
作者&投稿:晁疯 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1.Americans value time highly, and they resent someone else "wasting" it beyond a certain appropriate point.Time is considered precious.Because Americans believe no one stands still. If you are not moving ahead, you are falling behind. Time is one of the two elements that Americans save carefully. Americans are in a rush — often under pressure. City people always appear to be hurrying to get where they are going, restlessly seeking attention in a store, or elbowing others as they try to complete their shopping. Racing through daytime meals is part of the pace of life in this country. Almost everyone uses the telephone to conduct business, to chat with friends, to make or break social appointments, to say "Thank you", to shop and to obtain all kinds of information. Telephones can save amounts of time. It is taken as a sign of skillfulness or being competent to solve a problem, or fulfill a job successfully, with speed in American.
2.Time is precious , we want every minute to count. After a busy day of studying at school, I'd like to do something to relax myself. I would search the Internet to learn about some world news. And meanwhile I would collect some information that I am interested in. While I would never play computer for more than two hours. I think it's harmful for my vision. Instead of searching the Internet , I read many different kinds of books to enrich my knowledge. I really agree with the saying : Book is our best friend and best teacher. To be honest, I could never live without books. so I think these programs can widen my horizon after school.
More than those entertainments, I will do some part-time jobs. I can make some pocket money in the way. What's the worse,it makes me have a stronger sense of saving money. For me, everyday is valuable and rich. Sometimes I would be very busy, but I feel satisfied. There are so many things to do that my life is meaningful.
3.Mixed marriages can cause many problems within the family. Due to the fact that the couple has a different family background, culture, and custom, and social class level, many disagreements can occur. Religion can be a problem. If the two has a different religion then the other one, there is a problem. Because some religions celebrate certain holidays while others don't. In Christianity, for example, Christians celebrate Christmas while Buddudists don't. Eating habits can also be a problem. One might eat certain food the other don't or dislike. After all, their offspring will encounter problems too. Childrens who are mixed are not likely to be accepted in certain areas in a community. They often have a hard time fitting in. Interracial marriage is not a good idea, but it is still alright to marry someone who is different than you.
4.“What’s true love? True love is your soul’s recognition of its counterpoint in anther.” People often asked what is true love this kind of question and answer also naturally complex diverse, think differently. However this an answer seems to be the most comfortable is I heard a, don't talk about possession, don't talk about dedication, no entwine, more not enough sorrow, it his is the most simple the most enjoyable part is original and deepest part -- sure, appreciation and recognition. When we love to be sad, when the pain, entanglement, we should think about, what kind of first love? It is to let a person feel the agreeable bathed in sunshine, is a kind of active and readily happy feeling, to inspire people, to stimulate the creativity and imagination what people sensitive cells. Remember, happily to love, and be full of creativity to love, is we need.
5.In school, the lovers can be found here and there. They are very close to each other. Some people think that too many close relationship has a bad influence. It requires lover too much time and energy. In addition, their intimate relationship to spread themselves and the other for the attention of students. Campus should be a place for learning and should keep atmosphere of learning.
On the other hand, some people think that it is good. Love is all right to pursue students in school and intimacy is a natural expression of love. Some scholars believe that "students' rights" self-expression should be respected.
In my opinion, all people should do is to let it go. University students who are adults, they can handle their own things have to be good enough. However, they had to admit, the school is where people accept education, their main task is to learn. Therefore, students should by the appropriate way to express themselves.
6.My parents give me the best education in my mind.Thanks them very much.I love them! I love them so much! I love them with all my heart! Thanks them for bringing me up! Thanks them for raising me. They teach me a lot. I know how hard they have worked during the past 20 years. I can imagine how many difficulties and obstacles they have conquered. I can imagine all the problems they have faces and sweat and tears they have shed to my life better. I can fully understand what a huge responsibility it is to raise a child. They have been very patient with me. They have encouraged and they have been helped me, They have made a lot of sacrifices and many difficult choices. I also know that they have great expectations of me. They want me to very successful and happy. They want me to be the best person I can be. They want me to do great things with my life. They want me to make the world a better place.They want me to be a good man.They set a great example for me.
7. Imagine a world without leisure and enjoyment! We would all be drudges and consequently would be no better than animals. I can only imagine people with bowed shoulders and lowered eyes, people who have no light in their eyes and no hope in their world. As it is. things are pretty had. People are always busy - busy with work and busy with idleness. No - No. I'm not trying to be witty but people are busy with nothing to do because they do not know how to make use of their leisure. But of that later, for the time being let me stick to the point - all work and no play would he a monotonous existence.
Man has always been busy with the effort of fulfilling his needs. In the early stages man spent his time hunting and then ploughing. but these activities did not fill up his whole day. Today man is busy keeping up with the Joneses. he is the company of his kind in the rat race that he runs. It is no longer a question of survival but a question.
8. Currently, more and more people come to wonder whether we should work to live or live to work.
Some people hold the view that we are encouraged to work to live because a large number of people earn their living for money to improve their living conditions.Without enough money,we are not able to afford what we want.
However,some people believe that we ought to work to live.If we find there is nothing we can do,the meaning of life would not exsisit.It is not money but the what we contribute to the society
that plays an indispensible in our mental satisfaction.
Personally,I agree that plenty of people work to live in order to lead a better life.But the rich pay much more attention on the mental demand and obviously they live to work.

