on the premise of things. Therefore, in the creation poetry Chinese people pay attention to performance, Westerners focus on reproduction.
China stresses the stress is subtle and for the United States with a light, lyric by King, King Hongtuo atmosphere, create a mood, leaving the reader full of imagination. Poetry and the West that if Liu's first "Snow" and "absolutely Qianshan Niaofei / IMIS million people out Drive / Guzhousuoli Weng / Hanjiang Ice fishing alone," he depicts is a lonely without loneliness, of man and nature Rong, Youyuan and deep emotion. Also, Ma Zhiyuan "Tian Jing Sha Qiusi," he almost did not use an expression of the feelings of the word, only the "Ku Teng," "tree", "Arthur fainted," together with simple, very few will outline a T Jiliao a bleak picture.
Western poetry emotional stress unrestrained, frank clear to feelings of agitation for the win, pay attention to describe features in response to arouse people's hearts, to express themselves from the subjective consciousness. If Lermontov's "sail", the poet let their own feelings, as a yacht, the campaign has so emotional carrier, emotion in sports, sail in search, the search for a maximum presence, as has the fan There is the constant negative, certainly a final "as if only disturbed by the turmoil can be stable," the spiritual world
Conservative culture and open culture
Was born in the semi-enclosed nature of Confucian ethics, teaching people to re-light soil relocation, Anpinledao, Richuerzuo, Sunset and income, so that people in the long tradition of precipitation in a closed inert psychological and down-to-earth conservative way of life . Therefore, the "love" word, the literati are often denied or disdain the statement. This is also China's more than love poems written in the reasons for the marriage. In ancient China, "with the four Great dress U-turn" in the Confucian view is a shame, only Laodao silly pessimistic people are willing to openly Yanshi in Shengse Jiqing, such as Li Jie Zhou and Sui Yang Di后主, but for the world Criticized. Chinese Love Poems and the real quality is often farewell Daowang. Such as the Su Shi's "Jiang Chengzai" and "the vast two decades of life and death, not thought since the unforgettable." Li Qingzhao's "Who Ling few more haggard and try to light without meaning, Taxue no mood" and "break everything Wushirenfei , The phrase to tears wash flow. "
The source of Western culture in ancient Greece and ancient Rome are in the peninsula on, multi-faced sea, marine transport developed, prosperous maritime trade, which makes these countries form an open society. Intense social unrest and frequent personnel exchanges, and the choppy, unpredictable ocean formed the opening variation of the cultural character, created a flexible, open, courageous, enterprising, and cooperation of the national spirit, hard work and self-advocacy. Therefore, in the West attaches importance to love, "love first" slogan. Would prefer to divorce rather than yield, is precisely because of this, Western Mutual, the unity of marriage phenomenon Bibi revealed. Westerners Love Poems written with the basic pre-marriage, and most men to women reflects the feelings of love. Byron wrote of the "reputation - if I am interested in you, you are not Aiting loud boast; Zhuozhuo is to look at her eyes - she also knows: I do not Peibu Shang her!" Is the West When men seek interest in the portrayal of women.

