
作者&投稿:石砖 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)




英文:Feels emotion does not need to spend one's last years, the dark fragrant fluctuation exactly, heartless not necessarily is renounces, so long as I you am recording: Initially sees when each other smile.

日文:I AMの录音限り感情が不人情必ずしもある放弃する最后の年、暗く香りがよい変动を丁度过ごす必要はないことを感じる、: 最初にいつ互い微笑见る。

韩文:I 당신 AM 기록 한 정서가, 무정한 필요하지 않게 다는 것을 포기한ㄴ다는 것을 자기의 마지막 년, 어두운 향기로운 동요를 정확하게 보낼 필요가 없는는다는 것을 느낀다: 처음에 언제 미소 본다.


法语:Juge que l'émotion n'a pas besoin de passer des dernières années à un, la fluctuation parfumée foncée exactement, sans coeur est pas nécessairement renonce, à condition qu'I vous enregistrement d'AM : Voit au commencement quand sourire.

德语:Glaubt, daß Gefühl nicht braucht, letzte Einerjahre, die dunkle wohlriechende Fluktuation genau zu verbringen, herzlos ist nicht notwendigerweise verzichtet, solange I Sie morgens Aufnahme: Sieht zuerst wann Lächeln.



It's not necessary that love should be existed with life
Just like is OK
It's not end without love
Just remember
Our smile when met each other



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答:I am so glad to have you as my sister. You treat me so well, and you concern about me all the time. When we are bored, we can have a good talk. I do regard you as my sister, and treating you well before has nothing to do with liking you.新的学期我会为了我的梦想...

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答:through...and through... 一遍又一遍 Didn't want to feel the wind of depression,本没想到会感到如此地消沉 and will never give my heart to another person.我的心也不会交给第二个人 Tend to think that time could heal,心想:时间可以愈合我心里的创伤。tortured .. struggled...我被折...

答:翻译问题:(a) 社保 Social security (Malaysia, Singapore)/Social insurance (England); 公积金=Employees Provident Fund (Malaysia);Central Provident Fund (Singapore)(b) 对分? separate?(c) 进入公司后=Since I joined the company? Or: You haven't joined?(d) 公积金培训=direct ...

答:楼上的那位仁兄,翻译的话在后面加上“一定准确”,会给人以误导的。你的翻译前面两句就已经有很明显的错误了。No matter how good the things are, they will be lost one day...如果你是由于打字匆忙导致的错误,那么请在确定你的答案“一定准确”之前重复检查几遍!再好的东西,也有失去的一天...

答:1.音乐是无形的,我们能听到和感觉到,但却看不到;2. 她忘了把信放入信封了 3.女皇的侍从们老是围绕着她 4.她爱她的猫咪,并且经常拍拍它的背 5 这家饭店隶属于一家大型连锁店,而且你可以在这个国家的每个城市里看到它 6.在晚宴上,黑色西装比白色西装更适合;7.琳达的账户上有500元存款 8...

答:Let it all burn in the fire 让冰封印 Let it all be frozen 让所有的一切一切 Let it all 化作尘土 Turned into dust 化为稀泥 Turned into mud 随波荡漾 follow the wave 随风飘扬 follow the windy 并最终化为一个孤独的你 and at the end become a lonely you 我在国外居住哦!~...

答:仆人Hannah最常走进这房子,Diana和 Mary 每天近来一两次,三天过去了,我感到好多了,起了床,我走进厨房里,Hannah也在厨房,她转过头面向我说:"你来这之前有没乞求过某人?"起初,这话让我很生气,然后我又记得我是怎么进入这屋子的.面对着Hannah,我看起来就像是乞求者."你跟这个家庭生活多久了?"我问道...