9. in morden society,people is confronted with more pressure and as a result there is a growing tendency for people to get some mental problem.consequently,it's increasingly importang for us to reduce the pressure.
how to reduce your pressure ?my suggestion is following:
1.taking one of your favourite sports:i find that,when you are doing the sports,it's easily for you to forget what is troubling you and thus you will recore your energyand self-confidence.
2.talking to your intimate:many study suggest that your will feel more ralax after you reveal your trobule.
3.if your find it your are alone and your are not good at any sports,your can beat your pillow as heavy as possible.i think it will contirbute to the reduction of your pressure.
the morden society is more competative and i am a man of ambition.i am always try my best to work hard in persuit of my dream--------to be a man of prominence.i konw that more time and more patience ,but i want to success as soon as possible.i also konw the road leading to my success is tough ,but i have no choice.what i need to do and have to do is going ahead!
10. China has 12-kilometer radius: the ocean cannot appearances are deceitful measured. I think that a person's name and appearance does not determine his life. A man can succeed, success big with small, the key lies in his ability to have much stronger. This ability to solve practical problems including the skills and dealing with problems good state of mind. And these are not born, or mostly through our study gain. As for mentality, that is more important. Many people have talent, so what did their talents, to how to express oneself of talent, how to let the companion talent show available to us, is a very good ability; And how to deal with the relationship success and failure, how to turn pressure into motive force, these are also the key to success psychological quality. If the skill is an objective existence, so good state of mind is subjective initiative. In short, your attitude determines your altitude.

In the two years of college life, I majored in Finance and Banking and get the base thought of this subject.
I love this specialized subject a lot.
My hometown is far from the town where my college was located. Once when I went back home, I found stuff much cheaper than that near my college. Consequently I as well as some friends came up with a intention to run a trade of these goods.
We made a research about preference and consumption level of students in our college, on the basis of the price differences between the stuff from our college and my hometown.
We rent a store in our school and sold some tasty snacks chosen according to our research , the prices of which were acceptable, and some other things whose prices were cheaper than that sold in college,
The a part of the profits were deposited fixed, while another part speculated on stocks, and the rest were used for travelling.
As a result, I realized that Finacial and banking could offer me a theoretical system for researching the relation of market and currency, while its career prospects contributes to my performance of skills.
I hope to be engaged in a financial institution with any luck, which would help me gain some experience for later pioneering.
The information about your college is learnt from my sister, who has graduated from your college. In once a conversation we spoke about this college by chance, and her description made me so longing to study here, especially when I leant that it's quite outstanding in finacial and banking.
I believe that I could learn more at your college and develop myself well in the future. What's more, the reasonableness of qualified teachers and the long history of establishment attract me to a great extent.


The international students of Beijing University are from all over the world. When they met each other for the first time, there are quite a few problems in greeting etiquette, because each nation has their own unique greeting culture. People express their feelings not only by spoken language but also the unspoken language through physical distance, actions or posture. English people, for example, do not usually stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries appear more enthusiasticly in touching eachother at their first meet. Studying cultural customs for body language is very important. It can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads.



The international students of Beijing University are from all over the world. When they met each other for the first time, there are quite a few problems in greeting etiquette, because each nation has their own unique greeting culture. People express their feelings not only by spoken language but also the unspoken language through physical distance, actions or posture. English people, for example, do not usually stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries appear more enthusiasticly in touching eachother at their first meet. Studying cultural customs for body language is very important. It can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads. 累死了,根本看不清!

The international students of Beijing University are from all over the world. When they met each other for the first time, there are quite a few problems in greeting etiquette, because each nation has their own unique greeting culture. People express their feelings not only by spoken language but also the unspoken language through physical distance, actions or posture. English people, for example, do not usually stand very close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet. However, people from places like Spain, Italy or South American countries appear more enthusiasticly in touching eachother at their first meet. Studying cultural customs for body language is very important. It can certainly help avoid difficulties in today's world of cultural crossroads.

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