
作者&投稿:潭谦 (若有异议请与网页底部的电邮联系)


neither (包括 either)有四种用法:

1. 副词:表示“也不”,如:
You don't like this book. Neither do I. 你不喜欢这本书, 我也不喜欢。

2. 形容词:与单数名词或代词连用,表示“即非此又非彼的”或者两者都不的,如:
Neither statement is true.两种说法都不正确。
(比较:Neither of the statements is true. 解释见后)
He took neither side in the quarrel. 在争吵中他任何一方都不参加。

3. 连词:与 nor 搭配使用,表示“两者都不...; ”或者“既不...也不)”(谓语通常与最近一个名词[代词]相一致),如:
Neither you nor I am wrong. 你和我都没错。
Neither you nor I, nor anybody else knows the answer. 你、我以及其他任何人都不知道这答案。

4. 代词:意思是“二者都不”(见上面形容词用法),如:
Neither of the statements is true.
He took neither of sides in the quarrel.

* 形容词用法,结构为 neither + 单数名词:
Neither statement
neither sides
* 代词用法,结构为 neither of + 复数名词:
Neither of the statements
neither of sides

1、 run(现在分词)_running__ 2、France(形容词)__French ___
A:What __would_you _like__,Miiss Hu?
B:I_like_ something _to_ eat.
A:What _about_some chicken?
B:No,_thanks__.I think I like a hamburger.
A:_Would_ you like some _fruits__?
B:Some bananas,please.
A:OK._Here_ you are.
B:__Thank_ you.

My brother __was_ __born_ _on__August 8th,1993.【具体日期用on,只有年份用in】

5、I was born in 1975.(就1975提问)
__When_ __were__you born?【时间就用when提问,系动词要注意变化】

I __was__ born on May 13th,1975.(am)【am的过去式是was】
Help _yourself_ to some fruit,Jim.(you)【固定搭配】
Of all the boys,Li Lei is the __youngest__.(young)【形容词最高级】
Children like _funny__(fun) stories.【名词变形容词形式】
He often __stays__(stay) at home in the evening.【动词的第三人称单数形式】

7、act(名词)__actor___ want(过去分词)__wanted__

8、( A) We are in ___same class,but my seat number (座号)is different ___ Jim's number.【班级特指的那一个,用the,different from 不同于,固定搭配】
A.the,from B.the,with C.a,from D.a,with
( C)My mother often ____stories to me in the evening.【tell story固定搭配】
A.says B.say C.tells D.tell



1、 run(现在分词)_running__ 2、France(形容词)___French__
A:What __are_you __doing_,Miiss Hu?
B:I_want_ something _to_ eat.
A:What _about_some chicken?
B:No,__thanks_.I think I like a hamburger.
A:_Do_ you like some _fruits__?
B:Some bananas,please.
A:OK._Here_ you are.
B:__Thank_ you.

My brother __was_ _born__ _on__August 8th,1993.

5、I was born in 1975.(就1975提问)
__When_ __were__you born?

I __was__ born on May 13th,1975.(am)
Help _yourselves_ to some fruit,Jim.(you)
Of all the boys,Li Lei is the __youngest__.(young)
Children like __funny_(fun) stories.
He often __stays__(stay) at home in the evening.

7、act(名词)__action___ want(过去分词)___wanted_

8、( A ) We are in ___same class,but my seat number (座号)is different ___ Jim's number.
A.the,from B.the,with C.a,from D.a,with
( C )My mother often ____stories to me in the evening.
A.says B.say C.tells D.tell

1.running 2.frank

A:What __do_you want__,Miiss Hu?
B:I_want_ something _to_ eat.
A:What _about_some chicken?
B:No,__thanks_.I think I like a hamburger.
A:_Would_ you like some _fruit__?
B:Some bananas,please.
A:OK._Here_ you are.
B:Thank___ you.

My brother _was__ _born__ _on__August 8th,1993

5、I was born in 1975.(就1975提问)
_When__ _were___you born?

I _was___ born on May 13th,1975.(am)
Help _yourself_ to some fruit,Jim.(you)
Of all the boys,Li Lei is the _youngest___.(young)
Children like _funny__(fun) stories.
He often _stays___(stay) at home in the evening

7、act(名词)action_____ want(过去分词)_情态动词没有过去分词 不过过去式是wanted


1、 run(现在分词)run 2、France(形容词) French
A:What do you want,Miiss Hu?
B:I want something to eat.
A:What about some chicken?
B:No,Thanks.I think I like a hamburger.
A:Would you like some fruit?
B:Some bananas,please.
A:OK.Here you are.
B:Thank you.

My brother was born onAugust 8th,1993.

5、I was born in 1975.(就1975提问)
When were you born?

I was born on May 13th,1975.(am)
Help yourself to some fruit,Jim.(you)
Of all the boys,Li Lei is the youngest (young)
Children like fun (fun) stories.
He often stays (stay) at home in the evening.

7、act(名词)action want(过去分词)wanted

8、( A ) We are in ___same class,but my seat number (座号)is different ___ Jim's number.
A.the,from B.the,with C.a,from D.a,with
( C )My mother often ____stories to me in the evening.
A.says B.say C.tells D.tell

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10个英语问题 回答并解释 谢谢了...
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