
作者&投稿:赞齐 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)

1 If you want to visit Chengdu, come in July.
2 You can get a glimse of the way people in Chengdu enjoy their live
3 Everybody can find his or her fun, and nobody will leave this city with regret

i make notes in the back of my diary of things to be mended or replaced
it has been directed against those least able to retaliate

2. Can you give me some suggestion? 3.Memorizing worlds is good for learning English. 4.His world very upset me. 5.The story end up by a picture. 6.Frist, let"s listen to the radiao. 7.Frist, we dou"t have enough money . 8. Are you afraid if you are in home lonely . 9 .He have diffcult in making compelet worlds. You should use your. 10 .world what you"re learning to write yours special worlds. 11.I got big mererize about Shanghai. 第一个实在是英文能力有限

1. Mr. Green has a unique teaching style.
2.Can you give me a suggestion?
3.Remembering words is helpful to learnEnglish.
4.His words made me frustrated and disappointed.
5.The story ends with a painting.
6.First, let's listen to the recording.
7.At first, we do not have enough money.
8.Are you afraid of a person at home?
9.He has difficulties in making complete sentences.
10.You should use the grammar which you are learning to write your own original sentences.
11.Shanghai has left me a deep impression.

1、Mr.Green has a unique teaching style.
2、Can you give me a suggestion?
3 To learn English words have the help very much
4 His words make me frustrated,disappointed
5 The story to a painting over
6 First at all, let's listen to the tape
7 At first , we have no enough money
8 Do you fear a person at home
9 He made a complete sentence in difficulty
10 You should use your grammar is learning to write his original sentence.
11 Shanghai left a deep impression on me

1Mr Green has a speciai teaching style
2Can you give me a suggestion
3Remembering english word is helpful for learning english
4I feel upset towards his words
5The story are ending with a picture
6First,let us listen to the tape
7At first,we did not have enough money
8Are you afraid to be alone at home
9He had difficulty in making a sentence
10You should use the grammar you are learing now to make your own sentences
11Shanghai left a deep impression on me


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