Culture and inland marine culture
To generate their own culture by relying on the basis of geographical differences as the basis, we can both East and West were reduced to inland and marine-based culture of culture, but also the so-called "yellow civilization" and "blue civilization."
"One party to support soil and water", different geographical difference to the people in the West different way of thinking. Chinese people use the intuitive thinking. Insight, subjective, flexible, often gives people a wider space of thinking. Westerners pay attention and logical thinking, focus on sophisticated analysis of the whole into detail, so that systematic, a single, to ensure objectivity and empirical research on the premise of things. Therefore, in the creation poetry Chinese people pay attention to performance, Westerners focus on reproduction.
China stresses the stress is subtle and for the United States with a light, lyric by King, King Hongtuo atmosphere, create a mood, leaving the reader full of imagination. Poetry and the West that if Liu's first "Snow" and "absolutely Qianshan Niaofei / IMIS million people out Drive / Guzhousuoli Weng / Hanjiang Ice fishing alone," he depicts is a lonely without loneliness, of man and nature Rong, Youyuan and deep emotion. Also, Ma Zhiyuan "Tian Jing Sha Qiusi," he almost did not use an expression of the feelings of the word, only the "Ku Teng," "tree", "Arthur fainted," together with simple, very few will outline a T Jiliao a bleak picture.
Western poetry emotional stress unrestrained, frank clear to feelings of agitation for the win, pay attention to describe features in response to arouse people's hearts, to express themselves from the subjective consciousness. If Lermontov's "sail", the poet let their own feelings, as a yacht, the campaign has so emotional carrier, emotion in sports, sail in search, the search for a maximum presence, as has the fan There is the constant negative, certainly a final "as if only disturbed by the turmoil can be stable," the spiritual world
Conservative culture and open culture
Was born in the semi-enclosed nature of Confucian ethics, teaching people to re-light soil relocation, Anpinledao, Richuerzuo, Sunset and income, so that people in the long tradition of precipitation in a closed inert psychological and down-to-earth conservative way of life . Therefore, the "love" word, the literati are often denied or disdain the statement. This is also China's more than love poems written in the reasons for the marriage. In ancient China, "with the four Great dress U-turn" in the Confucian view is a shame, only Laodao silly pessimistic people are willing to openly Yanshi in Shengse Jiqing, such as Li Jie Zhou and Sui Yang Di后主, but for the world Criticized. Chinese Love Poems and the real quality is often farewell Daowang. Such as the Su Shi's "Jiang Chengzai" and "the vast two decades of life and death, not thought since the unforgettable." Li Qingzhao's "Who Ling few more haggard and try to light without meaning, Taxue no mood" and "break everything Wushirenfei , The phrase to tears wash flow. "
The source of Western culture in ancient Greece and ancient Rome are in the peninsula on, multi-faced sea, marine transport developed, prosperous maritime trade, which makes these countries form an open society. Intense social unrest and frequent personnel exchanges, and the choppy, unpredictable ocean formed the opening variation of the cultural character, created a flexible, open, courageous, enterprising, and cooperation of the national spirit, hard work and self-advocacy. Therefore, in the West attaches importance to love, "love first" slogan. Would prefer to divorce rather than yield, is precisely because of this, Western Mutual, the unity of marriage phenomenon Bibi revealed. Westerners Love Poems written with the basic pre-marriage, and most men to women reflects the feelings of love. Byron wrote of the "reputation - if I am interested in you, you are not Aiting loud boast; Zhuozhuo is to look at her eyes - she also knows: I do not Peibu Shang her!" Is the West When men seek interest in the portrayal of women.

Confucianism is born in half seal natural environment ethics, which teaches the people in China treasuring the earth and not to move frequently, being content with human original life, no mater rich or poor, just be happy. Working in the daytime, and resting at night. This kind of thought caused the people to immerse themselves to a close and inert psychology and a kind of conscientious and conservative life style. Face to the world “love” literary intelligentsias often refuse to talk about or treat the world as a disdainful manner. This is also the reason why Chinese love poem always writes after marriage. In the ancient times in China, all the day around the wife is the shame from the Confucianism’s view. Only some so called disappointed, bored, pessimistic, and misanthropy people is willing to express their demeanor blatantly. The famous representative is Emperor Zhou in Shang Dynasty and Emperor Yangdi in Sui Dynasty. But this kind of people always denounced by the later generation. In china, the true high-quality of love poetry is written for farewell and mourning. For example《江城子》is a famous mourning poem written by Sushi who is live in Song dynasty
These two poems are both written by Qingzhao li, who is a famous female poem live in Song dynasty .the first poem is called《临江仙》,and the second poem is called《武陵春•春晚》both these are famous poems in china, and both these are reflected the missing which the poet want to give her husband.
The so called the origin of western culture is ancient Greece and ancient Rome, which both located in peninsula. Abounded by the see, and the sea communication is developed rapidly, add up to the brisk navigation trade, western country became an open world. Intense social agitation, frequent personnel intercourse, mighty waves turbulent and unpredictable sea, give the open and flexible culture atmosphere to the western people. The special situation molds the western culture to be a nimble, open, brave, and enterprising and cooperation national spirit. In the western, people think highly of love, they believe that “love is the first”. They choose divorce, instead of give in. Is just because of this kind of thought, nearly all the people living in the western marry whom he loved best. Love poetry in the western often writes before the marriage, and almost reflected the man show his admire to the female


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